(Xbox)-Losing my 50k login reward to error code 111 and multiple other bugs

LexyTheKiller Member Posts: 54
edited February 2021 in Bug Reporting

I was levelling up my Dwight and then I got a error code 111 and sync error. Keep in mind that the progress was not saved and I had just gotten my 50k login reward. So I restart the game and boom there goes my 50k. As well I had a third year party starter in the blood web. This is the second time I am saying this. And surprise the unbroken emblem is still broken after the bug fix. I have not been able to rank up and no the mmr system to me is based on rank. Since rank reset I went from rank 1 to a stand still on rank 9. And by this I mean the mmr system is just trash. I have around 1.7k hours and I’m still getting paired with grey ranks that have less than 20 hours in the game. I have been playing often and at least I know how to run a killer but the teammates I have run into the killer so to me there’s no excuse.

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