Dead Hard from a skilled killers POV

RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

There's no problem with DH I've never lost a game because someone used DH. I just can't believe how many people are salty about DH. Especially with the desync issues where I can literally hit a survivor around a corner. Learn how to chase, learn how to force a survivor out of position, and just get better at the game.

I'm saying it now if you have a problem with DH as a killer then you just aren't good at killer and you should probably spend less time complaining and more time working on improving. In my eyes killers who complain about DH are the equivalent of a salty face camper that loses every game. Get Good.

Also yeah I do play survivor about 40% and killer about 60% and no I don't use DH I used balanced landing as balanced gets me out of situations more frequently than DH ever did. So call this bait call me a survivor main do what you please. The fact remains that if you have issues with DH as a killer you gotta get better at the game.

Post edited by RoachesDelight on


  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    I love how you salty fools dismiss everything as bait. I have literally zero problem with any perk in this game. I enjoy going against good teams and I enjoy going against good killers. Going against easy teams and bad killers just isn't fun. If I get killed at the end of the game cause of NOED then oh well I shouldn't have got hit that's my problem.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    When I play as killer, it is way easier for me to keep chasing a person who just used sprint burst because I know they wont have anything else.

    IMO Lithe can be way stronger than Dead Hard, the only issue with it is that you get hit when vaulting things anyway so the speed you get from the hit kinda erases lithe.

    And again, it comes down to SWF or solo. In SWF, you'd tell your buddies you need to be healed and go to one of them, in solo, you either waste your time finding a team mate or you use self care, and well.... that is like 30+ seconds of someone being useless.

    Every time I start a chase with a survivor, I just get in my head that they might have dead hard, even without knowing, so if I know they cant get to a safe zone, i try to bait it, if they are near a safe zone I usually just swing. If they don't have it, great, if they do, I just try to keep in mind if the place they're at is good enough or not.

    Strong loop and I have no perks to help me like bamboozle, enduring etc? Where they good in the chase so far or just camped pallets? Depending on what I saw from the chase so far and how much time I was on it, if any gen was done or not, I make the decision to continue chasing them or not.

    A lot of gens are also on those stronger loops, so if the chase keeps going, I'll pass gens, and can see if there's anyone on there and how much progress they have.

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    Oh I really don't care how people take me fact remains that if you have issues with DH you just suck and you need to get better

  • DH to a safe loop can delay that first hook by 30 seconds or longer or cause the killer to break chase entirely and start afresh on someone else. This is HUGE and everyone knows it, it's why old DS was so strong. That first hook is crucial to the killer and anything that delays it means you need a hell of a strong snowball later or you lose.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    If Killers keep complaining about Dead Hard, I'm going to start complaining about Devour Hope. There's very good arguments for nerfing it significantly.

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462


  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    Dead Hard For Distance annoys the heck out of me but I don't know if it really needs nerfing. Ideally I'd remove the dash forward, but have it activate endurance (and deep wound if hit) for a few seconds so it's more reliable for tanking swings but can't be used to "artificially" extend loops.

    Oh, and remove dead harding through trapper traps. I think it works by removing the survivor's hitbox during the dash, kinda cheeky to get a good trap set up, lure the survivor to the trapped loop, and they just dead hard through the trap while you get your leg caught in your own trap.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    I agree.

    As a Rank 1 killer main I've never had a problem with Dead Hard. I even like to use it when I play survivor. Is it a really good perk? Heck yeah. Is busted OP and "press E to outplay?" ***** no.

    I'm not sure why we're suddenly seeing all these nErF dEaD hArd threads. My guess is there's a lot of newer killers because of the event and the issues with survivor, and with matchmaking as goofy as it is people are struggling to compete against experienced survivors with good perks.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    I deny it.

    Even if you're just 'dead harding for distance' you still have to route well and time your DH well or you'll still get hit. You only get 0.5 seconds of I-frames. Skilled killers value precision over quick reactions. If you're missing a lot of attacks due to DH you need to work on baiting the perk out better and only attacking when you know you can get the hit.

    And for people who say Dead Hard can undo a survivor's mistake I would respond that players with Dead Hard take bigger risks because of it. Without Dead Hard injured survivors would just play it safer and drop pallets faster. That just doesn't seem as exciting to me.

  • SilentHillOnDvD
    SilentHillOnDvD Member Posts: 487

    Show me gameplay of your killer against 4 good survivors running dead hard. You'll see that when they dead hard for distance to that jungle gym or killer shack, you'll change your opinion.

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    I can easily pip against 4 good survivors no problem. Why? because I understand routing and positioning and I know when to go for someone and when not to go for someone. If survivors do outplay me and cause me issues and make me lose well then good for them it's gonna happen sooner or later. I don't expect to win every single game on either side and when I lose I reflect upon what I did wrong and fix my mistakes and move on. I don't run to the forums in a post game rage and barghhhh nerf this nerf that I lost and I only lose because the game is unfair waaa. That's not how things work.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Truth be told, the only time I have a real problem with DH where it’s complete utter BS is when it makes the survivor invincible and makes me whiff a hit in a completely absurd circumstance, such as when they turn around and DH into me, or they’re DH into a wall.

    That’s when it totally pisses me off, when my weapon is passing through them like they’re temporarily a ghost. DH shouldn’t allow stuff like this to be possible. It shouldn’t make a survivor temporarily invincible. It should only allow the survivor to avoid a hit because of the distance it creates between the survivor and striking distance.

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    Soooo essentially nerf because there are good players and good players aren't allowed to have perks that are considered to be good because you aren't good enough to stop them? Laughable. Oh they were on the other side of the wall so I know I 100% should have got them, yeah sure you do.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    A good survivor dodged your power?

    That's so unfair.

    We should nerf his perks.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    So I take a perfectly predicted shot through the wall but THEY are the one's playing good for pressing E.


    You make literally no sense whatsoever.

    Also I know the shot was 100% accurate because guess what: Tournament players STREAM.

    I got my POV and theirs.

  • Sadsnacks
    Sadsnacks Member Posts: 677

    I agree with you 90%

    The one instance where I felt like DH needed a nerf I was in a match where I kid you not every survivor I started a chase with ran an infinite loop and then just as I thought I was about to get them to drop the pallet they would DH and reset the loop. This happened EVERY chase. Literally it was 1. Find survivor 2. Initiate chase 3. Survivor enters god loop 4. Almost get them to drop pallet 5. Survivor uses DH and resets loop 6. A gen is completed 7. Break chase so as not to waste more time and go find a different survivor 8. repeat. Tbagging and post game chat harassment from survivors ensues. But that's more of an issue with the poor map design than anything else.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Like I said on that thread, I do chase them.

    Aren't killers the same ones saying survivors should all assume the killer as noed so clean totems? so how is that valid but it's weird if a killer assumes someone has dead hard?

    Nowhere in my post i said to not chase them, I said to think about what you're doing and see what is worth doing or not....

  • SilentHillOnDvD
    SilentHillOnDvD Member Posts: 487

    You can easily pip against 4 good survivors running dead hard? Easily? Show me some of that gameplay please. Show me how to counter dead hard when they use it for distance

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    It’s hard to read that though from the very first chase. The best at that point after a successful DH to safety is to abandon the chase because no more time can be afforded to waste.

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    How about we take sprint burst, dh, lithe, balanced and maybe even adrenaline just completely out of the game because it allows survivors to gain some distance on a killer which is faster than them. Actually better idea let's it make it so the running speed of a survivor is walking speed and walking speed turns into base crouching speed and if you wanna crouch well then you aren't allowed to move so a killer can instantly get to you

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    I mean... you get less than half a second of i-frames once per chase and only when you're injured. You make it sound like survivors have an invincibility button they can push any time they want.

    Have you ever tried Dark Souls? I'd bet you'd hate it. Players have a repeatable and uncounterable dodge roll move that undoes a mistake that should have resulted in them getting hit. It's terribly designed.

  • Dingo88
    Dingo88 Member Posts: 219

    I prefer lithe to deadhard but when playing killer it's pretty easy to bait a DH out of them

  • single player design in a multiplayer game is how I would describe it too. In fact the whole game at times feel like killer was designed to be an A.I, by that I mean so much on the killer side has huge and obvious counterplay but a lot of things on the survivor side have none. It's very strange design.

    This video really shows the power of DH imo. If people don't like tru3 thats fine because I've seen a lot of other high profile players suffer the same fate.

    1st down should have been 56 seconds in. 1 gen would have been done regardless. Killer could have then gone on to interrupt a different gen. Instead one quick DH for distance and the chase goes on, no pressure for the killer and tru3 has to abandon chase effectively leaving him over a minute into the game with nothing to show for it. The early game is so crucial for killer.

    I post this video because I've experienced the same situation numerous times. You should have an early hook so you can defend gens but one DH for distance and you then either have an extended chase early game which is extremely damaging to any killer and can cost the game, or you have to abandon the chase which is pretty much the same.

    Its why I keep saying a second chance perk should never activate before the 1st hook. Nobody can look at that video and say DH is fair and balance. It's just people who don't understand balance or who want to keep their crutch. People used to defend old DS, infinites and mettle of man ffs

  • Dingo88
    Dingo88 Member Posts: 219

    I like to record my games then watch them back its good as I can C if it was a mistake on my half or not and sometimes it is

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Ohh my bad maybe I should play go different game if I didn't want to chase people the first chase is always the most important for every 1 s you are doing anything the 3s survivors have to do something