DH shouldn't be nerfed

It's the one powerful survivor perk that can be baited out
Some killers have abilities that LOOK like M1 to screw with survs too, e.g Wraith starting the bell hit, survs see killer moving and just hit E
It's the one powerful survivor perk that I, as a killer player, find fun interactions with where it becomes a sort of mindgame scenario between me and the survivor
We're getting DS and OoO nerfs, which were the only 2 perks that I think are TRULY unfair, please chill a little
Not another one. You can't bait out DH used for distance to reach a pallet or window.
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Personally, I don't mind DH as long as other aspects of game are getting balanced, mainly the early game. If there was more time for long chases, less people would hate on DH.
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Sure, if solo difficulty gets paired with SWF difficulty and some perks are made base kit, i'm fine with "balancing" early game
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Both of these are true, and not super important problems. Maybe the devs could add a stipulation for being in a chase, but that would make DH basically useless against stealth killers and nurse. The best option in my opinion is to leave it as-is for now.
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I agree completely.
I'm genuinely baffled by all the 'nerf DH' threads that have been popping up recently. DH is easy enough to play around most of the time and makes for more interesting chases because injured survivors with DH are more likely to take risks rather than playing it safe and dropping the pallet early.
And people who complain about 'Dead Hard for distance' need to understand that that's literally the function of the perk. Buying you time in a chase to reach the next window/pallet is exactly what exhaustion perks are for. I find DS/UB users far more annoying than DH, because I can't do anything about their perks.
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Press “E” to outplay is not fair and not balanced.
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hits from another dimension also are not fair and balanced.
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I know. It’s getting fixed in next patch. No reason to complain about it when it’s getting changed, just like complaining DS now.
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They want fix it in next patch, that doesnt mean it will be fix. This "Devs" have no idea what they do sometimes.
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DH is pretty balanced what I find annoying is SB I think its bit better then dead hard, but they are fine were they're at just cause its annoying doesn't mean its unbalanced
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I agree devs like to make some questionable decisions. But this desync is quite a huge problem, and it affects all players.
So I think It’ll probably be fixed quite soon. I certainly hope so. They did say their top priority now is this issue