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General Discussions

Spirit almost needs stridor

Member Posts: 3,089
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

Now I know many people hate spirit stridor but the amount of iron will players I've tan into in my week of playing spirit is insane at least 23 and iron will is almost the equivalent of calm spirit vs doc so stridor is almost nessciary to play iron will players because you can't even track them by breathing with iron will

Edit for clarification its almost needed it's not vs people that dont run iron will but foot steps are quiet unless they are running on wood and I would agree on just using scratch Mark's but half the time they go off in a direction they the surivor didn't go so i dont trust them

Post edited by onemind on

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  • Member Posts: 2,785

    You can hear footsteps and environmental sounds, if you're good, you won't need it.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I play Spirit a lot and never use Stridor. It's difficult but it isn't impossible to catch Iron Will users. Saying Spirit needs Stridor to do well is false, you just need more practice without it.

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    It really isn't, all you have to remember is that you don't have to attack straight out of your power. Although Iron Will is very good against Spirit, coming out of phase when you can no longer hear footsteps / see scratch marks prevents you from becoming overly confident in using your power and allows you to then track survivors without having to rely almost completely on sound.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    No 😘

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Not really, it just makes her a lot easier. It's kind of like training wheels - you don't need it and if you're u take it off you will get better, however for a while you will be getting bullied.

  • "you can hear footsteps"

    lol are these people playing 2018 DBD? most surfaces barely make footsteps these days. Don't worry OP, I always avoided Stridor on spirit too until I I was getting like 3 iron will survivors per game.

  • Member Posts: 82

    I'm terrible, I can't even track with WITH Stridor!

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Spirit still has ways to track survivors and it honestly makes her okay to fight as you can actually out mind game her

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    If the Spirit is winning against survivors running Iron Will and she's not running Stridor, those survivors are complete potatoes.

    Even semi competent survivors in this scenario would trash a Spirit. This turns every Spirit play into her guessing.

    Can you still 4k the majority of your matches even at rank 1 without Stridor and them running Iron Will? Of course.

    This doesn't descredit my first two statements because the majority of the survivor player base is potatoes.

    It's like saying I can 4k regularly at rank 1 with Clown using no perks or addons. Does this mean Clown is strong? No, it just means most people aren't good. Even a semi decent team would destroy this.

    People get disillusioned by kill rates and misinterpret what they convey. IE correlation vs causation.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    *Spirit shouldn't be allowed to use Stridor*


  • Member Posts: 828

    I like how people act like chase music doesn't completely drown out sounds for 75% of your ability time

    you can tell who doesn't really play spirit much

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    God the chase music for killer needs to be cranked way down. So irritating having it blow out all your tracking.

  • Member Posts: 369

    This is why stridor kills the only counter on spirit. Personally running stridor on spirit feels like i'm cheating on using killer, nowadays i just do play for fun killer or survivors depending on which queue is faster. No need for 4k or no need to escape. Just having fun with it this is just a casual game.

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    Yea but it is also stopped when phasing so I wonder if that Is a give away to the scare crow/stand still trick is happening

  • Member Posts: 828
    edited February 2021

    chase music only stops after what seems like 75% of your ability time is gone

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    If sounds worked as intended then I would say no Spirit doesn't need Stridor. With how sounds are almost constantly bugged (still have that muted dying state survivor bug, you know the one they "fixed" like 6 times now, yeah it's still there and common) I would say that perhaps she does.

  • Member Posts: 915

    i tried it for a while without Stridor. You can hit non-IW survivors straight out of phase because the tracking is much more precise.

    With Stridor, it's more like a general sense of direction or presence, but on-point hits are more difficult.

    Nonetheless i'm using it again because Iron Will is dangerous on some maps (you don't have grass on every map and not every ground allows for footsteps). 2 survivors with IW (which isn't exactly uncommon) can cost you the whole game. I don't like to "focus" on survivors who don't have it only because they go down quicker, that's unfun. The louder breathing/ non-injured sounds are also a great thing.

  • Member Posts: 282

    Meanwhile my hearing impaired ass will never be able to play Spirit...

  • Member Posts: 1,624

    You mean like how versing Spirit requires Iron Will?

    Tough luck.

  • Member Posts: 2,207

    Pull a samantha and get 2k headphones, equip spacial sounds and crank the volume all the way up. Then you might not need stridor.

    As for everyone else, Stridor is a very good pick as sounds in this game really do not work, especially on the reworked maps.

  • Member Posts: 3,089
    edited February 2021

    Sorta funny being able to tell who plays spirit and who dosent spirit allready loses her vision due to her power and she has to use sound

    but it's funny when people think that the deaffend and semi blind killer is fair but she uses a perk to be only mostly deaf if they have iron will and bam unbalanced

    Like their grunts of pain are only 25% that is almost what 5m where you can hear them

    (correct me if I'm wrong I just didn't feel like finding out)

    And not every map has tall grass everywhere

    So as I have seen some people say

    If the spirit is running stridor not her problem or tough luck

  • Member Posts: 608

    Sorta funny how people pretend like spirit is hard without stridor. The only legitimate thing being said in this thread is that chase music is too loud. I've done perfectly fine with spirit without needing stridor.

    I'm not having a problem with $40 headphones. The only issue is sounds of the game covering stuff up. Chase music, plague whispers, someone spamming vault, etc.

  • Member Posts: 1,624

    LOL at people needign to buy 2k Audeze Headphones for Spirit. You will be fine with cheap $10 headphones. I say this as an LCD3 owner.

  • Member Posts: 1,624

    I love how killer mains on this board can 4K Rank 1 survivors because "majority" of survivor players are potatos.

    But then complain how DS is unfair, UB is unfair, DH is unfair, 4 gens finish before 2nd hook, can't win unless survivor make mistakes, so hard can't play yada yada.

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    Notice how the best killer is one that dosent but can capitalize off mistakes nurse has to predict where the Surivor will be and use her second blink to adjust spirit dose a simmlar thing with sound but in one shot while having full control over her power deathslinger that dosent miss dosent have to capitalize off surivor mistakes as well just quick reactions and a bit of knowing how fast your spear will go to hit them

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited February 2021

    Truth hurts.

    You also don't understand those statements are differentiating between average games and good survivors.

    You're using causation and correlation interchangeably when they are not synonymous.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    While I don't think she needs it, having improved hearing for a killer that loses visuals does help. Audio can be irritable to sort through with multiple layers of noise.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    I've been doing clown rank 1 no perks/no add-on challenge which is what I typically do after new killer/reworked killer comes out for a week to gauge their base strength. let's just say... that playing clown no add-on/no perks is good way to develop mental depression for killer.

    The correlation vs causation is probably whats makes developers hold back killers in general and makes killers feel very miserable/less powerful than they should be at.

  • Member Posts: 13,671


    People interchange correlation and causation a lot these days without understanding the difference.

  • Member Posts: 16,669

    Spirit does not need Stridor. Its cheap.

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    Never said its required just almost required

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