Meg is the best survivor

I love being a Meghead. She's a cute athletic girl that never deserved to get sucked up by the entity. Her lore is amazing, cosmetics are amazing, and perks are amazing. People who say her visual design is awful don't know what they're talking about. Whenever I play killer and the last survivor is Meg, I'll always give her hatch because anyone that plays this queen deserves it. Easily my favorite survivor and second favorite character behind Spirit. I will forever support all other Megheads and carry around my Meghead legacy with pride!
You sound like a meghead
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Yep, because Meg is the best
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Meg was my first and so she will always be special.
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Hey no need to be rude to Meg culture
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That should've been obvious in my posts about Spirit before
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Pretty much, I know I'm a dirty boy
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Meg's have a much higher chance of being cooler than other Survivors, but there are still "Rotten Megs" who wear flashy outfits and bully Killers that should not be considered a true "Meg" so to speak. That being said, we should respect them as Killer mains at least. They are one of the very few Survivors who actively engage the Killer in the fun ways, not like Claudette's and David's who are the worst.
Spirit should also be loved by all, but only as a cute Japanese girl and a cute Japanese ghost. These are objective facts.
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Gosh she is not cute...
Just compare them...
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That's true they all look like sh1t tbf, but Meg being cute? ...
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I am a meg that has an iq above -100 thank you very much
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Ah finally someone spittin' facts. Ace is cute.
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Looks like you have different tastes. That's fine, I love Meg a lot and you don't have to.
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"Delete this post immediately." - Pyramid Head.
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This is worse than Hentai's subreddit
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Given that Meg is one of the loudest survivors, whether injured or healthy, and given that your profile pic is the Spirit...
This is jebait so that this Spirit player can have an easier time finding loud Megs
Post edited by Nos37 on2 -
It’s also a fact that I became a Meghead before I started playing Spirit a lot.
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Meg 👏 stan 👏solidarity
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Meg was my first survivor main and I still play her frequently. She's a cutie but oh my god does she have some of the ugliest heads/hair (besides nea).
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I don't understand how meg can have the most outfits in the game, yet all of said outfits be ugly asf.
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They have been pushing the tom boy jock thing ever since she was created so most of her outfits revolve around that.
They just now have gotten around to realizing they can stylize her to be more feminine instead of dressing her up like a boy all the time.
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The preference a person each.
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Aye I like Feng too, she’s definitely my second favorite survivor
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Agreed, Meg and Nea are the only ones I actually bought cosmetics for and my Meg is my favorite.
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OK cool, but the Clown? He makes your waifu look F tier
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Clown is best guy. Don't care what anyone else says.
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I think Meg is the best girl in DbD*
*if one excludes the actual people that play them, in terms of skill and/or toxicity
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i thought you were talking about her perks, becausse indeed she is the best survivor (perks based) the rest not.
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I like Nancy more tbh.
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Meghead here I have to agree I've played a few characters but none of them were as good as Meg I don't understand how or why but I do better as Meg than any other survivor no matter what perks I bring or what I wear I'll always do better with Meg just can't explain it lol
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I mean, Yui and Laurie are kinda cute to me, but Sally is the one for me, I'd date her lol, she literally dates one of my mains canonically speaking! Sally a waifu tho!
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Personally I’d go with Kate, but to each their own.
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I didnt draw all of them, but here we go
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Yeah real cute /s
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You misspelled Quentin but ok
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Hard disagree.
To the last Meg who decided to rob me of hatch the other day and revealed to me the darkest side of humanity...
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Meg is ugly af. She looks like quentin and nea had a baby
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Heck yeah! Meg mains sound off! :)
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I’m not sure why she has such a bad reputation. I used to main Meg for a long time and I’m a great teammate. I play the same way regardless of what survivor I’m using. I also get quite a lot of decent Meg teammates. I seem to have more issues with Nea, Feng and Nancy players. I swear they love to unhook in front of the killers face without BT.
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Meg is nice. But Claudette is better 👀
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completely forgetting about Dwight
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Meg culture love it 😄
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Because everyone's experience is different. Usually the Megs i get are useless. Obviously that doesn't mean all Megs are bad. It's just another stereotype. This game is full of them.
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As a straight man, I will gladly take any male survivor in the game over Meg. Get that smooth brain, 5-head, billboard-brow away from me.
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It’s because they’re haters and are jealous over Meg
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You can't spell Quentin without QT
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Get that smooth brain, 5-head, billboard-brow away from me.
I can't 🤣
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How could you not like this? <3
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If I see a lobby with more than one Meg in it I dodge. No offense to Meg players here but I can count on one hand the number of competent Megs I encounter. They do her rep no good. The whole 'Meg head' thing is not a meme it is actually real.
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I RETIRED FROM THE FORUMS BUT AWOKE FROM THE DEAD TO WELCOME YOU TO THE MEGHEAD SIMP SQUAD <3 she's so cute and fashionable (sometimes) and can braid her own hair so well?? I suck at braiding my hair I respect her so much. Thank you for making this post, you're brave for saying you main her because we get a lotta flack for being stupid but that's okay :)! Good luck in your next matches and have fun-- Also, try playing as her in her pink skirt outfit and oktoberfest braids omg ;w;