I died on my first hook five games in a row today.
Can we PLEASE start punishing our teammates for not saving us before our second or third phase on FIRST hook. All of my games have been like this for the past week, it's the most frustrating thing ever.
First, I get screwed over by the seven foot wide hitboxes, then I end up getting put in basement, last no one saves me even though the killer isn't camping or is any where near me. Even when I got hooked dead center of the map around three generators, everyone continued to do gens 20 feet from me and let me get to my second phase. Now since I'm dead on hook, the killer tunnels me to death, nearly EVERY game has been like this.
Please fix the damn hitboxes already and start punishing the trash teammates.
Maybe run kindred. Also I don't usually prioritize saving a bad teammate over other things so maybe consider how you are playing.
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On average I do about two/three gens and try to unhook every teammate I can, plus I can run the killer for over three minutes and I always lead the killer to other side of the map where gens are already done.
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I hate being left on first hook too but punishing survivors for that would punish survivors that can't make a save due to camping killer and would also lead to more unsafe saves because survivors would rather risk that than be punished for waiting until it was actually safe.
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It happened A LOT today to me as well. I dunno why. I legit entered 2nd phase one my first hook in like 3 out of 5 matches and died on 2nd hook just as much most of the time while two or 3 of my mates work together on a gen. I mean if you work with other ppl on a gen, you should be able to count 1+1 together and one should leave to unhook >_>
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Good point, but I wasn't camped once during these matches, I just got paired up with ######### teammates
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Add Kindred and see if it improves
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That's solo queue for you
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Unfortunately that's usually how it is. I took Kindred off because it felt like I was left on first hook when it was safe to unhook me but unhooked right away without BT when the killer was standing right there. Players will not make a move to save someone on first hook then complain when they don't bother to struggle when they enter second state. It's unfortunately a problem with solo q.
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Just had another game where I entered 2nd phase on 1st hook. 1 person was legit right next to me and didn't even think about coming to unhook. When someone finally decided to come, I was already nearly dead and tbh I was toxic and just suicided when he was about to unhook me - so many FUN games today, its amazing!
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If you are the first one hooked THAT often, maybe you need to learn to hide better....
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No, people should learn to hide LESS and go for unhooks instead of crouching around doing nothing or doing gens with multiple people.
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I know you did not just say that, I was hooked half way through the game genius. After doing two gens MYSELF, I get found eventually and then cucked over by the GAINT hitboxes.
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I was playing survivor today, running Kindred and ran Pyramid Head around the map until he finally caught up to me and put me in that Cage of Atonement which spawned directly beside a Dwight working on a generator. We were far from the Killer.
It would have taken him just a few steps to rescue me, but instead, he finished the gen, ran past me all the way to the other side of the map to work on another generator. He outright ignored me. A Meg in the distance noticed the guy left me there, and tried to run a direct route to grab me before I was at the equivalent to struggle phase, but got caught and was hooked in the basement. Neither of the 2 team mates left even tried to rescueus and we both died on first hook/cage. It was insanity lmao.
Do I expect them to be punished? Nah. I mean they got what they deserved in the end (both hooked pretty fast). You have to wonder what goes through some people's heads lol.
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Agreed, thank you.
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I'll try, but it sucks to waste a perk slot on something my teammates are causing.
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Prime directive: Repair Gen. Do not stop repairing gen. Do not even think about stopping repairing gen. Teammate is not gen. Proceed to next gen.
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Maybe look into running Deliverance although this wouldn’t be viable if you are found first so I’d say stay tf outta sight and get a save. Then you’re home free.
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Funniest comment I've seen on the Dbd forums so far.
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Welcome to solo queue
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I wondered if I had gotten thrown in with new players who had no idea what the cages are, but nope. A Rank 12 and Rank 8.
Maybe they were SWF together and the rest of us were just meat to them, so they wanted to try to get the last gens done and screw us solo-queue riff-raff. I enjoyed spectating and watching them fail miserably.
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It does not help with bad teammates. They will leave you on hook, kindred or not. The only thing it does is makes me feel even worse...
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Technically your teammates are punishing themselves by not coming and saving you as it becomes a nasty 1v3 if you die on first hook for no real reason.
I can understand if you're being camped by a Leatherface though. Remember the general consensus on him is to just let him have his face camped victim and gen rush. It's incredibly hard to save against him. If you're lucky it usually ends with a trade via borrowed time.
Anyways it's all just difficult. Obviously survivors need to save their teammates more. Idk why they don't sometimes. I get that it can feel hopeless against camping killers but like.. Idk you just gotta get over it. When I was new to the game I was legit terrified of ever going for saves but you get better at it over time. Now it's like my favorite thing to do because of how many blood points you get and it feels good to be the savior and take protection hits for your allies or use things like We'll Make It etc.
I'm not sure how but BHVR needs to incentivize saving your allies more (Even though you already get lots of BP for it). Idk you'd think that saving your ally and getting them back on gens with you would be good enough but I just can't get behind punishing them anymore than they already are punished by losing a whole survivor because they didn't act for some odd reason.
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Who #########' knows, honestly? You'd think you'd at least qualify as a distraction so they can do more gens if you're literally right next to them.
Hanlon's Razor is a tricky one to apply here.
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You'd be shocked how little kindred helps with randos.... I use it a lot, I love kindred. But I have definitely been left to die for no acceptable reason. Too many survivors are just that clueless.
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I highly doubt this.
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You haven't lived until a 3 man swf teabags you on your first hook and watches you die.
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Not saying you didn't try, but that's five chases you failed to escape. Can't trust randos to ensure your safety.
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They need to incentivize survivors to unhook or something
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Implement basic pings for solo queue players! Close the gap between swf and solo!
I hear you though. My friends call me the one hook wonder lol.
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That's happened to me a dozen times in a row. It happens sometimes.
Your teammates don't need further punishing. They are already now 3v1 to the killer with 4 generators left most likely. They will get what's coming to them.
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They do. You get points and it helps you win the game. Problem is this game breeds low quality players and then ranks them up to the highest bc, "excuses."
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Yeah I was duoing the other day and this other console duo decided to tbag and let us die. RIP.
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It's completely true, I even got left for dead on first hook three times this morning.
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I still highly doubt this, this has only ever happened to me twice in a row and I have played this game for 1800 hours
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Congrats, I don't really care.
I've played this game for over two years and this happens a lot to me and other players. Have you not seen the fifty other posts about being left to die on first hook?
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I have, just not one where it happened five times in a row.
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If I’m on a gen and you are on a hook on the other side of the map I’m not going to hop off to get you because every time I do that somebody else gets there first and then I’ve wasted time. So if you make it to second hook, sorry. Others are probably thinking the same thing I am. That can be an issue when nobody knows where anybody else is.
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I just got unlucky that day, but I do regularly get left for dead all the time.
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Equip Kindred, helps coordinating SQ rescues. Also, their punishment is being left in a 3v1 for not rescuing.
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Interesting. I'm giving this game a break for the complete opposite. My teams get annihilated trying to save me or anyone else on hook because the killer has pitched a tent, at red ranks no less. Or even if they don't come right away the killer is on the hill with binoculars waiting for a mouse to run over. I've run into more killers securing a hook into struggle phase than I can count no matter how many gens were done. I can only put it down to some popular streamer posted some strat on Youtube. Maybe these teammates have run into these killers, and would rather sit on a gen then get downed trying to save. It's unfortunate and frustrating. We've all been there before.
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And the OP's punishment is wasted time, inability to practice/improve, and probably trash talk from the killer who thinks they're good at the game. Dead by Daylight is fundamentally flawed.
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You forgot the depip.
In my personal experience as an SQ main, reassure that you did what you could, take the leave, and hope for better teammates.
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I didn't forget it, but I don't care about what depip means, right? Rank is irrelevant, right? Or is that not true? Genuinely asking since the game doesn't explain this 'pip' mechanic well.
But yeah, good advice. "Just don't think about things and then those things won't upset you!" :D
My response was to your "the now 3v1 is punishment enough." Now your advice has changed, and I won't debate the new advice. But I stand by the unequal distribution of punishment mentioned.
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It's very, very uncommon for me to be left to die on first hook for no blatant reason. But solo queue is solo queue.
*Insert angry Huntress stun noises*
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Want you or not, pip is relevant. It has been a contentious point since its introduction and the reason why MMR is being analyzed as a possible alternative.
Also, my advice was not to "Just don't think about things and then those things won't upset you" it was "reassure that you did what you could, take the leave, and hope for better teammates".
Now, here's my first post:
I didn't state that "the now 3v1 is punishment enough" as you point or that there was "unequal distribution of punishment". Now, stop editing my words to suit your needs.
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I'm sorry, maybe I'm not being clear...I mean what is it that depipping does to me when I play the game?
And maybe there's a language barrier, it seems there might be and I apologize if that's the case, but I'm not seeing a difference between statements. *Shrug emoji* I'm open to your clarifications though.
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No worries, I'll explain.
When you play a match certain actions count towards your emblems. So when a survivor rescues or heals another, they gain points for being Altruistic and helping others. If you manage to last long in chases against a killer and escape chases, you will gain points for being Bold and courageous. There are 4 categories of actions that try to measure how good of a player you are. I recommend you read this page:
When you perform well in a match you are rewarded with a pip and if you do really well, you can even get 2 pips. On the other side, if you perform poorly, you are deducted 1 pip (what we call depip). When you get 5 pips, you go up on rank tier. The current matchmaking system tries to put players with a similar rank in the same match, using rank as a measure of skill. The matchmaking system is being criticized because at higher ranks, there is no distinction between players with 1 hundred hours and others with thousands. Also, the restrictions for matchmaking tend to get looser the longer you spend in queue causing situations where a high-rank killer is matched against new survivors or vice versa.
Regarding my statements, when I said "their punishment is being left in a 3v1 for not rescuing" I didn't mean that the punishment was fitting to the crime. It's unfair when a killer face-camps on the first hook, when a teammate hook bombs you, or when your team ignores you and lets you die on the first hook. Unless you're playing with 3 friends, you will eventually have bad teammates and if they let you go down on the first hook, at least you don't have to play with them anymore.
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Oh gotcha, thank you for the detailed explanation!
So rank does mean something for matchmaking (it just doesn't seem to work well since lots of people post screenshots of all kinds of ranks mixed?). Well, just one more (seemingly massive?) problem to add to the list :D
Regarding the rest, I'd agree with the OP then. If your teammates are not helping you (deliberately or otherwise) and they are not being punished but you are (with wasted time, depipping as you explained, etc), and that's happening with a variety of teammates more than often than once in a while (5 times in a row seems excessive), I think something should be done to fix the issue, because a game like that is fundamentally flawed.