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"Disconnection From Host" Error has made this game unplayable today

SIX different times today, I have been booted out of a Survivor match due to a 'Disconnection From Host' error. Four of those times happened while the match was in session. I notice that the screen would freeze while I was opening a chest or working on a generator. Then the results screen would pop up and say that I "escaped" while the killer appears to have disconnected. This is especially frustrating since while I kept the item that I brought, I lost my offering as well as a pip. So, that's six pips in the course of a single day, all due to connection errors that weren't my fault. In addition, I have received a 28 minute DC penalty. Screenshots are below.

Also, I'm not sure if it matters, but I play on Xbox One.

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  • Maps played were Crotus Penn, Glenvale, Auto Haven and, most recently, Coldwind Farm. The only common Survivor perk used was Hope.