Why is 'everyone' so Toxic towards TTVs on the Forums?



  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    I can’t decide which is more stupid and pointless: streamers or people that watch streamers. Okay, if you’re really really great at the game then maybe I’d check you out, but most streamers seem to be self important knobs. Why watch somebody else play when I can play instead?

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    Your argument of "why watch someone else when I can do it myself" is very old and irrelevant, as the same can be said about why anyone watches almost any sort of media at all (also, appearing as a "self important knob" isn't exclusive to streamers, it applies to virtually any public figure). Do you watch sports? Netlix shows and/or movies? An occasional video while browsing Facebook or other sites and social media platforms? You're not making money off of it sooo, really it's all just a waste of time, right? Why watch? Hell, WHY PLAY?? That TOO is a waste of time but...you do it because you GET something from it - not money but however you might define "fun" and "enjoyment" in your mind, that's what you're getting.

    Well, people watch streamers because they GET something out of it too - whether it be the very simple and general entertainment factor, or the interaction with the streamer that they enjoy, which very often can lead to new friendships not just with the streamer but also with others who follow them... CLEARLY, for many millions of people, they all get something from it. You don't, and that's fine, but you should really try to evolve beyond the "I don't understand it, therefore I'm going to dislike it" mindset.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,539

    I'm going to close this as I can see the direction this is taking already.

    I don't think in general people are "toxic" (have to say, I personally think that word is extremely overused to describe many things), towards any specific group on this forum. We try to be pretty inclusive and our forum rules tend to support us in this matter.

    As for streams/streamers - its the type of thing you enjoy watching or not, for some it's free entertainment for others people enjoy watching gameplay, each to their own and all that.

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