Which build for Nurse?

Hey. Im wondering which build for nurse is more viable in Pubs, since undying got nerfed and im wondering if shadowborn is worth the grind or not.
I feel like i should not use shadowborn and maybe instead use another perk which helps me tracking people like undying...
So this are my main used perks on nurse:
- Infectious Fright
- Sloppy
Right now im using Nurse's Calling as 4th perk but i feel like its not that great since good swf will probably dont heal themselfes up nearby.
I also got:
- Ruin (but it gets cleansed so fast, so its pretty worthless imo)
- Pop (i feel like pop isnt that great since you have to kick gens in order to get a gen regress at all, which means you are losing a lot of time in a match)
- haunted grounds
- whispers (not a big fan of it...)
So thank you guys for reading and for helping ✌️
I'm all ears is really strong on nurse. Laugh as they try to mindgame you as you see them clear as daylight
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Shadowborn is a drug
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Started her Saturday and all but 2-3 games have been dreadful. She was the 2nd character I took to 40 so she have no teachables except Fire up lmao. Best build I believe I have is Nurses, Sloppy, Thano, SFTS. I will jump for joy when Infectious, BBQ or Shadowborn/Monitor show up. Hell even I'm all ears I'll take at this point because OP is right Nurses aint proc'in all that much and I got the whole build for it. Most of my perk hits comes from Spies.
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Shadowborn is good to have on Nurse. MYC is also not bad since you can get back to hook pretty fast.
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My current nurse build is Devour, Undying, Sloppy, and BBQ though if DevourDying dies too quickly there's always the option to slap on Shadowborn (100% worth it) and Surge.
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Oh man surge hope that on pops up too. Shadowborn pops up all the time early in my Bloodwebs but now it will never come.
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ironically , nurse is actually one of the best killers for whispers my opinion. Reason: she is one of those killers that looses people sometimes and has problems when coming to find people because they can walk quite fast in comparison to u, so imo its kind of like corrupted on nurse at start of the game its strong , and towards end game if u have kills they will try to hide vs stronger killers i.e nurse maybe oni, huntress also good for whispers because again, its quite easy for people to hide before u actually reach them . monitor/abuse combined with whispers i think would be strong on nurse thinking of it. , also discordance, or locater builds such as ruin/surveillance, are strong on her because then u can blink straight on them knowing u will find them, making whispers obsolete ultimately i guess but its good perk for her
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Unironically Surge and Mindbreaker on Nurse are some top-tier perks. Surge just helps save a load of time (and she gets downs near gens cause short chase times) and Mindbreaker just completely eliminates Dead Hard from ever being an issue haha. Who knew Demo's perks would be godly on her and nobody else lol
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Well right now I'm trying to learn the basics of blinking and hitting so I'm focusing on chases primarily. So as I start to unlock teachables on her the current need is slowdown that is automatic. So Thano, Corrupt, Surge are great but i only have thann and sloppy right now. As for whispers I loved this perk when I began as killer but then stopped using it for along time. i have recently tried using it a few times and each time noticed i barely ever checked the perk/used it. Also hooked survivors lighting the perk up has always been a turn off for me.
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Hey. I want to thank all of you very much for your numerous opinions and tipps!
So whispers can only tell the approximately position fo the survivor. I can often predict their movement. If i tp to a gen which is/was worked on, then i can track people easily down so imo there is no need for whispers.
Imo the only advantage it provides is when you try to find people which are walking right on the open field, which is kinda useless, as they doing literally nothing in that moment to carry the match, except for maybe healing. Also if they run, you will spot them easily.
For the other reasons: I can hear progress on a gen, so i know, they were there or still are. If im seeing scratches this is perfect. If not -> kick it (maybe) with Pop goes the weasel.
In most cases you can catch someone and IF will reveal the other survivors sitting around and try to safe your victim, while they will lose time and potentionally their wasting themselfes.
Also bbq i think is the single most important perk as i can always see what are they are doing. Yes they can fake their movement but i only see very few survivors trying that and only some of them get the timing right before they run the other direction.
So bbq and IF provide the most value for nurse overall. For me, they are a must have as i get so much Information out of it. I just love tracking perks on her so much :)
This is only my view of those perks and you might have a different view on things. Feel free to refer with your opinion! :)
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Infectious Fright, Discordance, Spies from the shadows, BBQ
I usually just switch to whatever I feel like running and leave infectious as a lock in perk ,but spies from the shadows is a severely underrated perk and I can't tell you how many stealthy Claudettes I've scared the soul out of recently from running this perk and popping up out of nowhere when they're trying to stealth out of the area
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If you're still learning, you're going to want quite a bit of slowdown so you can actually play the game and practice.
If I'm running an actual loadout in pubs, I do Corrupt/BBQ/Agitation/Nurse's. Otherwise I just take Corrupt/BBQ or no perks at all if I want somewhat of a challenge.
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I don't have much elso on her which is why i put it on but I will ditch nurses and sloppy before spies. Those survivors that like to hook right when the killer hooks or just as he leaves always seem to get caught my a stalking crow. it's so funny. i remember using it when it had the cooldown glitch and it would proc every two steps the survivor took.
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Nurse doesn't really need perks that much (not that you Shouldn't run perks, but you really can chose whichever complements your playstyle) so go with what you like best.
If you want a super-aggressive nurse go with Infectious, Devourer, Haunted and Retribuition.
If you want information go with BBQ, Surge/Ruin, Surveilance and Pop (pop with ruin is a great backup plan since hexes go fast)
If you want full gen defense run Ruin, Undying (still a viable option since Nurse puts so much pressure), Corrupt and Pop/BBQ/Surge/Oppression (oppression is really good on her since you can "kick" a gen and then blink to the gen that get's the skillcheck that'll probably be missed).
What I'm saying is, you can go with any perk you want, there's no true "Nurse perk build".
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My build atm is M&A, Sloppy, Nurses, and PGTW. I prefer Surge than PGTW, but sometimes I snowball and can't make use of it.
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Playing nurse without shadowborn feels so awful lol
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I saved up about 450 k and Prestige to my nurse she didn't have most of the perks I needed anyway. It was enough to take her to level 20 still no shadow-born or monitor but got max thano. Rest of the perks are green but I got infectious and disco as for the fourth perk I'm undecided currently I think the best ones I have would be nurses, death-bound, or make your choice
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My current build is pop, ruin, whispers, and Monitor.
pop and ruin are obviously gen defense
whispers is good because it saves you time. Smart survivors will hide or lay low and wait for you to leave so they can work on gens. Whispers prevents that
Monitor is a must have on her imo because smart survivors start running for distance as soon as they hear her coming. MA lets you get closer.
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My current build is hex: third seal and gear head. Its normally none, as it would help me practice more, but recently I've versed some good players and found that I might need some perks, not good ones just bad ones. Soon I'll go back to none.
As for your perks the I think you should go with more gen regression to slow the game down so you can learn. Otherwise haunted would also be good, but I recommend it if your confident in your blinks to at least get some value out of it. Whispers is also good, try it in a few games and you'll see its value. Also try and get corrupt if you need even more slowdown to practice.