
Trashmaster Member Posts: 357

Very simple. Do you sneak, hide and blend or not?

Stealth 39 votes

I have blended for 3+ years
NeaMainNoob 1 vote
I rely on stealth
White_OwlRanger_939MoundshroudItzZane_RK67 5 votes
I am more likely to hide than run
TaigaGeneralVRoboMojoAwkward_FiendWishIcouldmainVolfgang57GeneratorMarioBrosMaster 8 votes
I am more likely to run than hide
TapeKnotLeonardo1itaMrPenguintenoresaxMadLordJacknotstarboardFobbo[Deleted User]sacrificarea 9 votes
I mostly run
GHERBEARRULESUistreelSebaOutbreakDebunkedMonsters 4 votes
I actively try to gain the killer's attention
bad_clown_main 1 vote
I used to stealth, now I don't do it as much
AdelooSillierHorizon5Hex_SaltRoachesDelightJayTheEntity 5 votes
I rarely play survivor, I play stealth killers
Azxx93BeelzeboopAnother_LegionMainLoneMaple 4 votes
I rarely play survivor, and I don't play stealth killers
I don't even play, I just sit in lobbies and waste people's time by leaving at the last 20 seconds
DimekHopeful_Songbird 2 votes


  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448
    I used to stealth, now I don't do it as much

    I used to be a stealth survivor.

    Now i don't care if i have to loop i'll loop. But sometimes a good stealth play also work wonders to extend a chase ^^

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399
    edited February 2021
    I mostly run

    Running is a "safe bet" where you'll always buy a bit of time (or potentially a lot, depending on your skill level and the Killer's) for your team. Stealth is a risky bet. If it works, then great, wait for the Killer to get away and then you can continue with what you were doing, however if you do get found, you'll be gifting the Killer a free hit. Or even a down in some scenarios.

    With that being said, there are some maps that are more stealth-friendly than others and I may opt for that choice more often if I get to play in said maps. Dead Dawg Saloon for example. Those bushes came from hell.

  • Dimek
    Dimek Member Posts: 286
    I don't even play, I just sit in lobbies and waste people's time by leaving at the last 20 seconds

    really? xD

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,703
    I am more likely to run than hide

    ...but I tend to prefer playing stealth killers

  • JayTheEntity
    JayTheEntity Member Posts: 8
    I used to stealth, now I don't do it as much

    i like looping. i think a game where you are sitting in a corner hiding and doing gens is boring.