Matched loaded with 2 killers, now I'm locked out

Started a match as Bubba, something looked weird as the match started with only 3 surviviors. As I load in I see I'm standing next to a Ghost face. So we meme'd for about 30 seconds and then I get the match disconnected error and have the 5 minute lock out.

Now, I don't really care about the 5 minutes, but in 1,200 hours I've now seen 3 hackers in the past 2 weeks, nothing before.


  • 2 killers is a bug not a hack; though given it's a glitch in the code I suppose it's possible to use a hack to intentionally trigger it I guess.

    However most of the time it's caused by bugs.

  • druggedpug69
    druggedpug69 Member Posts: 155

    This game's just absolutely beautiful. I love it.