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3 cool perks ideas for Killers

pandorayr Member Posts: 589
edited February 2021 in Creations

Lately I seen the new perks are a bit disappointing so I want to contribute with new ideas.

Please don't forget to comment my post, thank you.

Hex: Obsessive Progress

The obsession of your victims also becomes their greatest weakness.

Any number of survivors who finish a generator will suffer exposed state for the next 40 seconds.

Hex effects persist as long as the corresponding totem is still standing.

Hex: Progress has a 40 second coldown.

Hex: Cursed Fog

When your victims almost about to escape a mist appears in the exit gates.

Once the exit gates are powered, if there is a dull totem remaining on the Map, this Hex is applied to it.

The gate switches are blocked for the entity.

The auras of any survivors located from switches areas are revealed to you.

The totem's effects remain as long as the hex totem is standing.

Furtive Ambush

You stealthily adapt to your victims to hunt them down more easily.

Every time when a survivor rescues another Survivor from a Hook that is at least 36 metres away from you, you receive a token up to a maximum of 4 token (1) for each survivors in the trial.

Each token obtained reduces the killer's terror radius by 4 meters.

Killing your Obsession during the trial will reset all tokens to 0 and you won't be to get more unless another survivor becomes your new obsession.

You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.


  • The_Nightmare69
    The_Nightmare69 Member Posts: 55

    First off I would like to state that I am a killer main,

    Hex: obsessive progress seems to be alright. But is 40 seconds like max lvl? is it a 20/30/40? I like this idea because it is both a destructive and a slowdown perk. Because it discoureges survivors to coop on gens.

    Cursed fog seems to be a bit broken my man, the way I understand it this just seems like blood warden but without the hook requirement and without a timer and they are unable to open the gates. so the survivors are trapped until they find the corresponding hex, This in combination with NOED just seems too OP. especially of you trow in blood warden too.

    Furtive ambush just seems like a variant of furtive chase, which in imo is a useless perk. Because since Ghostface, Pig and The Shape everyone has been rocking spine chill.

  • lady_potato
    lady_potato Member Posts: 35

    ok so the first hex is pretty cool, really interesting, and i think u can make it a bit bigger: lvl 1 40 secs, lvl 2 50 secs and lvl 3 60secs. The survivors can't complain about it cuz it's a hex so yeah, at the hexes u need to be lucky to get a nice totem spawn, u can also add undying which has been nerfed :'( but it's still a good combo.

    the second hex is insane. if u make an endgame build, like NOED, blood warden and maybe undying it would be awesome. It also slows the game, survivors having to do bones and u patrolling gens looks really nice.

    Furtive ambush just seems to be a change to furtive chase, which in my opinion is a stupid perk, also if the obsession gets killed u gotta run nemesis(which is good only with STBFL or PWYF) to get a new one.

  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 589
    edited February 2021

    About "Cursed fog"

    It's true that it can be a powerful perk but by itselful is not as powerful as NOED.

    Anyway playing multiple perks for end game requires a high reward, is a hex totem and can be cleanse.

    I agree can get strong but has a counter and this would make the end games different and more fun.

    My biggest problem with "Furtive chase" is when reduction the terror radius not work in chases.

    Killers need a perk for reduce terror radius to surprise survivors.

    we have "Distressing" to increase the terror radius but we need something opossed.

  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 589
    edited February 2021

    Play a build for the end game should be strong because using 2 hex totems for the end game is too risky.

    cleanse totems should be as important an objective as generators.

    Furtive chase is different because don't not work in chases, my idea proposes reduce the terror radius base always but requires hang survivors and not camping.

    Exactly my idea is several survivors not repair the same gen or looking for totems.

    The effect is strong but is a hex and it also has a cooldown.

    It could be combined with other perks, for example "Tinkerer" and can be quite interesting.

    I think is a bit creativity lacking every time think of "Coup de Grâce" I wonder who had the idea.