Walking on walls


Platform: Windows 10

Version: 4.5.1

Map: Clown / Father Campbells Chapel

Steps to recreate: Go to the corner of the Chapel where there is a ledge about 2ft up off the ground, that goes all the way around the chapel. You can walk up on an invisible object, and then proceed to walk on the edge. It's only 2ft off the ground, so the killer can still attack/down you. However there is an invisible object that allows you to walk up on to it and it looks like you're floating/hovering off the ground.


  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    Did this update brougth back every single bug in history of dbd?

    I swear, if someone says that it's possible to get stuck inside the pig's key cages again, i will explode.