Imagine making your game look like trash just to appease entitled players

It was actually kind of nice to see the developers bring their game up to date with some more realistic animations and motions. Sure some looked a little funky but they didn't look like they were from the PS2 era like before.

However today

  • "Changed transition animations in Survivor Locomotion to make the controls feel more responsive.

What this translates to in game for anyone who hasn't experienced it is survivors now turn on the spot faster than ever before, they can do literal 180's at breakneck speed. One minute they're running forwards the next it's a "blink and you'll miss it" moment where they suddenly zoom to sprinting behind you. It looks absolutely ridiculous and it's sad to see that the animations look janky and PS2-esque once again all because the developers pander to entitled survivors.

Before anyone says "just GiT gUd" yeah after the first took me by surprise I managed to get the next few but you miss the point that I shouldn't have to because I say this with no exaggeration, in no other game do I have to concentrate this much and aim my mouse so carefully in order to hit a moving target. Even first person shooters and actual combat flight sims don't have you aiming at targets that wobble and spin like this.

