Hold Up

Okay, just a hold up here. How hard is it to be nice to others? As someone who plays both sides, I can say I've just seen the mot childish attitudes. This game is rated M. If you want to play a childish game, Spyro and Kingdom Hearts are always available (I love those games by the way, no hate). Survivors, there is no need to tbag me at the exit gate, flashlight click, or make it miserable. Killers, tunneling and camping make the game boring for everyone. It isn't cool. This is a game for adults, let's act like them.
Also, Deathslinger needs a skin where he's shirtless.
In this game?
Very hard.
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Firstly shirtless deathslinger 🥵
Secondly unfortunately toxicity isn’t a problem the devs can solve. I played over watch comp for a while so I’ve gotten used to it but just try to move on from it and go to the next match
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Also, Deathslinger needs a skin where he's shirtless.
Have I got the skin for you!
At topic, yeah, welcome to DbD
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While I understand the emotional appeal of saying "act like an adult", I think life in general has demonstrated to me that this is IS "acting like an adult", because a lot of adults behave this way.
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I won't disagree with other things you say right now, but isn't flashlight clicking done specifically to get a killer's attention (I'm sure it could be done annoyingly, too)? Distract them from something else? Or is it code for something in this game?
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Kingdom hearts is not childish tho. It may seem that way until you play it enough. Story is complex and deep. But yeah it is not rated m.
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Deathslinger needs a shirtless cosmetic? What about Dwight?
And on topic, I'm generally nice in my games, but I play solo que and can watch survivors and SWF bully the absolute-ever-loving-######### out of a killer. It's not very fun for the killer, but also not to me, as because one person is perpetually bullying a killer while the others speedrun gens you leave without a lot of points, no altruism, and you feel like you wasted your time queing and playing to not really play a game but to watch others ruin the experience of others
I'm not saying that survivors should bend over to killers, but treating a killer like ######### for not reason is a reason que times get long.
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Actually I think there are steps the devs can take to minimize toxicity. They are already doing it wilt in-game chat
But they could also come out and speak out against it and say they won't tolerate it in their game.
There could also be in-game incentives to lower it. Like say one nice thing in the in-game chat and you get a certain number of bloodpoints or shards.
But ultimately they have to come mostly from the community we as a community has to take a stand against it and do what we would do in real life. If your a survivor and you see your teammate bullying the killer tell them to stop. If you see the killer being toxic speak up. I'm confident the game can be less toxic.
And to OP I would prefer a shirtless legion.
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I saw a deathslinger with the new red get up, and his cowboy hat.... Look like he just came from an episode of Saloon Makeover... I mean, ######### man? He’s the deathslinger not the Floral bouquet, & Matching tablecloth Slinger.
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Frank doesn’t hold a candle to Caleb... maybe Joey tho
Unfortunately I am console but if I had chat I would try my best to be positive. I always send ggs to Xbox killers
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Skin suggestion: Brokeback Slinger.
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I'm on console too so I also try to be as nice as possible.
Also Deathslinger is cute but I'm on legion side here. Both Joey and frank looks hot.
Regardless all of them need to be shirtless.
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I play both Survivor and Killer pretty equally.
In my opinion, the "childish" stuff includes:
- teabagging
- flashlight spam
- endgame chat or direct message insults/raging
- facecamping and/or slashing on hook
Everything else, including tunneling, soft camping/patrolling the hook, bodyblocking and any other strategy, perk loadout, etc is fair game. Admittedly, it may not be fun to be on the receiving end of some of it, but it's still fair. Remember, this is a multiplayer game, so one person's "fun" and "enjoyment" is always going to come at the cost of someone else's. Learn to accept it, move on, and strive to improve (can't get camped or tunneled if you don't get caught).
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Rated M means adult, not polite.
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Thank you. You're right, it's meh.
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Praise this comment.
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I just want to see people be better to each other and improve the community.
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I could get on board with a shirtless Joey.
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Keep being you.
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Shirtless Legion I can get. But, I just want this community to improve.
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Oh, I'd kill for shirtless Dwight. But I also want him in a cat onesie too.
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I can dream. I just think we should all be better to each other.
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As an Overwatch support main, I get that. But this community could be so much better.
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Mature in this context meaning "not appropriate for children". Not mature as in "respectful to everyone".
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To be honest, no a fan of that skin. I've been in the community for a good two years. I just think everyone should be better than that.
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Flashlight clicking can be toxic. I should've clarified. Sorry.
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I meant more along the lines of something you can play and be immature. I love Kingdom Hearts.
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Please, burn this.
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I like your attitude a lot! I have witnessed a lot of toxicity in the community and I hope people come around to being mature and kind sooner rather than later. Also, I recommend coffee talk for anyone with anxiety or stress, super calming game!!! Stay safe, and good luck in your next matches :)!!!
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I mean this by act mature. Like an adult.
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Please, keep being you.
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Be respectful to everyone. This is my message.
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Shirtless Deathslinger? Heck yeah dude🤙❤️
But I also completely agree with you about the other part, people should play mature in a mature game.
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Because I am literally trying to sacrifice you to an eldritch abomination from the great beyond after stabbing you repeatedly and mutilating you and your friends.
Murder does not come with a please and thank you attached.
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Here's the thing though, I have first hand experience of seeing children act wayyy more mature than adults
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...so EvanSnowWolf is on an FBI watch list somewhere, right?
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Actually cruelty, indifference, and selfishness are more mature traits we develop as we grow and realize life is a competition over resources and that most other people are pricks... children are the ones too optimistic and naive. If I was wrong and it was the other way around half of my country wouldn't be ready to dance on my grave and watch me die, but, they are. Therefore I speaketh the truth like it or not. My goldren rule is "Do unto others, as they would have done unto you".
In the context of this video game, the majority of matches have at least one other player trying to screw me to live when we're survivors or ignoring objectives getting their kicks solely out of wasting my time and/or trying to aggravate me as the killer. Therefore, I can assume that it's a fair chance were I to not make a selfish decision that costs another survivor instead of myself they would have done it instead to myself or another and that if it's a swf regardless of how poorly skilled they are they are going to deliberately screw with me regardless of the consequences they'd complain about for it. Like Nike says, and Shia... just do it. And to perfect the approach to life tack on No remorse and no regret. Learn to reach a nonchalance about how you treat others, and how to rationalize it rather than base it on feelings. That doesn't mean to make enemies unnecessarily, also learn how to gaslight and deflect blame onto others obviously. Half the chatboxes if I still read them would probably be attempts at that.
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I'm personally holding out for a shirtless Ghostface cosmetic.
I don't think it'll ever happen :c
Also yeah, this community is very toxic! On both sides
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Nerf teabagging, clicky clicky, keys, and exit gates.
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Hold up... this is a hold up give me your bloodpoints.
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I [Bad Word] cried at the end of 3.
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Nice to see that I found someone else on the forums who likes Kingdom Hearts and Spyro as much as I do
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I mean I watch people who are in their twenties/early thirties that play Kingdom Hearts.
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Shirtless Ghostface? Hmm, interesting.
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Fat chance Ash. Not even for an alone wolf.
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Hand it over or the muppet gets it.
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I just think we should all come together as a community and just be good people.
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Shoot first, think never.
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The reason you can't though, is that there will be many that pretend to get you into a vulnerable position, and then blammo. And honestly, anybody falling for charms is responsible for it. I mean technically you could only take advantage of somebody when they let you, and they prove themselves less clever too which makes it tough to feel guilty. My stance is if it's okay in a court of law, or if you know a person that can get you out of trouble or just convince things to go unreported or get someone else blamed for it then it's okay. Morality is a social construct, I mean it doesn't occur naturally, it's stuff human beings made up in their imaginations to try and prevent us from descending into chaos. A few can fall through the cracks and society won't crumble though. That's my baseline these days.