Hot Take: 360's are not necessary. They are a stupid gimmick.



  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306

    survivors should not spin that fast,they need to make them slower,otherwise i dont have any problem with 360s

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    A 360 is a last resort most of the time their out in the open.

    Don't be quick to swing watch their movement left, right whatever when you know their going to 360 take a step back and hit them.

    It's not hard be patient take your time



  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    They're fun it doesn't matter whether you say its necessary, it's worth it when you know you're guaranteed a hit anyway/otherwise

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    360s work on casual gamers because they have low sensitivity along side console games that have fps issues and the god awful auto aim (sorry aim dressing). Honestly it's a stupid ass tactic in the game and I feel sorry for casual players especially the console ones. But this game is pro casual survivor, I'll manage okay as killer thanks to the new generation unless the survivors have laggy connections. But anyone saying you need to get good etc. Over 360s are people that dont understand the issues some players have with it, and if they relied on 360s then they're bad themselves. People always bring up how it was fair or killers had easier games due to hit boxes yet I remained at rank 1 survivor... funny how alot of those 360 players deranked during that period... funny ay

  • senki527
    senki527 Member Posts: 275

    Only because you killer main can't handle 360's, doesn't mean, they have to remove them.

    360's belongs to DBD forever, it's one of the fun factor of survivors and needs some skill.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    i 100% agree, good killers can easily deal with them hell im on console and i rarely miss besides the first few matches where i had to get used to them again. This "skill" only works on lower skilled killers which are often at low ranks and it only works because of the killers POV and the stupidly fast rate survivors turn.

    For balance at higher levels i believe this just is not necessary as they rarely work and frankly are just annoying especially when they forcibly cancel your lunge if you try to hit them at max distance. This is really only hurting the newer killer population since bully squads will return to low ranks since 360'ing is fun to use to troll when they work which only reliably happens in low ranks.

  • chadbeastofprey
    chadbeastofprey Member Posts: 437

    Yeah I’m sure you and your friend had no issues with the desync and bad movement in your brown rank survivor games, good 2 know.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    yeah as a console killer the minimum sensitivity you need to deal with 360's is 70%, i have mine somewhere between that and 80% otherwise it would be impossible to play certain killers that require aim.

    Like 360s are just not needed they don't work against experienced killers even console ones meaning they are only hurting the lower ranks sounds pretty "skillful" to me bullying the less skilled players.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    "I was hoping this would force survivors to learn how to use pallets and loop rather than going stealth the entire game" - Yet topic complains about survivors 360'ing?

  • entitysbreakfast
    entitysbreakfast Member Posts: 126

    That's a valid and fair point I agree with you on! I love compromise. But yeah survivor needs at least half the depth of killer gameplay at least. But Killer right now just is boring because the matchmaking is awful.

  • entitysbreakfast
    entitysbreakfast Member Posts: 126

    @AChaoticKiller Yeah If the animations were continued to be improved I'm fine with forcing survivors to learn to play better, but I also think that the other side to the problem is killer auto aim and aim dressing. If we could get it to a point where we could aim freely it would be nice but it might be too much we'd have to test extensively. But I would love to diversify survivor gameplay and add more depth and in game mechanics rather than telling people how to spin juke consistently. The truth is, you can't.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    It's funny how if survivor abilities get nerfed to any extent and people complain, it needs to be reverted immediately unless it was overwhelmingly, obscenely broken, and if killers complain about survivor abilities they're a stupid baby that needs to get good.

    Meanwhile if a killer gets nerfed, survivors don't care and any killer that complains about it their opinion is invalid, and if survivors complain about killers, the survivor that complained gets tons of support.

    Kinda mirrors the gameplay, don't you think?

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    I agree, I'd rather have fluent and nice animations than 360s (which don't even work 99% of the time).

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    360's have saved my life on multiple occasions over the past few years. Also, I liked the new animations but the stutter as a survivor when quickly turning left then right or reverse was overbearing. You literally stop in place for almost a full second before turning again. That isn't "fun", its game-breaking. You can't stay still for 1 second just because of the new movement system. If I was told to run through mud while being chased but the other guy can run on the sidewalk, I'd be pissed.

  • ExalyThor
    ExalyThor Member Posts: 67
    edited February 2021
    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    360s bother me, but not nearly as much as when survivors wibble wobble left and right quickly to make the autoaim bug out. That stuff is rage inducing.

    I'm also not looking forward to having to concentrate hard on actually hitting someone either. That's how I've found it to be. Makes playing the game inebriated way more difficult.

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    You’re soft as hell OP

    You complain that 360s are a gimmick and that survivors supposedly whined because “they couldn’t adapt”, yet here you are not adapting to a supposed gimmick. If it’s a gimmick, then it means it’s not really meant for full-time use or as a primary game strat. Also, if it’s a gimmick then it should only work once or twice at best on you in a given match before you adapt. I’m assuming that you’re good at adapting here since you’re sitting on a high horse about other people supposedly not being able to

    If you’re worse at killer than you thought because you got comfortable within the past couple of weeks just say that. When the update broke the game I personally went from Rank 3 Survivor to rank 6 and then pingponged between there due to pips being broken/not being able to vault/loop efficiently with people hitting hatchets or M1 9 feet away or around walls/structures/pallets. The fact that people are somehow twisting the narrative and blaming survivors as if it’s their fault the game was broken is pretty sad honestly and shows the state of this community with constant double standards and deflecting. I stopped playing Solo Survivor completely and switched to Killer after 4.5.0 . Not only did I get to rank 3 as a console Ghostface that deals with FPS drops on stupid sh$t like Bloodlust or me missing hits I accurately tracked because of auto-aim forcing my camera into a wall, but ever since 4.5.2 I’ve maintained my same exact rank area (5-3) despite having the game work against me. I have constant FPS drops/Losing pips and not getting them back because a survivor disconnected on the loading screen/Auto-aim/Lower ceiling on controller than MKB and I don’t seem to have a problem dealing with the 360s.

    I get juked sometimes and they still either take a hit or go down a few seconds after that only rarely escaping completely. Does it look a little cheesy? Yeah. Does it matter? No, what skilled player actually gives a ****? Are we really gonna sit here and nitpick realism in a game where people have been moonwalking/abusing I-Frames and colliding right inside the killers body since 2016?? Lmao oh my god, this is a ridiculous new low. It’s really pathetic and that people actually blame survivors for not adapting, as if desync didn’t break the game during the same time they released an entirely new UI/animations. What was there to adapt to? Playing every match like it’s a MLG $50,000 tournament where you have to stress yourself to compensate for the blatant hit robbery and the rank system that punished you regardless of whether or not you did amazing or terrible? The characters were sluggish and the new features made it extremely predictable to see where survivors were headed plus 360s weren’t working more than twice every 30 tries. Console Solo Survivor was literally unplayable unless you prefer making yourself mad over having an enjoyable time. I was still able to loop and make good Jukes and even go on escape streaks, but it still wasn’t fun anymore or rewarding. Get better at both Survivor/Killer and stop being salty that you got your ankles broken.

  • entitysbreakfast
    entitysbreakfast Member Posts: 126

    @AJStyIez you have 4 posts lmfao

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    Now the animation frameworks are back on roblox or runescape quality and 360 tryhard helicopters are happy

  • entitysbreakfast
    entitysbreakfast Member Posts: 126

    @Snap_Tobiyume ......that's....what..i said

  • Grimmy_Bluues
    Grimmy_Bluues Member Posts: 354

    I hate 360s not because they're hard to deal with, but because they look stupid and unnatural. It only ever hurts casual players.

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    Exactly, That’s why I’m always getting back to red rank every reset and why I’m always getting better. I spend more time analyzing my mistakes and playing the game than I do crying about the game on the forums. You should try it, maybe you’d be able to counter the already easy to predict 360s

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I agree completely.

    360's are a stupid mechanic, spinning on the spot like an idiot shouldn't be a thing. The game feels less like horror suvivor and more like some crappy meme game with that garbage going on. Also it only works if the killer is frame dropping or lagging out, its not skill, its bad optimisation. These 360 idiots drop like sacks of ######### and then rage at you for it in the end game chat.

    I didn't mind the new animations, the looked less janky (at least to me) and turns and transitions looked more natural rather than spinning on the spot at high speed on your toe, on grass.

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    Mimimi survivor are sooooo Bad pepole mimimi 360 is soooo broken...

    Jezzes get gud in the game then you see how easy Killer games are.