I Can’t Win as Killer

Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I can barely move in a match before two gens are already popped. I chase someone and instantly another gen is popped. I hook someone, takes time for them to die, immediately another gen pops and another person off the hook. The minute I chase someone I know I’m going to lose the match cause the others will just gen rush. This is very disheartening for a Killer. I’m level 13 but can’t get any higher and I’m constantly getting survivors that outrank and outclass me. It got to the point where I downed the last person in the match and just dropped them by the gate. What’s the point? This game feels very unfriendly to new Killers and the learning curve is massive for Killers. Even bad survivors can still rely on their teammates to pick up their slack. Any tips or anything? Am I really going to have to spend a buttload of money on characters just to get decent perks? It’s just real depressing that I constantly hook many players, break gens and pallets, the whole nine yards and still walk away with nothing.



  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I try to not let it bother me. But when they realize I’m not a good killer then the toxicity comes out cause they can run circles around me. I’ve done some good mind games before so I know not to just follow the survivor constantly in a straight line.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    it's impossible to adequately balance a game with an uneven amount of attention spans and hands between the teams, before even factoring skill levels into it. 'asymmetrical' will always favor one side or another, whether that is in general at times or based on personal skell levels per match it's just the way it will always be. my golden rule is pick the side that's the most fun for me, and if one side is generally too sweaty or gets steamrolled tooe asily that's the side I won't have fun with. and then I play it until it's dead and move on to the next cash grab.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    One of the shortcomings of dbd is the difference in killers, some can be bullied relentlessly by survivors and some are given all the cards, your best bet is to try and enjoy the later half of killers who happen to hold more tricks up their sleeves than the survivors can usually deal with

    some of the better killers for not getting bullied (as long as you are good at them)

    Spirit, Nurse, Blight, Oni (albeit if you can't get the first hit bullying comes next) billy, bubba, freddy, all tend to be harder to bully then a traditional killer, such as legion or trapper

    some of them of course are more fun than others (from most to least imo)

    Blight, Oni, Nurse, Spirit, Billy, Bubba, Freddy

    I would recommend picking one of the easy ones from this list

    Spirit, Bubba, Freddy

    And one of the harder ones

    Blight, Oni, Nurse, Billy

    and getting decent at one of each that way you have a decent killer for casual matches and an even stronger killer for less casual matches

    this should help reduce the amount of bullying as they are all solid options that can give decent to incredible results

    Trust me its much harder to bully a good blight than it is a great trapper and given enough time blight can run circles that trapper could only dream of achieving

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Watch how skilled killer streamers play the game. Find a streamer who explains what he/she is doing as killer and why he/she is doing it. Practice that.

    Despite all the 'woe is me' 'killer is impossible' posts on this forum, the killer role right now (for a skilled player) is quite advantageous. The current matchmaking system makes playing killer...i don't want to say easy, because if you get bad map luck against a good SWF it requires a lot of sweating...but, like, I 3k(hatch)-4k around 90%-95% of my games. I'm a really good killer. I have 4k+ hours in the game. And I know if I go against the best SWF teams every game that 4k percentage will be much lower, but the fact is there just aren't that many great SWF teams to be facing them every game.

    The problem you are having is that you don't have much experience as killer, and the survivors you are facing are actually touching generators, instead of rank 15-20's who would just hide and die.

    Take my advice from the first paragraph. Start watching great killer streamers. Ask yourself what you are doing different from that player. Practice hiding your red light. Stop breaking every pallet and following the survivor like a puppy. Use mind-games. Learn spawn points.

    Sounds like a lot to learn, right? It is. But, like I said, a strong killer can 4k most of his/her games at red ranks.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    If survivors play well even experienced killers will struggle even with strong perks and stronger killers than Trapper.

    Watched Tru3talent for a bit today. First match he played was as Pyramid Head with boring slowdown perks / gen perks (Ruin, BBQ, Pop) as usual.

    Result: 4 man escape.

    Then I switched to a smaller streamer with 4000+ hours. He played Bubba with one of my personal builds and got a very cocky team that 99'd Sprint Bursts and used it mid chase after luring him away from each other. One of them pretended to be from Agony (tournament team).

    Result: 3 man escape.

    The game is balanced around mediocre survivors.

    Therefore I think you should just try and play the game for the unique gameplay and forget about the kills.

    Don't try to force it. If you get the win (due to bad survivors) great - if they're smart and experienced - better luck next time.

    OR: Play Spirit/Nurse with meta builds.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I keep getting red ranks and SWF teams in my matches. And I’m only rank 14. I can’t cross the 13 rank cause I constantly get my butt handed to me and matchmaking makes it worse

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609

    Here's the thing about winning in this game, its very rare as both survivor and killer

    BBQ is a great perk to use on any killer, very helpful.

    Anyway, when you play killer, don't expect to win, just get whatever kills you can. And if someone trashes you about it, they're just sore winners and just say gg to prove you're the better sport

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Here'sa couple of videos of Otzdarva. Hopefully something here will be helpful. I'd recommend checking out him and Oh Tofu. Also Tofu does game play reviews. If you record any games you can always try submitting footage to him. No guarantee he'll review it. But always worth a shot.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Ohtofu also just put out a beginner build video and a meta build video might be worth checking out

  • Msterflex
    Msterflex Member Posts: 126

    I think that’s actually typical. I streamrolled yellow rank as Micheal where survivors would just let me get Tier Three but then started losing badly as I moved into green where the survivors were smarter and avoided my stalking and hid when I reached Tier Three and so I had to adapt and learned to use M1s more while saving my Tier Three for when I could easily catch them with the one shot. I’m sure I’ll have to do even better as I move into purple and red.

    Try and get perks that can slow down the game and give you some breathing room. I think Corrupt Intervention is a must have for a trapping character like well Trapper lol and then there’s perks like Surge and Hex: Ruin (which I would use with something like Hex: Undying). One perk I want but still haven got is Pop goes the Weasel. I can tell it’s a beast perk but I don’t have much interest in the Clown.

    Otz who the guy above me shared has me helped me improve my killer game a lot.

  • Msterflex
    Msterflex Member Posts: 126

    And the rest of course is just practice. I used to get juked pretty bad but I’ve learn to counter those.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624
    edited February 2021

    You don't need BBQ to kill survivors.

    Learning how to track survivors is more important. You always find your first survivor without BBQ. Apply that skill to each survivor.

    The truth of this game is that, as you go up in ranks your opponents get more skilled, and thus play better than you. A lot of people try to downplay or ignore this fact for whatever reason, but your opponents do get better as you go up, and that is true for both sides. And this game is more about skill than anything else.

    Sorry but TLDR, git gud.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Don't lose your cool just because three gens pop after your first chase. That's just how the game is right now - especially on Trapper, you need to be ready to fight tenaciously in the mid to late game. Trapper is actually pretty good for prolonging the game and making comebacks, since your traps end up limiting survivors' options when they run.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2021

    I main trapper as well, if you are willing to stream a match or two on discord I am willing to help you learn.

    I suggest you acquire the perks corrupt intervention however as it's probably one of the most mandatory perks in the game for him, compared to any other killer even.

    As for temperament, you need to understand DBD is a ridiculously luck based game with a tremendous amount of unfair things going on all at once; too many to list even a lot of the time. So you need to stop being so invested in a large win or loss condition.

    I started playing Clown recently for example; I literally do not care about gens or winning the game- I will literally let them all do every gen while I chase some really good survivor because I am just trying to learn how to play Clown in a chase; I could give a ######### about literally anything else really. I do not care if I get downs, hooks, or kill anyone. All of that is now a bonus to me not the objective.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I actually gave Wraith a try for two matches. First match of course was terrible but I 3kd next match. He seems easier to control and quick. I like Trapper but I may need to try other killers too. I even like Huntress though I’m not good at her. Have Doctor a try and couldn’t really get his power down. It seemed rare for me to shock them. Nurse was terrible and made me sick to look at at.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    I’m actually thinking survivor 360s are better than before. They really whip around this patch, which makes pyramid head especially weak. Good survivors were already really hard to hit with punishment outside animation locks and I feel like it’s even worse this patch.

    You can have the path pretty much dead on them and they have plenty of time to spin out of it, and no good survivor is going to walk into it.

  • Trapper requires more game understanding than any other killer really. You have to be able to read survivors pretty well.

    It's not like Slinger, huntress or nurse for example who rely on general dexterity and such more often.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    wraith was underrated with the right addons before, and is probablys till not given the credit it's due. It's pretty fun, and with addons very mobile. and just got slightly buffed, where it helps which is while crossing the map with the stealthed speed since they shouldn't see the glimemr from him any more until he's close enough to chase or get behind things I think

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    I don’t play Trapper but I thought that he was all about primarily protecting the three closest gens because he has poor map mobility. If you’re running all over the map you’re probably going to lose. Also I’m not sure how good BBQ is against red ranks. Most experienced players will assume you’re running it so you’re not likely going to get much benefit out of the aura sensing. The hook bonus isn’t going to help you. I’d choose Tinkerer instead.

  • As others have said the game is just unbalanced. Even the 5000 hour sweatlord killers have the same experience unless they’re against potatoes and often the only way they win is by slugging the team. If survivors do gens you actually dont have time to hook them all.

    Do the math. Say it takes you 20 second to walk across the map and find a survivor, 15 seconds to get that first hit, 20 seconds to catch up from the speed boost and get a second hit (survivors holding W can waste about 20 seconds), then you weapon wipe, pick up and hook about 10 seconds maybe. Thats a good case scenario and that’s 65 seconds, gens take 80 seconds so that only leaves you with 15 seconds spare. Considering the maps are full of safe pallets if you come across a good survivor its gonna take even longer.

    Survivors start next to gens so if all 4 split up and do separate gens then yeah by the time you end your first chase even if it was a decent chase 3 gens are almost done. You can try to spread damage but with such large maps it can be hard early on to juggle a team.

    If I had to name one must have perk I’d say corrupt intervention. Making survivors run a little further to generators and shrink the map for 2 minutes is essential.

    But I’ve seen good players consistently have short chases. Every hit within 15 seconds or so and I’ve had it myself and yet the gens still get done. This is why so many are frustrated with the state of killer because playing well or going against a team of bad runners doesnt guarantee you a victory its still completely on the survivors depending on how aggressive they are with generators. The game is in their hands. Just like chases the objective speed has the same issue - its up to the survivors to make mistakes. Killer gameplay was apparently an afterthought to the designers

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    That does give me something to think about. Honestly I want to be good and not have to resort to tactics like camping and tunneling like I hate as survivor but at the same time it’s hard. Especially with toxic survivors.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Well survivors camp and tunnel gens. So why shouldn´t killers do the same?

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516
  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Well you should definitely keep playing Wraith. He's very simple and teaches you the fundamentals of the game like how to chase, how to pressure the map and you can find survivors fast. Trapper works when you have a good understanding of all the maps. Like Wraith he is simple but requires some knowledge of the game to play well. Huntress and Nurse are two killers that you either pick up fast at the beginning or you'll basically never understand them, at least for a while. Again, both have simple mechanics and a simple gameplan, and the only way to get better at them is "do the thing better". I wasn't the best with Huntress when I started and I'm still pretty terrible, I much prefer playing Deathslinger, but I found Nurse to be a walk in the park.

  • Iudex_Nemesis
    Iudex_Nemesis Member Posts: 326

    I was kind of in the same spot but doc ended up becoming my main (This was before he got buffed). I just really like the anti loop and free tracking he offers.

    I was far too stubborn to buy some of the characters for their perks. I really did not want to waste bloodpoints on characters that I have no desire to play. I just kept playing and once I had enough shards I just waited for the perks I wanted to appear in the shrine.

    Now I have nearly all killer perks with only half the roster.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    Playing killer well is basically a time management mini-game, common player strategy and map knowledge. So you might think that your goal is to be a killer, but really your goal is to keep survivors from escaping. Like, sometimes it's more beneficial to just injure a survivor that's at a strong loop, rather than to chase them until they're downed: If they spend the time to heal, that's time they're not on a gen, and it's time you can spend chasing other survivors to do the same to. Master slowing survivors down, and you win more often than not. Granted, not always.

    Killer in general has the odds stacked against them, because as others have said the game isn't balanced. Both roles are restricted in certain ways, but killers are moreso. You'll notice on perks and powers, there are many cooldowns and restrictions on how those things are used to prevent stacking certain effects. Whereas, if you look at survivor perks, you can and are encouraged to stack everything; there are no cooldowns on vaulting, blinding killers, stunning them, or anything like that. I mean don't get me wrong... the killer powers and perks are powerful, but they're very restricted.

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306

    I will tell you the same thing i tell everyone,master a top tier killer and use the best add ons/perks.

  • floofysnake
    floofysnake Member Posts: 7

    I've played a lot of trapper and first off, you're 99% of the time going to lose 2 gens before your first chase. Use this time to set up all your traps (good spots come with experience) then go get your first chase. Your aim should be to injure as many people as possible before hooking someone so you can get them off gens. I'd reccomend sloppy butcher/ thanayophobia/ nurses calling if you want a lot more slowdown in this area and can live without other perks. Once you've done that, do your best to snowball and know when to drop a chase. A particularly important tactic on trapper is to know how to pressure people into going towards your traps, even if you lose some distance on them. If you really end up struggling then you could try out basement trapper, you're pretty much guaranteed several kills if you don't camp.

  • R_A_V_E_N
    R_A_V_E_N Member Posts: 30

    Its normal to have gens slammed, injuring survivors is enough as a lot of the time they don't care and continue doing gens if they aren't being chased. Even if you play nurse with the best addons and perks, you will still struggle, and even then she is incredibly hard to master so its an up-hill battle.

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    Trapper sadly is a very old and underpowered killer while all of the newer killers are being reworked and buffed he is sat there being all cute and adorable kinda like a Teddy bear, it takes hours of experience and addon of rare quality to get him to being a good killer also try setting traps at known vault locations like shack window and pallets also on maps like game and silent Hill trap door ways to gens.

  • Jaffycake
    Jaffycake Member Posts: 56

    Ideally a 2 kill 2 escape is a draw, 3k is a win. It will always be tough. I like the challenge but I understand your frustration. I'm trying the Oni right now and it is difficult to get that sweet 3k

  • Boomer_Zoomer
    Boomer_Zoomer Member Posts: 29

    So it's not just me. I've been having a seriously tough time this week.

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229

    I'm killer rank 1 and I very frustrated with the genrush too 😆

  • Shenanigan
    Shenanigan Member Posts: 208

    Idk if it's just me, but when it comes to this game saying "gg" feels like it could be immediately interpreted as toxic/smug behavior to someone else depending on whichever side won that's just me though

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    What killers are you using and which builds? I can give further tips for the killers and builds best for them.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Remember each killer is different, sadly the game is survivor sided and certain killers benefit from certain perks, I briefly read something about trapper and bbq. Trapper is about locking down part of the map, hes all about 3/4 gens corrupt is holy grail, things like pop can save some gens but end of the day you cant beat optimal survivors unless you slug all 4

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    Hey just a thought if you wanted we could go into a kyf lobby at some point (if we both play at the same time) and practice?

    I always need to practice my loops and stuff on survivor and it gives you the opportunity to go against someone with a little bit more experience, that isn't toxic, but that isn't an absolute god.

    What platform do you play on?

  • druggedpug69
    druggedpug69 Member Posts: 155

    JuSt BuY fReDdY. eZ dUb.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Like others mentioned, the game is survivor favored but still not impossible to do well in.

    If you want to just learn some basics for a bit id say try wraith or even Bubba

    If you want a more effective killer who has traps id recommend either freddy or pyramid head. Freddy is solid and will be getting a nerf eventually. Pyramid head has a lot of utility and if you can learn him you can use a lot of that knowledge for other killers well (other than high mobility killers). He has taught me a lot on how to use a wide range of killers and I just like him a lot.

    Or just stick with whoever you want and work towards getting good teachables for your killer. Trapper is considered one of the weaker killers just so you know. I dont care for him myself either. Maybe even try out a killer of a totally different style to freshen things up for you such as go for a ranged killer rather than a trap based one

    Hopefully this is all helpful

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    One thing you can do is avoid swf's, i know you can't always tell but i would rather wait another minute or two finding another match then have a frustrating one. The only time i don't do this is when im playing someone like spirit since she has the power to compete with them.

    It is kinda cowardly but I'm just sick of not having chances as killers i want to play but can't since they are not strong enough, i don't like playing the same killer over and over again i want to play the weaker ones but swf's don't care they just want the same thing even tho they already have the advantage and a ton of second chance perks.

    Do know i don't always avoid them in fact a lot of times matches start and i haven't even looked at the survivors but if i just want a game i know i have a chance to win i wont play against swf. The only downfall for survivors is a lack of coordination and equal skill and swf fixes just that and gives more.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    As a lot of others have said, the game is generally very stacked against killers, you rely on the survivors being subpar or making mistakes the grand majority of the time.

    If you really want to stick to killer and want to win above all else, your best bet is using Spirit or Nurse. Spirit being much much easier to play than Nurse as long as you have a good headset and some game knowledge. But if you want the absolute best chance Nurse is the better bet (although she has like 1000 bugs that hurt her). Again, I would recommend Spirit, she's only one step weaker, but still very strong and not very difficult to learn.

    Even then against optimal teams, you can struggle.

    As for perks, if you want just a strong build don't use BBQ. Killers use it a lot mainly for the BP bonus because the grind is insane, the tracking is outclassed by other perks that you should use instead if you just want a strong build. Things like Whispers, Thrilling tremors, Spies, ect. Even surveillance is stronger imo especially with a synergizing perk like Ruin or Surge.

    If you're having trouble with getting to gens and the survivors being gone already, Monitor from The Doctor can help. If you can get your hands on it get corrupt intervention, it helps to not have survivors just jump on gens as soon as the match starts and for setup killers it gives them some time.

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    You know, people could just say get better; practice more.

    Git gud makes you seem like you really don't care.

  • CyperX
    CyperX Member Posts: 103

    I camp when I choose Bubba against SWF teams at times and IDGAF..im 2 months in this game but I realized I can play the way I want against these sweaty ass teams messing around in game. No mercy...I decide to use NOED and camp if I have to . I started using Hag and she's ton of fun. I may sometimes camp a survivor I don't like if I have to when they are struggling ..also at end game or mid game I may camp a survivor as a bait trap. My choice my rules :)

  • Sand
    Sand Member Posts: 179

    Meanwhile survivor mains, "killer is much easier after the update" kekw