Why are so many people ashamed to play this game?

I've noticed quite a lot of people being embarrassed and/or ashamed that they play DBD, particularly ones with many hours. From my observation, it's not the hours of time invested they are embarrassed about, but the game itself. I've seen so many people, streamers included, saying stuff like "unfortunately I predominately play this game" or something like that and even going out of the way to disparage the game's popularity and act like it's some very unknown indie game as if it's not one of the readily more popular games on the market today, and no sign of that stopping any time soon.
Like it's just a video game. This game causes lots of frustration for various reasons but so do other games, and that comes along with the playtime and fun along the way. And in regards to streamers who subtly try to indicate they find it hellish to stream DbD, it's going to be the same thing for another game that you eventually earn so much playtime on that you get bored of it.
I don't really get why. I have my theories, and even then it doesn't make sense. I think it may be because DBD isn't really seen as "cool" even though the more popular games like Valorant, LoL, Fortnite, etc. are at the very least just as, if not more wacky-looking than DbD is in design, and not anymore serious in terms of gameplay considering it's...just a video game.
Maybe I'm misinterpreting it but I assume people are ashamed of playing DbD (the ones that are, not saying everyone/most players are) because it doesn't have that superficial "cool" factor to be a player of unlike the aforementioned games probably do which I don't understand either, considering they're also cartoonish looking and wacky in terms of gameplay (at least from my experience). The more serious-looking games in both design and gameplay aren't even readily more popular, and often less popular.
That's what a guilty pleasure is. Like when I discovered what the best of worlds meant, and agreed. Everybody has something like dbd, and it's fun finding out what it is sometimes.
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similar attitude I picked up on with certain "free to play" games in the past lol. Imagine being ashamed of dbd like it's a ftp or hentai game. but one they paid for. LUL
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The same reason people are ashamed of a heroin addiction
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But isn't that mostly known within the community of the game though? It's not like cyberpunk where all of its flaws were plastered all over the news for so long that everyone, including people who didn't play it, knew about its bad management, updates, and features.
For DbD I don't think this is the case, but correct me if I'm wrong. Superficially I don't think it presents anywhere near that way to people who actually aren't invested in the game. The only thing recently I can think of was the controversy over the colour blind settings which had publicity from outlets on the internet. But to be quite honest so many other games are cash grabs to where I don't understand why it's a sudden concern that DbD is one.
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There's also the way the community acts and not wanting to be directly associated with them. That's a fair reason in my book, similar to how you wouldn't openly talk about playing Ecchi RPG's or always see people bashing mechanics very harshly when they do (even though they're generally equal to or better than most other games in the same genre).
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Because it is so basic, yet addictive.
The community is not that great, but that is caused by the Devs.
The Devs are terrible when it comes to communication and decision making.
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I play hentai games shamelessly, this game I always feel some embarrassment about even as my hours grow on it.
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jesus, such a low opinion of dbd you would be fine with thinking people might assume you fapped to video game toons but don't want them even knowing you played dbd. that is some funny chet. this game is so bad lol
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I always assume there's a good chance they've fapped at least once to them so I chuckle when I see a new one pop on a notification. I can't imagine those kind of games being more entertaining than other kinds of games in any other way. It would be like playing the kmart version of a video game. It would be like, somebody would rather play a cheap asset flip on steam that only got a few people to buy it cause of the milkjugs on a few characters while it has poor hit detection and chiddy netcode over wanting to play mortal kombat. or even the last street fighter over mortal kombat, more of an opinion with those though
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It's more like they're just playing a game with harmlessly added milkjugs, considering that the ratio of garbage to amazing games is about the same as it is for games without that type of content.
Or a closer example, it'd be like playing a better fighting game WITH milkjugs (DOA) over a worse game without some effort put into them (MK, SF).
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I don't understand that, the look of those games I have seen I've been reluctant to wanna evenr efer to as games sometimes. especially the ones calling them "visual novels". They just make me lol. stuff like legend of heroes, I'd always rather play that when it's a game where I can stand the cartoony style over anything using sex as a cheap gimmick. I just cannot help the low opinion I have of the sorts where that seems to be just about anything or the only thing they'll play. my mind is screaming "future funny article about a future felonious deviant", and holds the firm belief that they are definitely fapping like ted bundy locked in their home 'playing' the stuff. If the stuff had cost the same price as real games of the same type, and people still bought it instead of at least pirating it (usually they look much cheaper probably to make it more appealing since it seems a niche thing), I would honestly consider the guy that claimed the world ended in 2012 may have been right and we are in a parallel timeline at that point. one I'd call bizarro world, especially after all of last year.
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Toxicity is just a part of online gaming communities in general. DBD isn't unique or really more saturated in terms of having ######### and toxicity with players. Let's not pretend that the general image of online gaming communities across the board is known for even decent politeness/manners/rapport/sportsmanship. People in general are ######### on the internet and it doesn't stop when they play games, if anything is amplified. Also even though some other games have legitimately-recognised eSports teams, let's not pretend that almost entirely games are not for casual play. eSports and competitive play are just that, they do not overlap with casual play which is the vast majority of how people play any time of game.
I don't think the game looks ugly, especially when compared to other games like LoL which looks like something I would play when Windows XP was new. It's pretty well designed in my opinion and not subpar. You can say the playstyle is boring in some respects but I can say that about Valorant where I'm just shooting people. But opinions aside, the graphics aren't the problem, let alone how entertaining the game is in any respect, since it's one of the most popular games today. You may not like the graphics and updates but evidently others do, so that's not it.
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meh, D&D and similar games are role playing tools. the whole point is to use them as a baseline for making up your own adventures and doing whatever you want with them. which is why I cracked up at the whole "inclusivity" thing since any group can play any way they want and anybody could always look for others who wanted to play the way they wanted to play. Nobody was ever denied entry unless they denied themselves of it, or failed to find the right people for them. Which is close to impossible going over the internet these days, but could be a real problem before it though. If people wanna play that way, then whatever lol. Telling people how to not play those kind of games is already defeating their purpose in my opinion.
hentai stuff is focused on sex though, that's the thing about it. I mean it's just a way to get something lazy or less imaginative a few extra sales. And yep many mainstream games of course have done it, with a lot of their characters especially in the 90s. That was obvious, but the hentai stuff takes it to a whole notha levo. But if anybody's story was good enough to sell, and they knew people would like it, they wouldn't bank on the priapism selling it for them.
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That's because you're heavily biased for no reason, friend. Games aren't inherently bad just because they have certain aesthetics or character designs, there are plenty of games with designs and themes based around "lewd" stuff that are easily up there with the great RPG's in all areas.
We are getting off topic though.
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I don't think the game involves commitment at all to be interested in it. And I mean I can counter your example with my own real life experiences. I have college-aged friends who picked up the game within the past year and really like it, some even have hundreds of hours. Even my 11 year old cousin likes the game, and I didn't even introduce him to it (he plays DbD mobile and was surprised to hear that I play it on PC)
edit: past year = 2020, not 2021
And I can also give examples about how other games have bored not only me but so many other friends of mine. Like not only me, but I know plenty of other people who've tried Valorant and LoL and are extremely bored of it and find it to be a waste of time. I couldn't even put 30 minutes into LoL without being bored of it and never playing it again.
DbD has its problems and they should be critiqued, but I do feel like people romanticised and exaggerate other games being so much better when you will find the same amount of people, if not more, complaining about different things about those games.
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lmfao, I will never accept a jag off game being able to be compared to the greatest rpg games of all time. I needed a good laugh though and got it lol. I think a couple more janes or some summer outfits would probably grab some new players probably knowing how folks are these days. It couldn't lower my opinion of this game much more to be honest, lol.
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Again, because you're biased. I wouldn't say that you're entirely at fault though, since that's just the sort of society the we live in. That is, one that shuns and demonizes this type of content instead of actually addressing the issue and teaching people about it.
Dungeon Travelers 2, MGQ and Rance for example, easily beats (or at least equals) many of the games that are usually in the "Totally Not Biased by Nostalgia Top Twenty Best JRPG's of all Time" lists around. Even if a hentai game came out that objectively completely outclassed them in every single possible aspect, people would still disregard it as thoughtless garbage.
People are set in their ways, so I am probably wasting my breath.
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I dunno man, a game where the entire focus is banging everybody possible isn't gonna top chrono trigger in my book. Just like even if a porno was made that, if you forgot about the sex scenes completely except anything truly relevant to a plot, was actually 'objectively' better in quality of script, effects, presentation of the events, character development and everything else than the best films of all time I still would consider it only "the best nudie film ever made" untilt here was aversion that only kept the spicy content that was relevant to the story and character developments. pron is pron, and believe me I indulge in it, but pron is pron. W
hen I want a good story, I don't want sex to be it's main focus or the main gimmick used to move every other minute of it along. Imagine if the same team that made chrono trigger, had made chrono trigger a hentai game. Sure as a kid I would have gotten a kick out of that, probably would have played through it again as many times as I did... but I wouldn't have played through it again more than Maybe one time as an adult for old time's sake since that kind of thing wouldn't have been funny to me any more.
EDIT: to be fair, after rereading that last part about "not being funny to me any more" I kind of thought about how I thought of Duke Nukem Forever and that some people had grown out of it and their tastes changed by the time that came out since while it wasn't the greatest at all I still had fun with it. I didn't think about it that way, so, maybe it's a taste I grew out of since most of the time I don't find the hentai stuff funny any more and haven't in ages. I mean at my beavis and butthead ages I admit I would have gotten akick out of the stuff, and that if I was introduced to beavis and butthead Now I'd find it amusing but wouldn't have nearly the love of it that I do because of my teenaged enjoyment of it. But I still cannot personally place something based entirely on copulation over the best in other genres without thinking of it as satire of some sort. Sort of like Spaceballs with lots of jugs. Comedy of some sort would be the only exception in my case.
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Tbh I'd be more embarrassed of being a Fog Whisperer personally, because most of my ideas that I would come up with don't mean jack. They get thrown back in my face like a piece of pie, and I just leave wondering why even bother anymore.
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Why caring so much about what other people think? I can play my ecchi games online if i want 🤣
Post edited by Irisora on0 -
Dont really know what you mean, never really saw that xD Noob3 for example is just meming when he said that. And if someone is ashamed then they might want to work on their character.
Reminds me on the old days, when Animes and Mangas where a nishe thing and old times weebs where actually scared to admit that they watch or read them. Was also stupid imo.
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Because it takes like thousands of hours to be playable levels of good at it.
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Because its janky garbage made by developers too afraid of the playerbase (survivors) to make any meaningful changes to the game. I mean hell the past 24 hours have shown us that they wont even bring the animations up to PS3/360 standards if survivors nix the idea and now we’re stuck in the PS2 era again
I admit this is the one game I’ve ever been embarrassed to play. Sometimes I play rocket league or battlefield with friends. They ask me about this game because they see me play it and I dont know what to say. I know they wouldnt like it. Probably tunneled to death as new players and I know they wouldnt be invested enough to ever stick around as killer after their first bully squad which are plentiful in the game. This is sad but you made me realize it really is a shameful game.
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I’ve been playing for almost 4 years and I haven’t once felt ashamed about that? I’ve also never seen anybody claim this either...
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I mean you can see it in this thread
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well i play CSGO with my coworkers, and whenever i go to play DBD they are just acting like this game is disguting like "how can you play this game ? I know i couldn't ? it's super repetitive"
I guess you either love or hate the game, i love it and that is my choice and right !
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maybe it's just me but i do feel like some people put fps games on a higher tier and treat it beyond reproach, because i find it weird they also don't have the self awareness to realise csgo and many other fps games are equally as repetitive, if not maybe more
shoot at targets woo so fun and diverse