What do we think of the pallet placements on new maps?

Not sure if this is just me, but I hate the new Autohaven, Macmillan and Gideon plant map.

In Autohaven and Macmillan, the deadzones are basically the entire map with a few weak pallets thrown in the middle and the space is so open and bare the players can see each other from across the map! Not to mention how boring it is to look at now, it's just a base floor with a few bushes scattered around!

The gideon plant is the opposite! As a killer, you can't go 5 feet in the downstairs before running into a REALLY strong pallet tile! Some of which, you're actually forced to break if you want to continue the chase. The new graphics and details are perfect, but I don't understand why they've changed the pallets! The only new map I actually like are the Crotus penn ones (aside from obvious glitches)

I don't know if this is just me and I need to put up with it but it is very annoying for me and my friends, because when we get on Autohaven and Macmillan it feels like we can't do anything because there's no safety anywhere! I'm only rank 4-5 survivor and 4 killer so I'm not elite at the game and I was wondering why they did these extreme changes to the maps.


  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Wildly inconsistent, as you mentioned. I will have backwater swamp games that have literally 0 pallets in an entire section of the map; and then load into another map with the double pallet bug and jungle gyms with the windows facing each other which practically creates an infinite.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    The new gideon meat plant have some nasty safe pallets. Other than that, i didn't see much change.

  • Auto have isn't all that different, Macmillan feels fine....meat plant dear lord there are so many like holy cow haha.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    so normal jungle gyms with open loopable pallets between them = dead zone now?

  • Also there is nothing wrong with "dead zones" they are intentional and required for the game to function.

    People like to use that term as if it's a bad thing.

    Gas Heaven is one of the most survivor sided maps in the game and it's Autohaven and blood lodge is not far behind, the Macmillan maps are probably some of the most balanced maps in the entire game.

    The only map that feels a bit too much is the new meat plant because they have like between 25 - 34 pallets and that is way too many given how like 1/3 of them HAVE to be broken.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Auto haven is a bit more empty now and looks ugly

    Macmillian feels the same but that’s not a bad thing

    Gideon has about 10 more god pallets and still terrible to play on

  • thiccccmyer
    thiccccmyer Member Posts: 9

    Gideon just went from killer sided to survivor sided,

    still completely unbalanced, too many pallets now

  • StreetRat115
    StreetRat115 Member Posts: 54

    I play both sides and I honestly don't notice that much difference in macmillan and autohaven other than the fact that autohaven is a bit too dark. However I will say the meat plant is a pain to play as killer, there are barely any loops that are mindgameable. And last thing I'll say that applies to all reworked maps are the breakable walls, I think they should be removed from the game

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Auto heaven, mc Millian are fine but the game maps broken af as every loop is safe against basic m1 killers. Then for the asylum maps iv hardly played but iv been on the clown map twice and had the worst rng of 4 pallets for the whole map

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    Pallets seem to be as prevalent in the new maps as they were on every map around the time curtain call was released - that ######### was so ridiculous. Maybe it's not quite that bad.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,068

    Autohaven--> Too many deadzones. Yesterday I went down like a Rank 20 Survivor against a Billy because there was one Longwall-Pallet (which I used) and then there was nothing, just deadzones. Like, give at least something to work with, some unsafe Pallet or a mediocre Window, but there was nothing except for some Rocks. (Was on Gas Heaven)

    MacMillan-->Looks fine for me to be honest. I did not notice any big problems. Storehouse can have some wild RNG where 4 Pallets are next to each other and the rest of the Maps is T/L-Walls ( have seen that twice that all Tiles spawned were T/L-Walls and the Pallets clustered next to the Storehouse)

    The Game--> Has too many safe Pallets, but I think they did that because some Pallets can be deadzones because of breakable Walls. If neither the Gen next to it is done nor the Wall is broken, it is a deadend. To avoid too many Deadends which take up the Pallet Slots, they added more Pallets.

    This is bad design at its finest, The Game was already boring to play on for both sides before the Rework. IMO they should completely remove Breakable Walls from The Game and reduce the number of Pallets so that it is roughly the same Map like before.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Really? I’ve still seen some absolutely outrageous Macmillan spawns. Auto haven not so much.

    Im talking like safe pallet into LT wall into jungle gym into shack with more safe pallets nearby and that’s just one corner of the map. I just got off a map like that. It’s insane to try and deal with those as a weaker low mobility killer.

    Barely managed to eek out a win by slugging so hard someone literally died from bleeding out with 2 survivors left and I was camping their body instead of a hook to make sure they died. Only won because after my first 3 gen chase (through that disgusting setup) I got a basement hook and a slug.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,068
    edited February 2021

    Yeah, MacMillan-Maps are some of the most balanced Maps in this game. Since the Map Rework a few months ago (which got rid of stuff like the old Ironworks-Window or the old Godwindow on Storehouse) they are basically the best what you can get when you want a balanced Map (minus Shelter Woods, this Map should get some love at some point, it is not shockingly bad, but Shelter Woods and Rotten Fields are the two Maps where you clearly see how old they are).

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    I don’t think they are. If the survivors are good at looping there can still be way too much to work with.

    I don’t think any map needs like 6-7 safe pallets along with strong windows back to back and that’s only one section of the map. Considering it’s 3 gens for 80 seconds at the start of the game, it’s just way too much if the survivors are even somewhat decent.

    It’s why the corn maps are still terrible, because sometimes the map can become one gigantic loop. I don’t think you should ever be seeing a survivor able to vault 3-4+ strong windows in a row and then still have the pallets and dead hard to fall back on, but I still do. Only a handful of killers are able to deal with those setups.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,601

    Shelter Woods is fine, in my opinion. But Rotten Fields is an ancient evil.

  • Scoted
    Scoted Member Posts: 57

    No there’ll be entire sections of the map that is just a field with trees. And not many trees either so you can see survivors from miles away

  • Scoted
    Scoted Member Posts: 57

    Yes! Looking through these comments I have realised that I have no problem with Macmillan maps EXCEPT for shelter woods, I hate it

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    I hate the amount of safe pallets in these reworks. There's just no mindgame. The Game is the most ridiculous because of all the god pallets. This game is becoming pallet break simulator, especially since breakable walls are, 90% of the time, survivor sided pre-dropped pallets that create god loops until broken.