
So I no life'd this game a few months at release, did some prestige, got a new job etc. I recall then that uitting penalties had to be added to stop people from scaming out when losing etc. Right now the main punishment seems to fall on the other unlucky survivors in your group. It's bad enough that I've dealt with three radar hillbillies this morning, but two other killers have DC/'d while the game loads. Why am I losing pips over a Killer quitting the match?


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    You dont lose pip when the killer DCs, that is a known bug but in reality you should not lose the pip

    And if your DC rate is really high (I estimate it around 70%), then the devs will take action^^

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918

    @Master said:
    You dont lose pip when the killer DCs, that is a known bug but in reality you should not lose the pip

    And if your DC rate is really high (I estimate it around 70%), then the devs will take action^^

    You don’t get 5k or pip if hey alt 4 on PC or close App on consoles... sigh

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    I can confirm. A killer D/C do not make you to depip. The pip comes back when you get back at the main menu, and it's simply a display bug that exists since 2016.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    I find it more annoying when killers quit lobby when they don't like the look of the survs, I think there should be a cooldown for quitting a lobby

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095
    edited June 2018

    @TeambossFloze said:
    I find it more annoying when killers quit lobby when they don't like the look of the survs, I think there should be a cooldown for quitting a lobby

    THen you'd force killers to play against people with huge ping, or with troll intents, which is not wanted.
    It would also allow the survivor to bring EVEN MORE items since dodging would be punished.

    Oh lovely 4 BNP rounds.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    Well ive had a killer drop on me too many times to count and I have a pretty awesome ping, no troll intents and survivors should be able to bring exactly what they want.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @TeambossFloze said:
    Well ive had a killer drop on me too many times to count and I have a pretty awesome ping, no troll intents and survivors should be able to bring exactly what they want.

    I'd agree, if items were balanced and actually hard to get/costy.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @Runiver said:

    @TeambossFloze said:
    Well ive had a killer drop on me too many times to count and I have a pretty awesome ping, no troll intents and survivors should be able to bring exactly what they want.

    I'd agree, if items were balanced and actually hard to get/costy.

    Fair comment.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Master said:
    You dont lose pip when the killer DCs, that is a known bug but in reality you should not lose the pip

    And if your DC rate is really high (I estimate it around 70%), then the devs will take action^^

    You don’t get 5k or pip if hey alt 4 on PC or close App on consoles... sigh

    @TeambossFloze said:
    I find it more annoying when killers quit lobby when they don't like the look of the survs, I think there should be a cooldown for quitting a lobby

    There already is a cooldown for quitting the lobby :wink:

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @Master said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Master said:
    You dont lose pip when the killer DCs, that is a known bug but in reality you should not lose the pip

    And if your DC rate is really high (I estimate it around 70%), then the devs will take action^^

    You don’t get 5k or pip if hey alt 4 on PC or close App on consoles... sigh

    @TeambossFloze said:
    I find it more annoying when killers quit lobby when they don't like the look of the survs, I think there should be a cooldown for quitting a lobby

    There already is a cooldown for quitting the lobby :wink:

    it's like 5 seconds ;) - you think that's suitable? :chuffed:

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    I DC when survs gen rush. They want the match to end so badly so why not just finish the job? They're mad about losing a pip? I'm mad about waiting 10+minutes to find a match only to have it end in less than 5. Excuse me for wanting to have fun in this game.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    I DC when survs gen rush. They want the match to end so badly so why not just finish the job? They're mad about losing a pip? I'm mad about waiting 10+minutes to find a match only to have it end in less than 5. Excuse me for wanting to have fun in this game.

    Gen rush is a serious problem in this game. It is the defacto weakness every killer has and it cannot be stopped or countered. The devs really need to rework the objective in this game in a way that lengthens the game while making it fun for both sides.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    I DC when survs gen rush. They want the match to end so badly so why not just finish the job? They're mad about losing a pip? I'm mad about waiting 10+minutes to find a match only to have it end in less than 5. Excuse me for wanting to have fun in this game.

    Gen rush is a serious problem in this game. It is the defacto weakness every killer has and it cannot be stopped or countered. The devs really need to rework the objective in this game in a way that lengthens the game while making it fun for both sides.

    I agree. I jut wonder how they're gonna do it. I bet they'll mess it up tho. I mean anything Killer friendly in any sense seems to spell disaster for the devs. I mean look at Wraith's cube that Killers waited for for over a year and a half. What a damn joke.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @CallMeRusty420 said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    I DC when survs gen rush. They want the match to end so badly so why not just finish the job? They're mad about losing a pip? I'm mad about waiting 10+minutes to find a match only to have it end in less than 5. Excuse me for wanting to have fun in this game.

    Gen rush is a serious problem in this game. It is the defacto weakness every killer has and it cannot be stopped or countered. The devs really need to rework the objective in this game in a way that lengthens the game while making it fun for both sides.

    I agree. I jut wonder how they're gonna do it. I bet they'll mess it up tho. I mean anything Killer friendly in any sense seems to spell disaster for the devs. I mean look at Wraith's cube that Killers waited for for over a year and a half. What a damn joke.

    Personally i would like something where you have to scavenge parts for generators. Example: You go up to one generator and it tells you, you need to find a spark plug and some motor oil. So you search the map for those items. Maybe a ruined truck or a pile of junk littered around the map. Once you have found it you bring it back to the gen and install it in a system similar to a BNP. Perhaps another generator just needs some gasoline to be ready to start. Go find a jerry can of fuel and bring it back. Atleast then the gens would not be boring M1 simulators. It would be fun and immersive looting the environment for parts and it would discourage toxic game play and gung ho play styles because the team is going to need help finding the right parts and then coordinate its installation in the proper generators.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @CallMeRusty420 said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    I DC when survs gen rush. They want the match to end so badly so why not just finish the job? They're mad about losing a pip? I'm mad about waiting 10+minutes to find a match only to have it end in less than 5. Excuse me for wanting to have fun in this game.

    Gen rush is a serious problem in this game. It is the defacto weakness every killer has and it cannot be stopped or countered. The devs really need to rework the objective in this game in a way that lengthens the game while making it fun for both sides.

    I agree. I jut wonder how they're gonna do it. I bet they'll mess it up tho. I mean anything Killer friendly in any sense seems to spell disaster for the devs. I mean look at Wraith's cube that Killers waited for for over a year and a half. What a damn joke.

    Personally i would like something where you have to scavenge parts for generators. Example: You go up to one generator and it tells you, you need to find a spark plug and some motor oil. So you search the map for those items. Maybe a ruined truck or a pile of junk littered around the map. Once you have found it you bring it back to the gen and install it in a system similar to a BNP. Perhaps another generator just needs some gasoline to be ready to start. Go find a jerry can of fuel and bring it back. Atleast then the gens would not be boring M1 simulators. It would be fun and immersive looting the environment for parts and it would discourage toxic game play and gung ho play styles because the team is going to need help finding the right parts and then coordinate its installation in the proper generators.

    A lot of people have suggested that but I have a different approach to that idea you said. Instead of needing the part to repair a gen, the part actually allow survivors to repair the gens at the current base speed they have now, but if they try to repair without it, their repair speed is reduced to Dream State levels. Also, to make Freddy not OP, just make it so the Dream State doesn't affect their base repair speed, but only their repair speed with that part.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    I dont stay in insanely toxic games. I refuse. Developers know that the community is highly toxic and does nothing to stop them. Quit ban? Yeah if you have a TON of them either in a row or in close proximity. Odds are those people are depipping on purpose, or they have crap internet.(ie: last year there was a storm in florida and i kept getting hosts from florida or the east coast of the US while i'm connected to dallas or ontario yay steam locations.)

    I only dodge SWFs, all private profiles, or a 4man sabre squad.

    Quitting for me ins't about losing. I still pip even if i die as a survivor 80% of the time so its far from that.. When i'm killer, Its the BM from other players. Hook rush? don't care. Gen rush? don't care. Break my ruin 2 seconds into the match, eh nice spawning. Still doesnt bother me. Its the intentional BMing that bothers me. So i'm not going to stay in a game where I'm not having fun. Not saying i have to 4k or even 1k. I like good groups of survivors,. I cant stand BMing brats. 5 minute loop and teabag in the exit gates until i hit them out isn't fun for me or any other person playing killer. If thats your version of fun, get the hook up on some therapy. More than half the time if i quit as a survivor its not the killer, my teammates sandbagging or is a bunch of trolling morons. If not that, i have a real life issue to take care of(as i have kids). I came to play the game, win or lose but have fun none-the-less.

    Being a competitive game doesn't mean the allowance of toxicity. Not by any means.

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Hey guys i had to drop out a game as i was playing and i was the killer and losing should i msg the survivors and explain it to them and congratulate them on a good game despite quote a few pallet looping