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Dead on hook Nancy's keep moaning even after they disappeared

Brankßer Member Posts: 52

First of all, I thought that just appeared randomly, but having two Nancy's in one lobby and it happend on both of them made me suspicious, so I started to record. Its really annoying and confusing, hearing someone, who isn't that anymore, especially when using stridor! Please fix

  • PC
  • Moaning even after Nancy died
  • Let a Nancy die on hook, her audios will keep playing ( I used Stridor )

Here is a link to my record!

13 votes

Acknowledged · Last Updated


  • peachblade
    peachblade Member Posts: 68

    This happened to me earlier as well, with a Nancy Wheeler and a Meg Thomas in two separate games.

  • Nehalennya
    Nehalennya Member Posts: 39

    I have the sound of dead survivors in some games, too when they die on hook. Not only Nancy. Without Stridor.

  • TheClausOfficial
    TheClausOfficial Member Posts: 113

    It happened to me too! After a survivor died hanging on the hook, I kept hearing her groans of pain every time I passed by the same hook for the rest of the match. I report the problem from PS4.

  • SpookyGamer236
    SpookyGamer236 Member Posts: 2

    Happened to me with Nancy and Kate, they kept on moaning after they were sacrificed on the hook.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Just happened to me with a Claudette on The Game. I was playing Wraith.

  • Emeraldwing
    Emeraldwing Member Posts: 43

    I just encountered the same thing. I'm a little sore about it, because it allowed a hiding Jake to sneak away and escape while I was looking around the hook. Shortly after I realized I was listening to an already dead Dwight, the gates were open and I'd lost a nice 4k.

  • MaxFiGuy
    MaxFiGuy Member Posts: 56

    It happened with a sacrificed Jake for me, too.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,554

    Jane haunted the hook for me

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    Same happened to me with Jane on Mother's Dwelling...

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,554

    Getting at least one every game now.