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Is it oke to quit out a game if survivors spamclick you really fast while being a epileptic

i have epilepsy and some survivors have caused me seizures before, last time they started doing this again i quit out because i didn't feel like having another seizure because of ######### feeling the need to bm.

is it oke to quit out because of this? or what else could i do....


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  • Member Posts: 14

    its about flashlight clicking* forgot to mention flashlight specific

  • Member Posts: 977

    I'm not an expert on this, but wouldn't it mean they have to get rid of flashlights completely? One would assume the blinding effect of a flashlight would also cause this as well?

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    I would not blame you if it was affecting you, but I will say if you do you still should not complain about the time out you get for doing so. Here is why: this is part of the game (flashlights) and they will occasionally be used in ways not intended. there is no way to know what they are doing or why. I would recommend speaking to a doctor about this specific issue. maybe something can be done to help.

  • Member Posts: 52

    If there is something that can be done by the developers I believe saying "just dont play its simple" wont help it. Furthermore I think this action is not kind and generous. We all go to a doctor when something is wrong with us right? At this point the developers may become a doctor for those people if you know what Im saying. Do you just quit something that you enjoy in life? Dont you look for if there is anything that can be done to make it safe first? If not, then there is nothing to do but quit it yes. You dont need that clicky "game mechanic" to take attention or for anything else and Im sure it was not intented as a mechanic, players just abuse it. Im fine without it if it is going to help some people enjoy the game too. My enjoyment is not over anyone else's. For blinding, well the purpose is to block the killer from seeing anything right? Not to make it uncomfortable for the killer player for a short time in real. Even I sometimes take my eyes off the screen when I get blinded by a flashlight as its too bright. The color can be changed into dark red if thats going to help Im not sure.Again, the developers needs to look up for it and then if there is nothing to make it better for epileptic people, Im really really sorry for them.

    Moreover as others have said, you should see a doctor and take your own measures. I hope you get better soon my friend.

  • Member Posts: 22,844

    From my thoughts no, just change the blind effect.

    -It takes 2 seconds to be blinded

    -Killers are aware of when a flashlight is being shone in their eyes due to a sound effect now.

    -The blind VFX doesn't appear until 1s of continuous blinding as occurred.

    -If the blinding stops the blind effect does not appear until another 1s of continuous blinding has occurred, at which point the blind effect fades in, or the killer becomes blinded, at which point the screen quickly fades into the blind effect and stays there for the period of time that the killer is blind.

    That's just off the top of my head, I'm sure the devs could think of something better. If they actually think about it, that is.

    @topic Yes that's perfectly acceptable reasoning and nobody could blame you, however if this is the case I'd honestly suggest playing very small amounts of the game and mainly playing something else. No game is worth risking your health over.

  • Member Posts: 563

    The devs could probably fix it so there's a slight cool down/delay from the initial button input before it can be used or pressed again. They already have a delay from when you can be healed again if it's interrupted. So it's more on the developers to decide if they want to do it or not. 1/2 a second to a 1 second may be helpful. My epilepsy isn't bothered by that specifically but I can't watch those rapid light flashes in movies usually shown in horror movie preview trailers. Sadly for us epileptics at least in most cases we're kind of f'd.

    I'd recommend messaging a developer about it or even making a post in the feedback section as well. It really shouldn't be too difficult.

  • Member Posts: 311

    They could put a cool down, or a fade in/out on the flashlight so it can’t flash.

  • Member Posts: 716

    Franklin's every game

  • Member Posts: 472

    Exactly! Something like that.

    I'm used to not explaining myself properly so thanks for making sense of them lol

  • Member Posts: 277

    Hag traps tend to give me bad motionsickness. I don't expect anyone to change the game for me or people to stop playing how they want. I just take the loss.

  • Member Posts: 150

    this should be something the devs look at and try to change, and hell should be a pinned comment on the forum, but instead we have 'share your wholesome dbd moments!' as a pin, right above waves and waves of stuff that should be looked at more than the one time the killer gave you a hatch.

  • Member Posts: 563

    Are you talking about the way the camera spins toward the trap when you activate it? It would be a nice QoL change if they did change it though right? I don't have motion sickness and I just get irritated how it flips my camera around so rapidly. I understand developers not being able to cater to everybody's needs, and what I recall on how they responded to colorblind mode I don't think it'll happen at least not for a long time it doesn't hurt to ask for a change or for a developer to respond to such inquiries on if they are willing to work on such a task.

  • Member Posts: 311

    This should become the new colour blind issue. People can die from epileptic seizures.

    Cyberpunk fixed their issue in a weekend, and that game doesn’t even run properly.

  • Member Posts: 1,839

    Ya, DCing for your health is perfectly fine. I'm sure one or two uppity people will moan about it, but they're just selfish/greedy. Your health isn't worth their fun.

    I also understand that getting flashlight spammed isn't THAT common in the game. So ya, you could play many matches without it being an issue. Personally, that's what I would do: Play those matches, and when something comes up that could cause a medical problem, leave and find another game after the DC penalty wears off. You don't owe anyone here a full match if it risks your health, but you also don't owe anyone here a leave from the game because your personal health concerns may inconvenience them. That's too bad for them, not you.

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    You need to look after yourself and your health first and foremost. Do everything and anything you have to, including disconnecting.

  • Member Posts: 445

    You're health must always come first and i speak from experience. I got COVID about a year ago and it killed my immune system ; since I was already prone to migraines the low immune system made them worse and more common and unfortunately for me DBD triggered them (want to be clear I'm not blaming the game) so I took around a 4 month break until I improved. I've been back for a while now which js nice but speaking from experience you may enjoy the game but health must always come first

  • Member Posts: 311

    I said that, but other people decided it would make game play unfun for them, so...

  • Member Posts: 3,089
  • Member Posts: 155

    Jesus Christ, if survivors flashing the lights have a chance to give you a seizure, THEN DO NOT PLAY AGAINST THEM. FIND SOMEONE ELSE OMG. A 5 MINUTE BAN IS MUCH BETTER THAN A DAMN SEIZURE. WOWZERS.

  • Member Posts: 87

    Do we really even need flashlights? Just give them a single charge taser or something else they can use to shock a killer into dropping a pal.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    You can set your your mouse wheel to be the one that clicks your flashlight so it's incredibly easily to do with clicking without the use of a macro.

  • Member Posts: 563
    edited February 2021

    It's not a very difficult fix. They could try it out in the PTB. I've never had an instance in playing over 800hrs where I needed to rapidly click the flashlight to be used as intended (blinding the killer) I understand letting go and changing position but definitely not to the degree that I think the OP is implying.

    I've said it before it would be nice to get a developers response to this whether it's something they aren't able to do or at least that they'll look into it. I understand it may not be seen as a necessity but QoL improvements towards people with health problems is always well received and appreciated.

  • Member Posts: 15,095
  • Member Posts: 1,032

    This right here is how not to respond to a serious medical concern that could be easily fixed without effecting gameplay. Child.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    There Should be a cooldown on flashlights if you click it more then 3 or 4 or more times in 3 or 4 sec the flahlight stops working for 10 or 15 sec that stop them from doing it if they want that flashlight save.

  • Member Posts: 67

    No offense, but if your condition doesn't allow you to play the game, don't play the game. Maybe try survivor for a bit... or play something else, for a week, try civilization or something.

  • Member Posts: 155
  • Member Posts: 369

    yeah i think dev needs to adress this, i hate also to hurt my wrist to wiggle or when i'm on dying hook. even the easiest one the dev doesnt adress it

  • Member Posts: 240

    Sounds like you seriously crave attention. People with your condition shouldn't be playing any video games, its common sense. Nobody knows you have epilepsy so dont take it as a personal attack on you, I know you can't help it but you are a complete stranger to almost everyone.

  • Member Posts: 1,874

    I totally agree that they should do something to prevent flashlight strobing. I wasn't aware of how bad it could be until recently, when I went against someone who seemed like they were actually trying to give me a seizure. It's different from using a flashlight normally.

    It's really irresponsible, and bad accessibility to flash lights at a rate that can cause seizures. I don't think DBD is doing that on purpose, but they've created an opportunity for their users to do it using their technology, and they should take the opportunity away.

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    To the people saying just play something else to OP, thats pretty ignorant, especially since the thing they are complaining about has no real bearing on the game and is usually just used as bm anyways.

    The issue at hand is the clicking not the light itself as that can just be turned away from. There is nothing that the killer can do about the clicking except dc, play with no sound, or afk until the match is over. The clicking is at its worst when pc players map it to the mouse wheel or use a macro, but even on console i can click pretty fast if i want to.

    To the OP feel free to correct me if ive misrepresented your position. My advice to you would be 2 things.

    First off if you see a flashlight in the pregame lobby, back out and find a new match, spam clickers will almost always bring a flashlight and not rely on finding one in a chest. Doing this should eliminate 99% of the clickers and killer generally has much shorter wait times and shouldnt punish you as much as a bunch of dc's

    Second would be if you do get a clicker whether you dc, or afk in a corner and take your headset off until the match is done you are doing nothing wrong, your health comes first. Also by doing that you are punishing them for their garbage behaviour by not giving them the attention they are asking for. The only downside being dc penalties add up so i prefer the afk in the corner method.

  • Member Posts: 243

    That's two perk spots taken up to just play the game without having a seizure why not just play something else.

  • Member Posts: 437

    so you're gonna talk about flashlight clicking but you're not going to mention the lights that flicker on a bunch of maps?

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    Some forms of epilepsy are more prone to sound based seizures than light based ones, and you have infinitely more control over what you see than what you hear.

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