8 matches in

I’m 8 matches in as a new player and 6 of them I was face camped by the killer. Congrats on losing a new player in record time DBD ✨🧚♀️
That's the way it is in DBD at low ranks.
I'm sorry, it does get better.
Please stick it out.
Killer is more fun anyway do that!! :))
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I cannot stress enough how bad the new player experience is. It's genuinely worse than any game I've ever played. We've asked for them to improve it for a long time, but...frankly, it's taken almost five years of asking for it to get colorblind support, I'm not holding my breath.
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Unfortunately, it's the worst part of the game, getting camped or tunneled off hook as a survivor. But you won't garner any sympathy whining about it. Get over it and become numb like the rest of us ;)
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It's honestly better this way. If you couldn't handle that, you probably cant handle the weird ######### people say after chat
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Don't give up so quickly. there is some days we don't see them at all and when we see them it's just a bad timing.
If you face such players several times in a row, i suggest you to wait a few minutes and take a break. just not to face them again and find other players.
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The developers of this game want everyone to run BT, UB, DS and the like. Even though those perks are literally not guaranteed to work.
Sorry to see you go, but until these tactics get properly looked at, I'm afraid we will see more new players leave. Until then I hope you find a game that isn't as unbalanced as this one.
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This isn't just a low rank issue. I am in red ranks and in fact just went against a Bubba (who was trash btw) didn't know how to run tiles and didn't know how to use his chainsaw. Yet, because of our set up + his power he camped his first hook and immediately forced them to go to phase 2. All while having Undying/Ruin and gens he could easily patrol with hardly any issue. He was a rank 1 btw.
I am not saying there isn't a portion of what the survivors need to bring to the table, but Camping is a problem in this game. 5000 hours in and I can see past the bs that this tactic allows killers to get kills they would have otherwise not gotten.
Devs need to wake up.
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I haven't been camped in over two weeks (unfairly at least, camping to secure a kill after that person ran you till after last gen pop or for a large amount of time, etc. is absolutely legitimate, I don't see wild animals leaving their injured prey for another animal to find and eat so why should killers do it?)
It's a problem sure but it's a situation bred from panic and inexperience.
There's a chance that bubba let their friend try, were memeing or (and this is more likely than you think) changed his rank manually via hacks to be rank 1 without any effort.
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When you frame your response with "It's a legitimate tactic" It is always going to sound like it is something that isn't a problem. Camping can and is being abused by killers, like, I don't know why we are acting like this hasn't been a thing since the game first released.
I don't see how comparing the scenario I brought up (which is common in this game) with an predator irl is in any way shape or form relative?
This is a game with rules and it is supposed to be as balanced as possible, correct? If it's not then people will raise concern, much like this new player AND many other people have on these forums and other outlets where DBD discussions happen.
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A killers goal is to the kill the survivors. Simply that (hence my predator analogy). I get there are people on both sides and one being a dick ruins the others fun but I think completing the objective is acceptable to a certain level. I don't see killers complaining when a survivor finishes a gen they chased someone off, they just know they didn't pressure well enough. Its something that can only be stopped by one's own actions, same as getting camped...
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Sorry you came across killers camping.
Like you in the low ranks, they are new and learning. They perhaps think thats what they should be doing to be efficient with kills.
I would suggest pairing up with some friends and create a swf. This can really help, and once you are in green ranks its 10x better :)
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I honestly wasn’t expecting such a positive reaction from my salty post. Thank you guys for that. I come from Overwatch and Smite where you get told to do die for playing a certain character so I’m auto defensive and salty Ngl.
I’m gonna stick it out since y’all were nice to me. I bought Cheryl (Heather) Mason because of how much love DBD put into her, not to mention this game is absolutely beautiful with great sounds. I’ll keep trying and hopefully things improve. Thank you again for the positivity ❤️❤️