Maybe...a doppelganger?

Jardan Member Posts: 3
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

I've been recently thinking and reading about the upcoming chapter, and some strange idea came to my mind. What if the new killer possessed some kind of ability to shapeshift into a survivor? Many people here have been talking about some kind of a hacking, futuristic killer but let's be honest. What is there to hack? Gens have no computers build into them and "hacking survivors" is pretty illogical. Maybe the new killer could possess an ability to place cameras and see everything through them, but then we have our beloved Coldwind maps with limited numbers of places to place cameras.In addition, there is no place and time for checking cameras.This game is too dynamic.

That is why the idea of a doppelganger came to my mind. What if the new killer, considering it is a futuristic killer, was in possession of some cybernetic device which could provide him with an ability to shapeshift into a selected survivor (some kind of a holohraphic illusion)? That's how I see it:

The new killer could transform into a selected survivor and be given its animations and movement speed (yes, tbagging too). Of course he wouldn't have any ability connected with doing gens, healing, or hiding in the lockers - only crouching and movement would be copied. The survivors would be able to recognize if a particular survivor is the doppelganger by spoitting some kind of disruptions in his holographic cover when closing in, which then may blow up his cover. However, the killer could also blow his cover anytime of course. Then we have a normal 4.6m/s killer (maybe some short-range charge could be added when the killer leaves his holographic form himself) When it comes to SWF, let's say the doppelganger could sneak close to survivors (without terror radius when shapeshifting) which still gives hims some advantage (haven't given it much thought tbh). As shapeshifting wouldn't be enough to catch survivors, the doppelganger could have an ability to place a holographic illusion of himself at his position for a limited time, which copy its terror radius, appearance and provides the killer with strong mindgames potential.

The killer could possess any name such as the Doppelganger, the Phantom, doesn't matter.

I know it may sound similar to the Ghostface but it's simply just an idea, not a full concept or anything. What do you think?