Gens are done too quickly at high ranks.The game is completely unfair and unbalanced for killers when going against teams and red rank survivors(even solo high rank survivors) , i end chases in seconds but gens are still flying and killers cant be at 2 places at the same time. Killers should be buffed as soon as possible because alot of new and old players are getting tired of those unfair conditions.
Nah Pop is fine right now, and gens fly some games, but you're acting as if that killers get genrushed every game which is completely untrue.
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The game is unplayable at high ranks. Im a rank 1 billy main(i know we are almost extinct) and i down in a couple of seconds a survivor and have 2 tinkerer notification ALREADY!!! The time i go to the gen the second one popped already,and its the same thing all over again. Honestly im getting disappointed because if billy,the fastest killer along with nurse cant prevent genrushing in the majority of my games then i can’t play this game anymore. Its sad because all the survivors do is pressing m1 or R1 on a gen and i cant understand how that is fun. If things doesn’t change this game will make all the killers go away by playing survivor or another game.
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How did the game end up? For me at red ranks, the first couple of gens tend to go quick, but then I'm usually able to pressure the remaining gens and force the survivors to make stupid mistakes. I main Doctor, and rarely run pop or ruin.
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I'm a Rank 1 Billy main too. Personally I prefer Ruin over Pop with him, as Billy excels at slugging especially with Infectious meaning that you often don't hook the survivors. Maybe that's your problem? You're hooking them too often when you can just slug them and then instantly go to the next survivor to force pressure? That's not to say you shouldn't hook survivors at all, but often, especially when you use the right perks, slugging is much better than hooking.
Also, the first gen or two are supposed to go fast, so if you're having problems with that I'd recommend Corrupt Intervention.
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Ehh nah... I think you need a break from DBD or at least some rest, it can get stressful at times.
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I run pop and ruin because ruin gets cleansed in a couple of seconds, Infectious is useless at high ranks because the survivors are all spread at different gens. The majority of my games are against high caliber red rank teams and it isnt fun to play in those conditions,because it gets to the point where i feel im in a tournament and not in a game to have fun anymore. Things needs to be changed because its really unfair for killers at high ranks,i think killers should have pop as basekit or 5-6 perks and not 4 because its a 1vs 4 and its not fair
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I dont stress over a game,kid.
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I definitely find survivors are good at high ranks, but I genuinely rarely have these problems. Ruin is occasionally cleansed early game, but even when it is the game isn't lost. If no one is within infectious range then I can hook them and find someone with BBQ and the gens rarely go extremely fast, once every few days I'll get a team that rushes gens but that's about it.
MMR is coming out soon so that could help you, but right now imo pop isn't needed basekit, nor are 5 of 6 perks needed to balance the game out.
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Sure sounds like it
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Dude, 5-6 perks? Pop as basekit? Either of those would break the game. I'm not one of those people that will just say git gud etc... but there are tons of red rank killers (myself included) that main 'weak' killers without meta perks and still manage to do well. That's not a flex on my part either, I class myself as pretty average. Sometimes it is just a case of practice makes perfect.
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Im rank 1 and consider myself a good player, the game isn’t balanced and favors survivors alot. The game is already broken so i dont think it will make things worse but better. You see survivor queue times right now and that says it all. Nobody wants to play in those conditions and thats why you always see the top 3 killers 8/10 games. If you play a killer that you find fun and isnt in the top 5 will make you lose the game quickly
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You and me have completely different experiences then. I'm rank 1 as well and I see a wide range of killers.
I main doctor and trapper and do pretty well with both of them tbh.
I would agree that the game is survivor sided, but only when you have well coordinated 3 man / 4 man teams does it become a real problem. Even then, you don't run into them that often.
Also if you are managing to stay at rank 1 it can't be going too badly for you, can it?
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Doctor and trapper? I havent seen those in a long time,and the last doctor i i encountered we escaped easily. Im in Europe here almost every red rank team is a high caliber team, i see alot of nurses and freddies like 5/10 games are pc nurses. Like i said killers need to be buffed because in big maps against good survivors you will probably depip
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I'm UK based, so I'm probably on the same servers. Honestly to me the maps don't matter as much as the skill of the survivors to use it (with the exception of The Game for obvious reasons). I've had easy 4ks on cow shed and temple of purgation and been destroyed on dead dog saloon.
On doc I run discordance, devour hope, BBQ and nurses. My add-ons change condtantly. Not exactly meta, but I win way more then I lose.
Trapper is more challenging. I run bamboozle, Corrupt, BBQ and STBFL. I still win more often than not with trapper.
Nurse can probably be attributed to the rift right now.
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Why don't you record and post one of your games up for others to see? You might get some helpful tips from it.
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im a red rank survivor to(even rank 1 before)i know how the game is build. when i can run and loop killers for 3 gens imagine what 4 same level as me survs can do,teams or solos. Well thats what happens to me as a killer and i cant do anything about that except mastering nurse,but im on console so i cant unfortunately for the obvious reasons.
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It does favour survivors, but not by the extent you claim, infact we are in the most balanced period of DBD we have been in for a while now. We see fast killer queues and the same killers more often because they are easier to play and/or extremely strong, while more people are playing with friends after they’re done with work. Survivor queues are faster in the afternoon, but before that? Killer queues are quicker. You won’t lose the game quickly for playing any killer outside of the Top 5. If you play bad, that’s a different story, but I can consistently win as Bubba, Legion and even pre buffed Clown.
If you can run the killer for 3 gens than the killer committing for that long is a huge problem. Additionally, albeit it takes a while to learn, I’ve met many great console Nurses.
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Everyone can pretend on this forum they 4k with pre buff clown and trapper at high ranks. The thing is that its not a coincidence that theres so many posts about unfairness towards killers and asking for balance. It isnt because some things that shouldn’t have been in the game like infinites insta blinds 3 windows being immortal for 1 min due to ds instarepait toolboxes and many more aren’t in the game that we are in the ‘´ most balanced period of dbd’’.
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It feels like you have decided that you've hit the peak of your killer ability, yet aren't able to get the outcome which would satisfy you. Therefore is must be a problem with the game, and not your gameplay.
It sounds to me like you can't identify any holes in your playstyle. I was serious about you posting a game or 2 to the forum for feedback. You might find some different ideas/tips from a different perspective that could bring a breath of fresh air to your games as killer.
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Pop should get back the 15 seconds it lost though. That nerf was unnecessary.
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I agree with that one. It currently only hurts the low mobility killers who need the gen regression the most.
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I agree that some things are a bit unfair, and that gens do go by pretty fast, but you are definitely overreacting. I think you need a break from the game.
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As a strictly solo q player the amount of times I’ve lost to a killer despite popping 2-3 gens in the first couple minutes because my team can’t recover from snowball is...a lot. Don’t be so quick to give up. The game is in a good spot right now balance wise.
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Just wanted to mention, you shouldn't have to buy killers for their perks just to have a chance at higher ranks.
I know about the Shrine Of Secrets, but that only has four random perks on it at any given time, and half of them are for survivors.
Slowdown perks should not be mandatory.
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What perks are mandatory for higher rank play in your opinion?
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Slowdown perks, like PGtW, Ruin, etc.
Almost any killer player will tell you that you almost absolutely need these in order to keep the match going beyond five minutes or get anything better than a 1k.
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You're not listening to anyone here. You're like "I'm perfect and know everything about the game, i never do mistakes in my games", and you're rude toward other people, change your mind
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That's why shards exist.
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Ouch, looks like trying to be friendly had a cost...
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What are you talking about; im stating some problems that alot of people complains about,im not obligated to litsen to you or anyone. Keep your advice for yourself
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The fact that you are on this forum means you are looking for some sort of feedback on your thoughts.
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im here to write some problems i see so they can be fixed, I made a post about a map bug 2 days ago so it can be fixed. I expressed in another post my disappointment about what the devs did to billy,so they can see it and hopping they will fix their error like they did when survivor were crying all day here about the animations. I dont expect feedbacks from randoms.
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True, I agree. The gens really need a reform. It doesn't even matter how good you are at the game, if you have an optimal team, then there is little chance your getting hardly any kills. I just had a game where two gens were done in literally the first 50 seconds of a game. I kidd you not. The only way that your gonna do good is if you have a strong three gen, good pressure (which is difficult for some killers), slowdown perks (which shouldn't even be an obligation for killers to have), and luck that you don't get a sweaty red rank swf's. Mind you, even rank gold and green ranks get these players. Its so annoying...
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Git gud. Another killer who can't play this game properly who wants killer to be buffed. Killers are fine, play with the brain and you can have your 4k.
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I personally agree and it's ridiculous. I'm literally brand new to the game and I'm a rank 4 killer. As I'm speaking now I literally have yet to get a kill today and I've been playing against strictly reds. I made a post about how it's literally unplayable especially when new to the game. Doesn't matter what character I use, I'll end a chase decently quick and 2 gens pop lmao.
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So your brand new to the game, yet you are surprised that you are struggling at high ranks? DBD is like anything else, it takes time to become a good player.
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do you realize maybe the problem is you not the game ? if other killer can put pressure to the other gan while you cant, you should realize it already
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This "lot of people" are bad, that's all. And nah I won't keep my advice for myself, "kid"
Just get good, don't be a pain for everyone here because you're bad at the game.
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I do somewhat agree.
Gen speeds are ridiculously fast and if you don't run slowdown, you are MUCH likelier to lose. It's understandable to be at a disadvantage without perks to give you more time, but the disparity between slowdown and no slowdown is not healthy in the slightest.
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why you're so angry; if you cant stand others opinion i think you should take a break from the forum,it can get stressful sometimes.
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To be fair you aren't wrong, yet I complain since I just don't belong in red rank so there should be a fix.
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In my experience, the only way you improve is by playing against better players, as they force you to adapt and change up your strategies.
It can be painful and tedious, but you'll make quick progress if you stick at it.
If not, you'll depip and derank soon enough. Problem solved either way.
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Killers as a whole do not need to be buffed at all, I believe your issue is that you need to learn how to pressure gens and the survivors so that you can kill them. I dont believe its a problem with the game but instead your gameplay.