rework trapper

MalEducado Member Posts: 139
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

my idea of rework trapper without overpowered the killer; like the rework of bubba...

Rework trapper...

  • trapper now recharge his trapps at the locker...
  • number of máximun trapps he can transport will be determianted by his addos:

.no addons only 1/yellow addon 2trapps/ red addon 3 trapps(when he will recharge their addons at the lockerd, this is the maximun trapps he can carry)

  • the number of traps he can place will be the same as now... 8 trapps...
  • and now survivors can destroy the traps of the trapper like old times... the veterans of the game know than trapps of the trapper can be destroy and disarm... recovery this mech, you disarm without skills check, you broke the trapp with hards skills checks or with tool box, perks and addons

sry but my english is horrible... i know you will understand my idea...


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    All he needs is brown bag base kit and no luck based traps( set amount of time to struggle out) and he’d be fine

  • Masterninja
    Masterninja Member Posts: 404

    I agree, is so easy to make him good and entertaining to go agaisnt, if the devs just put him the brown bag base kit and changes the escape mechanic for survivors.