Behaviour was basically harassed into making an LGBTQIA+ chapter
Ya, I was being facetious. I just can't help but roll my eyes at everyone losing their minds over speculation.
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At this point it's not even because of a speculation but the topic LGBT+ itself.
Whenever this topic was mentioned in the forum you've seen a TON of arguing about it
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I don't care what it is or who it is I just hope there good perks and gameplay and bring less bug with this chapter.
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and bring less bug with this chapter.
I would be shocked if that would be the case lol
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The least they could do is wait until something is confirmed. In the very least they'd be complaining about something that is actually in the game. And then they could still just mind their own business. A person in a video game that isn't like them isn't going to suddenly ruin their lives, and if their life is ruined by a character in a game that is different from them, they have a pretty fragile and pathetic life.
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Of course they were. It's all those types do is harass and bully companies into it instead of letting creators do what they want to do.
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'I'm not homophobic but...' is NOT going to convince us of anything other than the fact that you're homophobic
We also always knew they intended to bring in/reveal LGBTQ fact, as has been posted previously, they've very publicly had conversations about this and visibly not been harrassed.
Also while it looks as if it's likely with this chapter, we simply don't know yet.
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A person in a video game that isn't like them isn't going to suddenly ruin their lives
Obviously, but quite a few people here are acting like it does.
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And yet pandering to fans of:
-A Nightmare On Elm Street
-Stranger Things
-Silent Hill
Is perfectly okay? But pandering to LGBTQ+ isn't?
What about the straight relationships confirmed? Why is okay that they're in the game yet nothing LGBTQ+ is? Why is it only an issue if its LGBTQ+?
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They dumb.
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Hard to believe since gen speed is still an issue for both sides.
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Humans in a nutshell
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It literally isn't that deep. I'm not super invested in lore, so idk if they've specified the straightness of any character specifically, but if (like someone else said) there's a brief mention of 'bob's boyfriend', it's the same as confirming straightness and it really doesn't matter. Cool, inclusion. Yeah, sexuality doesn't really matter in the game, but if talking about a hetero relationship/cis state of being, no matter how brief, for any character gets no side eyes, it's only fair that anything else is treated thge same. Keep playing as normal. Like sure, I would get some people's irritation if they made the new survivor's powers obnoxiously centered around lgbt+ stuff, but I highly doubt that'll happen and some of y'all are making a deal out of literally nothing.
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At this point it's less speculating the chapter and more exposing the double standards + people's genuine homophobic behaviour haha
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That's not pandering to the fans, it's licensing big name horror movie villains/characters to get people to buy their DLC. It's a horror themed game. 🙄
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What's so bad about being inclusive? Some people are LGBTQ+, we were bound to have someone eventually. I don't see why it's such a big deal, they're just a person. If it makes anyone uncomfortable, I'm sorry but the problem is you, not BHVR. Maybe you should take a long look in the mirror. And imagine if there was nobody like you in this game, and suddenly there was a hope of having a character you could relate to and see yourself in, how it would make you feel to have people tell you that you're only in it to fill a quota and that you don't belong. How dare you. Shame on you.
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1) Stranger Things is technically sci-fi not horror
2) Yes, that's still pandering
3) Correct it's a horror game! I expect to see you lobbying for the removal of all the other relationships in the game too, alongside anything that may be considered not horror themed. Bunny Feng or Dwelf? Out the window. Mr Puddles can kiss his arse goodbye, too.
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straight relationships confirmed shouldn't have been put in I'm bi/gay and I don't care if there LGBTQ+ character or LGBTQ+relationships
I use david few others there a lot gay fandom,I don't care about the straight relationships confirmed because just because they were straight then they may not be straight now people switch a lot of the time(Sexuality big gray area).
they should just had something about nea in her lore when she was in the rift.
nothing been confirmed yet there already to many threads about nothing.
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I agree with you - Community (Part of it) kept demanding representation and imo it's going to lead to something distasteful eventually unless the community just backs off and lets BHVR do their thing.
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Honestly,the only distasteful thing i see so far are the opinions of some people here about adding a LGBT+ character to this game
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No one wants a forced / rushed chapter with a token gay person. I even explain this in my other post from this thread.
The only reason this is a concern is how stupid some of the community is getting over constantly demanding this. Otherwise this wouldn't be an issue at all.
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- Who cares?
- No, it isn't.
- Bunny Feng and Dwelf can still be violently murdered by Mr. Puddles. 🙄
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I feel like this is spiraling out of control. Gay or straight can we all just be friends again.
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The funniest part of the OP is the "pressured by some of the community." The community can't even pressure them to fix bugs or balance the game. Do you think "some of the community" have unknown powers of the Devs!?
Is this even going to be a LGBTQIA+ chapter? Based on the teasers!?
The Point is, the Devs are literally going to do what they want to do regardless of community pressure. That is what makes this whole thread super trollish for me.
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really I be ok with the removal Bunny Feng/Dwelf and Mr Puddles they dumb and the most toxic people use them.
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1) Clearly you, its a horror game! Therefore it should only include horror titles for fans of horror! Not sci-fi!
2) Yes, it is.
3) But they're not exactly horror are they?
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I don't care either way, but ngl, social media is full of faux allies who obsess and then tantrum about anything that doesn't make it's focal point about who stuffs what into which genitals or who does or doesn't identify as this or that as if it's relevant while being put on meathooks...
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Maybe the LGBTQIA+ kidnapped our poor Mathieu and forced BHVR this way ???? 🤔🤔🤔
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- You act like sci-fi can't be horror. Aliens is a good example. An other worldly creature violently kills or kidnaps people.
- I disagree, but whatever.
- Since when were funny outfits not allowed in horror? We've had several movies with killer clowns or people in goofy outfits being murdered.
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Now take that last point and apply it to LGBTQ+ relationships. Since when have they been taboo? Why shouldn't they be included in the background lore of a character just because it's a horror game?
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I don't remember making that assertion and I don't care about LGBTQ+ relationships being included in the background lore so long as it's not a result of LGBTQ+ harassing the devs to do so. There's enough of that ######### on the internet and it's NOT a good look for them.
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@OniWantsYourMacaroni can you please stop with the galaxy mind? I'm starting to feel embarrassed upvoting every post you make 💅
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It won't be a result of being harassed by the community.
BHVR already stated themselfs that they want to be more inclusive with their character design and include LGBT+ in the future
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There is normalised and then there is what happened to the comic book industry.
It's fine if it just happens and in this game it can. It's when it is forced, such as changing already established characters or making a gigantic spectacle of it to get retweets that it becomes dodgy.
I don't care if it does or doesn't happen. i just can't stand when people start demanding it happen regardless of if it fits the theme or genre.
TLOU2 is a good example. It is fine if they are the way that they are, but it was so forced it became cringe.
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Bullied? Harassed?
Definitely not! We have explained why, many times now and when an LGBTQIA character is added to the game - it will be done properly, putting something in for the sake of it, is not something we want to do.
I'm closing this right here!