Will The Twins and The Blight get a map someday?

You know, its kinda boring that all killers have a map and those dont have one. It would be so cool to be in Charlottes and Victors places when they were born, or the place where The Blight injected himself
No, it's very doubtful this will be the case, as stated by the devs
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I hope they at least get something to a realm.
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So is this new chapter coming also without a map? This is going to make me a lot sad :(
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They probably won't, but we can always hope.
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The place where Blight injected himself was father campbells chapel.
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The devs said they won't.
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While a Blight map would be really cool (like a pustula corrupted place), it'd probably not make sense with the lore. Twins could definitely use a map, though. (If only)
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An urban map for the twins would be cool, but it would probably be heavily survivor sided.
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Why didn't they?
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They didn't give them their own maps, cuz they were (are) busy with reworking old maps
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Here I thought missing a couple chapters I would be coming back to new maps...
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Devs confirmed that they wont be getting a map during a QnA stream a couple months back.
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Not probable. I mean Leatherface never got one but freddy got 5 variations. My guess is at the blinding speed they try to introduce chapters and the more serious bugs every new chapter introduces means they won't be dedicating any time to killers that aren't brand new.
Plus I believe this was asked in a q and a and they basically said they're doing map reworks instead for the foreseeable future.
Autohaven used to be my favorite realm... Now I literally cannot stand them. So no new realms til they break all the old ones lol.
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It's a shame we got such a lore heavy killer like Blight in a period where the devs aren't making new maps, but renovating old ones instead.
There could have been potential for a map featuring a broken down terrain filled with either fresh or withered Pustula cankers spread throughout.
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I hope they get unique chase music at the very least
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They do.
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They should get their own maps. I don't know what the Twins' map would be, but Blight's should be a variation of Crotus Penn made to look like that chapel in his reveal trailer.
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Here are simple map ideas for each one.
Trickster - A convention of some kind with a large stage room for his screaming fans. Could includ something like a shopping area to get lost in convention booths. Stage could be long corridors to let the killer make use of their perk but make it harder to control multiple people at once due to size.
Twins - A 17th century french map covered in snow with lots of dark alleys to twist and turn into. Don't know much on 17th century france but include a building dedicated to witch hunting tools since she was hunted by witch hunters early on in life.
idea 2 - a underground cult map with fire and other cult like tools, with dark pools of blood from place to place.
Blight - have a monastary theme where you can explore the church grounds with areas dedicated to growing opium or other halluciogenic ingredients. Make many broken and scattered benches or pews for the killer to bounce off of to make use of their power
Ghost Face - besides a couple of houses, a corn field, or a school, idk what to include for him
leatherface - could do something akin to the hillbilly but instead the house from the chainsaw massacre could be included and fairly big.
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They might get one since the twins and blight more is connected in some way so bhvr might make a realm and maps for them when they release a killer that is connected to them
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Possibly not a new realm but a variation of an old realm
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Devs said: we will focus on reworking new maps. Any chapter that doesn't have a map will probably not get any in the future. But, never say never