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  • @lyric said:
    total_disrespec said:

    Orion said:

    @total_disrespec said:

    that's like saying bbq and chilli is perk that requires skill. 

    A perk that only activates when you win a chase and get a hook doesn't require skill? Do Survivors just spawn on hooks?

    Orion said:

    @total_disrespec said:

    that's like saying bbq and chilli is perk that requires skill. 

    A perk that only activates when you win a chase and get a hook doesn't require skill? Do Survivors just spawn on hooks?

    Lol... that's not very good logic.  Mostly because I consider it impossible to go through a match without hooking someone.   I think noed takes more skill

    Wait a mainute , hold up, did this dude really just say NOED takes skill?? I’m dead..... so sucking so bad that all the gens pop and you have to use NOED as a last resort is skill now, gotcha.

    NOED does not require skill, ok? It merely exists you don't have to do anything for it to proc you select it on the menu screen and it procs after the last gen. You are still smacking people like you were from the start of the match. It doesn't get any easier or harder for your weapon to make contact with a survivor once the perk is active.

    Statements like these are why people argue on the forums.

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    edited October 2018

    @lyric said:
    total_disrespec said:

    Orion said:

    @total_disrespec said:

    that's like saying bbq and chilli is perk that requires skill. 

    A perk that only activates when you win a chase and get a hook doesn't require skill? Do Survivors just spawn on hooks?

    Orion said:

    @total_disrespec said:

    that's like saying bbq and chilli is perk that requires skill. 

    A perk that only activates when you win a chase and get a hook doesn't require skill? Do Survivors just spawn on hooks?

    Lol... that's not very good logic.  Mostly because I consider it impossible to go through a match without hooking someone.   I think noed takes more skill

    Wait a mainute , hold up, did this dude really just say NOED takes skill?? I’m dead..... so sucking so bad that all the gens pop and you have to use NOED as a last resort is skill now, gotcha.

    NOED does not require skill, ok? It merely exists you don't have to do anything for it to proc you select it on the menu screen and it procs after the last gen. You are still smacking people like you were from the start of the match. It doesn't get any easier or harder for your weapon to make contact with a survivor once the perk is active.

    Statements like these are why people argue on the forums.

    Noed takes zero skill and you’re fooling yourself if you think different? @Vietfox these people are why we cleanse all the dull totems so their “skill” doesn’t activate 
  • @lyric said:
    Legacy_Zealot said:

    @lyric said:

    total_disrespec said:

    Orion said:
    @total_disrespec said:
    that's like saying bbq and chilli is perk that requires skill. 
    A perk that only activates when you win a chase and get a hook doesn't require skill? Do Survivors just spawn  on hooks?
    Orion said:
    @total_disrespec said:
    that's like saying bbq and chilli is perk that requires skill. 
    A perk that only activates when you win a chase and get a hook doesn't require skill? Do Survivors just spawn  on hooks?
    Lol... that's not very good logic.  Mostly because I consider it impossible to go through a match without hooking someone.   I think noed takes more skill

    Wait a mainute , hold up, did this dude really just say NOED takes skill?? I’m dead..... so sucking so bad that all the gens pop and you have to use NOED as a last resort is skill now, gotcha.

    NOED does not require skill, ok? It merely exists you don't have to do anything for it to proc you select it on the menu screen and it procs after the last gen. You are still smacking people like you were from the start of the match. It doesn't get any easier or harder for your weapon to make contact with a survivor once the perk is active.

    Statements like these are why people argue on the forums.

    Noed takes zero skill and you’re fooling yourself if you think different? @Vietfox these people are why we cleanse all the dull totems so their “skill” doesn’t activate 

    Bruh, I am saying it takes no skill what are you chatting :chuffed:

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited October 2018
    lyric said:

    @lyric said:
    total_disrespec said:

    Orion said:

    @total_disrespec said:

    that's like saying bbq and chilli is perk that requires skill. 

    A perk that only activates when you win a chase and get a hook doesn't require skill? Do Survivors just spawn on hooks?

    Orion said:

    @total_disrespec said:

    that's like saying bbq and chilli is perk that requires skill. 

    A perk that only activates when you win a chase and get a hook doesn't require skill? Do Survivors just spawn on hooks?

    Lol... that's not very good logic.  Mostly because I consider it impossible to go through a match without hooking someone.   I think noed takes more skill

    Wait a mainute , hold up, did this dude really just say NOED takes skill?? I’m dead..... so sucking so bad that all the gens pop and you have to use NOED as a last resort is skill now, gotcha.

    NOED does not require skill, ok? It merely exists you don't have to do anything for it to proc you select it on the menu screen and it procs after the last gen. You are still smacking people like you were from the start of the match. It doesn't get any easier or harder for your weapon to make contact with a survivor once the perk is active.

    Statements like these are why people argue on the forums.

    Noed takes zero skill and you’re fooling yourself if you think different? @Vietfox these people are why we cleanse all the dull totems so their “skill” doesn’t activate 
    Of course it takes skills. It's well known that, as a killer, you have to protect all dull totems, ######### gens  :p
  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    The counter to camping very simple if you don't want to get camped don't get caught.
  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    If you reward camping, killers will keep doing it. Don't rush the hook when the killer is there and focus on gens. And if your teammates aren't doing them, that's their fault.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @total_disrespec said:
    Legacy_Zealot said:

    I wonder how many forum accounts have been forged from pure salt like @total_disrespec

    First one.   Lol sorry I'm as dedicated as the rest of you. 

    Did you make another account just to troll someone? LOL!

  • F5arTheB5ard
    F5arTheB5ard Member Posts: 118
    I'm pretty much a killer main and find camping to be very boring. The best way to punish a camper is have 2 on a gen and one survivor on a different gen. Then watch the killer freak out when 2 or 3 gens pop around the same time. Sucks for who got camped but it punishes the killer hard.  Enjoy ur 8k points for camping, loser lol
  • Naiad
    Naiad Member Posts: 194

    Why are you rescuing survivors off the hook when they're being hard camped and tunnelled? The 'punishment' is getting as many gens done as possible. I'm one of those survs that's happy to sit on a hook in front of a camper if you do the gens, but what has been happening more often is someone rushing to save me as soon as they can. So instead of having a few minutes for 3 survs to finish gens I'm killed faster and only 2 survs are on gens.

    The reason killers camp is because they've found it works, in their experience someone always comes for the save.