Why is everyone freaking out about the survivor being LGBT?

I've seen people hating the idea, I've seen people obsessing over it, but like
all we've seen is a girl in a dress?
The point is that BHVR said they'd add in some LGBTQ+ rep last year (and then immidiately we got a straight white man with a girlfriend and a child but I digress-), and we know that chapter planning can take anywhere from 6 months to a year. Furthermore, people have been speculating that it's a guy in that dress, or a trans woman, etc. Which is perfectly fine to speculate about.
But then people came along with their "forced diversity"/"i dont want it"/"would ruin dbd" (or my personal favourite "ugh ugh it's so yuck to think about") and now it's less a "oh this character could be LGBTQ+" and more "okay but WHY would this ruin DBD why not have it in the game?"
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Its the colour scheme which is associated to LGBT that have people believing an LGBT character will be added.
Some people will feel a huge swell of acceptance to see someone who is confirmed non-heterosexual added to the game.
Some people will feel hugely disenfranchised to see that others can be accepted and that they are not superior to others based on sex/religion/orientation/race, etc.
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Some people have the argument that it doesn't really fix the game's issues such as balancing perks, what needs to be nerfed or buffed which I can understand, and they get called homophobes because of it, they just want the game to be fair and not make overpowered perks or killer abilities. It's great that there's gonna be a LGBT friendly character in the game but what also needs to be looked at is bug fixes, which there are bugfix patches they release here on the forums for everyone to read what's been changed. Personally I have no issue with it, so it's like yay another survivor and possibly a killer too, more content makes the game new and different.
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I think what some are asking themselves is what the orientation of any of the characters in this game has to do with the game and gameplay itself. It's not like we're playing dragon age origins. a game where romance options, character interactions and flowing story is the focus of the game and essential for a good experience. It's just lulz in dbd. If they did like rito and made an rpg based on their lore and characters, and didn't impose anything on anyone but laid out plenty of options for them in their personal playthrough preferences then the only people that would complain would probably be those complaining for the sake of doing it or those trying to push others' buttons to entertain themselves.
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The color scheme is the same as the bisexual pride flag's.
Those people don't get called homophobes, they're simply informed that the people who write the lore don't work in the balancing department.
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It's a key important part of the character's lore and backstories. That's it.
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People think that the game needing bug fixes and balance changes is a valid reason as to why we don't need a survivor part of the LGBTQ community.
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Video games?
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I heard that the team decided some time ago that they don't want to decide on the sexual orientation of the characters, so players can decide for themselves on the sexual orientation of their favorite character.
I think a character with a clear sexual orientation without the ability to change it, can cause unpopularity towards that character with certain people.
If this character is going to be transgender or something similar, I would love to see different cosmetic options that will make me change her the way i want. without the need to change her sexual orientation.
It's like with Nea for example, i want to make her girly and not a tomboy because tomboy style is not something i like personally.
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They did retract that statement about a year ago
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I heard that the team decided some time ago that they don't want to decide on the sexual orientation of the characters, so players can decide for themselves on the sexual orientation of their favorite character.
It was like this in the beginning but then they made a statement about how they didn't stay true to this idea after making a few characters with their sexuality evident in their lore (Nurse's husband, David's Gf, Frank and julie relationship and Felix's Gf.
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Tbh i dislike the survivor anyway even if hé is straight or LGBTIQ.
That type of dress should not belong in a horror game. It looks like the entity took him/her in the middle of a party.
If this is a skin of the survivor then i am fine but if this is a default skin....
Every survivor wears regular clothing by default so why is the LGBTIQ survivor going to have flashy party clothing by default?