Could you stop matching me with low ranks?

Gotta love waiting 10 minutes to find a match just to get potato survivors on my team...
Look, a Rainbow 🌈
Me and my friend get this too, but when we play killer we get red ranks swfs nearly every game. it's so weird. Why cant we get other suvivors with our experience? It makes no sense. Starting to think its done on purpose to make the game more difficult.
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Pretty sure they are doing it on purpose
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I've been getting a lot of low ranks in my games as red rank killer as well. It makes me feel terrible and I've started dodging lobbies with too many default survivors in them.
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That's why I stopped playing survivor. The sweatiest of sweatlord red rank killers playing in the sweatiest way, camping and slugging at 5 gens and meanwhile you've got baby survivors who literally crouch around the edge of the map.
Must be fun for these killers because I rarely get these survivors.