

Why is this game so full of salty idiots that take it way to seriouse.

To those salty people just remember (((IT'S A GAME)))

Just say gg or nothing at all.


  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Immaturity and big ego I guess.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    I don't know but it is seriously annoying. I get BM'd and insulted even when I play by the rulebook and give survivors plenty of chances. Then that makes me just want to play a basement Bubba build, if I get flamed either way.

  • FengisKawaii
    FengisKawaii Member Posts: 309

    Oh BM isn´t going anywhere, it´s half (or more of) the fun for so many teams haha

    I can think of like 10 people from the top of my head that would play the game way less (or quit it altogether) if they weren´t able to utterly humiliate the Killers with their flashlights and all their dirty little deeds :D

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319


  • Dingo88
    Dingo88 Member Posts: 219

    As far as I'm concerned weather I'm playing killer or survivour if I lose its my own fault and usually it something I did. Screw the made up rulebook play the way you want to play and enjoy it not just ######### about it. There will always be someone better than you out there just admit defeat say gg and move on.

    Iv had plenty of people come in streams and just moan no need for it its a game.

  • Dingo88
    Dingo88 Member Posts: 219

    Never give a survivour a chance iv done it and been stung for it. there a good saying give them an inch and they will take a mile.

    If they at like 4 or 5 gens and I'm wiping the floor with them then sometimes I give them a chance to reset and try again.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    Because of emotions.

    You use whatever you have to win, when you beat others, they react with emotion because it wasn't what they wanted.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Yes, because a survivor can find a match after 10 min and then a killer can camper him and end of game. Or he can tunnel him out of the game or he can slug him for 4 min waiting for another 10 min to find a match. And the surv must write gg at the end

  • Raja
    Raja Member Posts: 319


    That's all I can taste is salt

  • Zarr0ch
    Zarr0ch Member Posts: 589

    It really depends on who you matched with. I get salty PSN messages all the time, when...they failed to notice me coming, stepped in an obvious trap etc etc. Accused of this and that, apparently im camping even though the survivor I found 1/2 way across the map decided to lead me back to the

    I'll admit, tunnelers do annoy me...A lot, but i'm sitting there to type out a message (I get its easier on steam for...obvious reasons).

    I even got saly messages when i played a Myers, down someone...Hooked them, turned around the the no mither david run straight at and downed, I see the other to racing each other to get to the and smack!.

    It was done.

    I picked up the David, let him wriggle free, stood there as he unhooked the other guy, and let them heal the other 2 on the ground, they all ran off and we sort of restarted. Did they give a cr@p that I allowed them to continue! Did they still click clicky and tbag! You bet they did. So, they all got murdered. Then the salty "try hard" .. "baby" killer etc messages start.....
