killers stop leaving just because you think it might be a SWF...



  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    If nobody is on my same platform, or there's a TTV, I'm assuming it's 4-man SWF. I may dodge and I may not. It depends on how good or bad my last match was.

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    It's not even always SWF.

    Killers will dodge for dumb reasons like they don't like certain characters or cosmetics.

    Lame asf.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    This guy has the perfect response to entitled swf

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    It's asking for equality. You want us to go through a match, then killers should be willing to do the same. Not just because they lobby dodged to bully easy survivors.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    And you know this how? Shall we call you Professor X? Killers could be leaving a Lobby for all sorts of reasons:

    1. They forgot to set the correct Rift.
    2. Real life is getting in the way, and they would rather leave a match before it starts than disconnect.
    3. They see a Player they have fought before that hacks or uses Lag Spikes.
    4. They see a Player they have fought before that uses foul language, hate speech, etc. in the chat.
    5. They see "TV" of some sort in one or more Survivor's name and don't want to be in a Stream.
    6. They see a group that is made up of all identical Skins and don't want to bother with that.
    7. They see the tell-tale signs of a Bully Squad, such as a large number of Flashlights.
    8. They forgot to to change something in their Build from the previous match.
    9. They recognize an actual "tournament" SWF they fought before, and don't want to fight it again.
    10. They just decide they don't feel like playing anymore and want to watch some funny videos on youtube.

    None of these are dumb reasons, and every single one of them comes up far more often than your theory that people don't like certain cosmetics or Skins (as all Survivors are merely Skins). While I rarely pull out of a Lobby, there are several reasons on this list, numbers 1-4, that do come up for me from time to time. Oddly enough, it is Survivors who cause far more delays by someone exiting the match after it starts to load because they don't like a particular map Offering. In the end, for whatever the reasons, I prefer Survivors and Killers alike to leave a Lobby BEFORE a match starts to load than to do so afterwards or disconnect (or Suicide) in a match.

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    Read back on this very thread and you can find killers admitting to it.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    I don't skip lobbies if I suspect they are swf.

    I skip lobbies when I see they are from Russia or especially from the Arabics, because their connection is freaking terrible and not worth my time

  • Vymic
    Vymic Member Posts: 2

    The Moment you enter and see: "Mr. X" and "Mr. X boyfriend" and "mr. X husband" I think it's safe to say it's a SWF.

    tbh about dodging for me it's a lot about the attitude: if I join a lobby and see people with items, even keys or flashlights, there's no problem.

    If you switch on me at last second and bring 3 vigo's jars well... Ctrl + alt + canc, tas manager and end the program

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited March 2021

    And your point is? Are there some Killers who will dodge because they suspect a SWF? Sure. Are there some Killers who weirdly dodge because they don't like a particular Skin? Sure. But if you read MY post you will see that I point out that MOST Killers leave a lobby for other reasons. In fact, many Solo Survivors now leave Lobbies if they suspect a SWF because the experience they get is downright awful when paired with a team. Being a "Red Shirt" sucks.

    If you have an issue with longer Ques, play Killer yourself. The key reason Ques are longer is not people dodging Lobbies, but a disparity in certain regions and time zones between ratio of Survivors to Killers. A much bigger problem is people (usually Survivors) who disconnect in matches at the drop of a hat because things aren't to their liking. Following that issue is the plague of people who commit suicide on the hook and leave the other Survivors holding the bag. If we want talk talk about "dumb reasons" for things, someone choosing to leave a Lobby before a match has even begun is pretty far down on the list. :)

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    Why ask me a question if you're going to disregard my answer?

    I never said ALL killers. I said A LOT of killers. I never said there weren't valid reasons, just as there are valid reasons on both sides. That doesn't change the fact that people dodge over dumb reasons as well.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918


  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Man i can´t wait for all the threads demanding a lobby dodge penalty!

    Killer just isn´t fun anymore. So unless the devs do something about it, survivors will see a lot of dodging killers.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,306

    They don't need to put in a SWF button, they need to balance the game around swfs communication and coordination and stop balancing the game around the lowest common denominator. Until they do, no one has any right to ask killers to willingly play against them if they don't want to.

  • CyperX
    CyperX Member Posts: 103

    Im 2 months in this game and at rank 6 with killers I hardly play killer now due to SWF lobbies. The anxiety is real lol something I haven't seen or experienced even in shooter games.

    If I see more than 1 flashlight im outty before it starts. Yesterday I have seen a lobby with 4 flashlights....there's no way I am going through that even if I want to challenge myself.

    Using mics is the best perk in the game as survivor especially with OoO perk , Kindred etc

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    What do you propose?

    For me it’s probably the maps above all. Gen speeds are bad but at least on a good map I can try to have fun in a 3 minute game. I just dont want to play if I get meat plant now with its god pallets, or midwich holding W and having to knock on every breakable door before entering a room, or some maps have breakable walls every few metres and every chase gets interrupted by one and it breaks the intensity and fun of the chase because at that point its usually not worth chasing the survivor anymore. Then you have some of the windows cropping up even if you break the wall, the doorway is so far from the window it makes no real difference you still need an entity blocker if the survivor loops it.

    Maps were in a better spot after last years rework and they just ruined them again. Last time I had Gideon and midwich I just facecamped because I didnt want to play anymore its so bad. I can see myself going on another 6 month break from the game.

  • shane32
    shane32 Member Posts: 383

    SWF has to be the stupidest thing for a game like this. Just kills the game. Its honestly just cheating. ( oh watch out guys killers coming your way) everyone magically gone before you get there) so stupid. Oh hey guys there is a totem over there go cleanse it while I get chased :) . Oh but we wanna play with our friends and have fun. For this game that's stupid and ruins the game. Playing against the really good swf teams is zero fun. How can you have fun when they know everything and can communicate everything its the dumbest thing.