I have been consistently playing survivor for the first time, and...

PGJSF Member Posts: 369

... I knew the situation wasn’t good, but I didn’t expect this. Let me tell you my experience step by step.

I’ve always played a lot of killer, survivor just occasionally with friends. I appreciate the gameplay of both.

This is going to be a long post.

Patch 4.5 (this post is not about the patch, but as I said let me go step by step, keep reading) made the game unplayable for me. Literally. Meaning that I can’t find games as killer, at all.

As soon as I hit rank 4 the matchmaking became non-existent, and after several days of tries to no result I decided to play some survivor, solo. Please note that everything that I’m going to say is about my solo q experience, or duo q a couple of times, and that for many given reasons all of you already know SWF is a completely different matter, so I’m not going to address that.

The game sucks for survivors. Yeah, I never thought I would have said something like that, but I did. And I never realized how much THE MAJORITY of the killers can be annoying and frustrating to play against.

Before I move on to explain why I’m saying this, let me remind you: it’s SoloQ I’m talking about, so no genrush, no coordinated maps/keys, no extraordinary nothing, just basic games at ranks 6-5-4 where killers were never bullied or anything like that.

Now, let me sum up the major points of my experience (more than a week of play, 5-6 hours a day):

  1. All Huntress camp all their hooks. Even with no gens done, even if the hook came after a 0.1 seconds chase because Iri Hatchet. It doesn’t matter how the game is going or what is happening or if the survivors are wasting their time or not, it always happens EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. I already knew this, but as a solo survivor it’s even worse to realize how much this is true.
  2. I faced many Oni, some Blight, Clowns and (yes you won’t believe this) Leatherface, and they seemed to be, in general, the most relaxed and cold players. There were almost no unjustified camping/tunneling involved from these guys, and there’s nothing special about this point but I felt like I should say it. As far as the Insidious Basement Meme Bubba goes, it only happened a couple of times and one of these two had actually the words “bubba” and “meme” into his nickname, lol.
  3. Now I get why survivors are obsessed with Unbreakable. The slugging is out of control, and I mean it. Every game there will be one guy who’s downed and can’t do anything for several minutes. MANY TIMES it happened that the killer slugged the last two survivors, hooked one, closed the hatch and then go afk to let the EG/bleed out kill the last one. Not cool, that’s wasting a person’s time and (even if not technically) kinda taking the game hostage with no purpose because you’d just hook that last guy and end the game with a 4K.
  4. 100% of the games where there was no Obsession the killer would heavily tunnel every survivor. Guys, 100%. Not joking.
  5. I’ve had two games against two different Pigs where they would down someone, put RBT on them, and then with ONE GEN DONE and no pressure at all they would chase the Active RBT survivor no matter what. Me trying to bodyblock included. I mean isn’t the point of Pig to waste survivor’s time with RBT while they chase the others? That guy isn’t going to do anything anyway until he removes it. I’m no Pig player so I’m a bit uncertain about this, but doesn’t seem cool to me.
  6. There was a game where I repaired three gens, cleansed four totems (3 dulls+Ruin), got two unhooks and have been chased for maybe a minute or so, and then we all died because of NOED/Bloodwarden. I bet my teammates are the same people who usually complain about NOED. If I had time to do all of those things, three people could cleanse a freaking totem. One.
  7. I faced strong Spirits and bad Spirits. In both cases the game was not fun at all. Run, guess, walk/crouch, prey that you randomly equipped Iron Will, run, guess, repeat. Strong Spirits being unloopable are not the problem, it’s her depending so much on sound cues that it’s bad for both sides, imo.
  8. I faced a Hag with the bodyblocking purple addon who placed 10 traps on the basement stairs and patrolling around the shack after hooking one guy with 5 gens still up. The aforementioned Hag was rank 1. Needless to say, we all died except a wise Jake who chose to hide and wait for the hatch instead. Despite this Jake being far away from the shack and the Hag having BBQ, she still wouldn’t leave to get him after 3 of us were hooked.
  9. Here I could list all the annoying things bad survivors do to ruin your day as their teammate but I don’t think it’s necessary.

All in all, I really felt I needed to write this down. The game, to me, looks like it’s in a very bad shape, and too many killers seem to unleash their frustration on soloes after getting destroyed by bully squads. If it’s not that I really don’t know what it is. I truly hope DbD can recover from this in some way, but I never thought, as much as today, that changes are needed.


  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Once I was on my first hook and a Nea came closer to me, worked on a dull totem and I reached second phase, and then came over to me and watched me struggle before letting me die against a huntress sniping on a hill. I had to stop playing after that happened :)))

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    You want to know why it sucks for solo survivors?

    All the "good" survivors play in swf leaving the casual players to solo.

    I just solved your rant.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    About 4.

    How can killer tunnel every survivor?

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    Then don’t unhook when killer is nearby. Can’t tunnel if killer is far away.

  • skyguys
    skyguys Member Posts: 67
    1. "I’ve had two games against two different Pigs where they would down someone, put RBT on them, and then with ONE GEN DONE and no pressure at all they would chase the Active RBT survivor no matter what. Me trying to bodyblock included. I mean isn’t the point of Pig to waste survivor’s time with RBT while they chase the others? That guy isn’t going to do anything anyway until he removes it. I’m no Pig player so I’m a bit uncertain about this, but doesn’t seem cool to me."

    This. Literally every game I have with Pig, someone with an active RBT gets tunneled out of the game. I legit do not understand why this happens

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    If only I could stay in Green/Purple. I keep going up to Red. And I don't like deranking on purpose or AFKing or whatever.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Is this a troll post?

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    I don't AFK or anything. I'll do just enough to at least contribute to my team, but not enough to pip or safety.

    If you avoid Gens, but run the Killer and clear totems, you almost never pip and usually won't safety. You need to do everything in a match. So if you play "I'll distract the Killer while you save" rather than going for those Altruism points, you can still help the team without pipping and end up de-ranking.

    I've gotten up to 18-20k BP in a game and still depipped. Add in a BP Offering and you're still making good points.

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    Not really, i play mostly solo and these things happen a lot.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    When i play killer, most of the time survivors get unhooked before i even left the hook far enough yet. It's only logical to go back as it's short distance and at least 2 survivors are there.

    So i don't think this is tunnelling even if i chase the injured one. Blame the teammates for these unhooks.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Solo is a mixed bag. On some days you just want to uninstall after getting nothing but potato teammates all day but if you play at the right time of the day you can get ridiculously good teammates even solo.

    Yesterday -I kid you not- my gf played a solo match and she and her team pumped out 4 gens in 2 min 40s - and there were no toolboxes and no prove thyself.

    Again: 4 gens in 2 min 40s against a rank 3 Spirit. (she recorded it too. If someone doubts it I can upload it to my channel)

    Needless to say everyone escaped.

    She played that match in the morning. I too noticed that my killer matches are a lot more difficult when I play them in the morning.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    Solo Q is the reason every killer's kill rate is above 50%.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    I'm always solo. I record my gameplay and write the game data on a excel spreadsheet to see exactly how often it really happens. It really doesn't happen a lot. But when it does , it sucks and u tend to remember it.

  • killz4fun
    killz4fun Member Posts: 165

    @OmegaXII Losers call every action "tunneling" I don't care anymore and just enjoy the game..

  • jasonjbird
    jasonjbird Member Posts: 20
    PGJSF Member Posts: 369
    edited March 2021

    What? No. I wouldnt abuse the “tunneling” term, don’t forget I am writing this as an experienced and dedicated killer, man. I also hate when I they call me a tunneler for no reason. What I meant by point 4 (to also answer @OmegaXII ) is that every time with no DS in the game the killer would just camp a hooked survivor, wait until he would eventually be unhooked with BT, kept chasing that guy, hooked that guy again and repeated until he died. You can win games against solos this way, unless all 4 of them have Kindred and decide to punish you for camping. What I am trying to mark here is that killers know this and do it on purpose as soon as they realize they’re against solo people.

    To answer this you could easily say that Kindred is mandatory when playing solo and you would be right.

    But should a perk be mandatory? Also this discussion wasn’t about mechanics, it was about mindset. It appears to me, now, that many killers have a mindset I don’t share.

    Post edited by PGJSF on
    PGJSF Member Posts: 369
    edited March 2021

    I wouldn’t know about a longer experience, but as I said in a week of playtime that was my general perception of the game. And it wasn’t good at all.

    I honestly don’t know why they do that. As I said I don’t play Pig, so maybe I’m just getting something wrong, but it feels to me that they are playing against the Pig’s purpose and against their goals only to... piss off people? I really don’t know.

    PGJSF Member Posts: 369

    Oh ofc game is not unplayable I’m not saying that, at all, there are indeed many good survivors and I still think the game is heavily survivor sided, SWF/lucky matchmaking and overall player skill certainly proves that. There are some good games playing solo, but from my experience they were only a few. And in those scenarios then I can see why killers act aggressively and/or sweaty, nothing wrong about that. This post is about trials where the killer clearly dominates and still acts sweaty and kind of toxic in some cases.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    My solo survivor experience is really different to this.

    Yeah you get games where you can run the killer for a minute and not a single gen pops or you can hang on hook and watch your buddies do nothing while you slip into second stage.

    I've been camped and tunneled but not often and usually because my team mates have created the scenario where its advantageous for the killer to do so rather than the killer just targetted me. The number of times I've been farmed in the killer's face. Also to say all of one particular killer camps is kinda BS.

    But games like that are the exceptions not the norm.

    I played pretty much only killer for the first year of the game, but have delved into survivor for the last 6 months and now play both regularly, still prefer killer.

    I'd say survivor is far less stressful, generally easier, on the receiving end of far less toxicity, I've rarely been abused in endgame by a killer. I'm often more disgusted by my teammates behaviour than the killer's.

    I'd say I have a 3-5 star game experience as survivor for most games, where as, even though I prefer playing killer, I often rate games as 1-3 stars just on the poor state of survivor behaviour.

    Getting slugged is part of the game and you are still in play, crawl dammit. Make that killer look for you. Best escape I ever had I crawled across the map to the hatch and escaped. I mean ACROSS the map, from one corner to the other nearly, on corn map. It still makes me smile to think about it.

    I'd say slugging the last survivor to bleed out is really obnoxious, but its kinda like the survivor team who stand their BM'ing at the gate for the whole egc, just leave dammit. That's what I do if we are all there and all healed and the killer is nowhere in sight I just leave.

    Survivor queues are long enough without standing around for 2 mins to button mash every match. I'd rather get back into the queue and move on, than waste my time.

    I often find myself empathizing with an angry killer because they have probably had a run of really ######### matches and after I run them well they hook and smack me and I can't help thinking is this about me or is it you've just had enough for the night and I've drawn the short straw ire for the evening. I'm not condoning it but I understand where it may come from.

    Also the very theme of the game is that the killer is kind of meant to torture and murder you, so I can't say I get upset when they do just that because hey its thematic. I don't mind being mori'd, it feels like an appropriate end.

    I should state that I don't give a ######### about rank, but find the red rank gaming experience to often be more unpleasant than a casual green/purp mid rank game experience.

    (This is all just my personal opinion and play experience of course your experience may differ).

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I have the exact same experience. I was a killer main, switched to survivor and wow it is so much easier. Now i only start killer for the archives or a daily.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I'd say I still play more killer than survivor, I'm just too impatient to wait in queues for more than 5mins.

    Also survivor can get samey after a few games where different killers really switch it up.

    Even if I feel you put up with more in game and post game crap, killer is still more fun than survivor and I rate games down as killer not because I didn't have fun, but more because I was forced to play with people I often would never play with as they really are just unpleasant people online.

    The clickity clickers, the BM'ers, the stupid names, the post game tantrums, none of it upsets me but it kinda breaks the immersion when someone follows you around all match clicking at you with a torch and that just lowers game experience for me.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The BM after the match is really annoying. Doesn´t matter how the killer played. If it was a 0k or a 4k. There will be salty survivors going out of their way to make the killer feel bad.

    PGJSF Member Posts: 369

    “Also to say all of one particular killer camps is kinda BS.”

    You can think it’s bs but it’s true, in my personal experience at least. All of the Huntress I’ve met were heavily camping all of their hooks. It’s a fact I don’t see in what way you can consider it “bs”. I didn’t say that all the Huntress in the world are surely doing the same thing.