Clown rework by the community

I honestly really want to hear how the DBD community would redo Clown. This thought just ran on my mind and now I just wanna put it out there.

Personally, I am indifferent. I never tried Clown once, and I was turned down by how poorly Clown was recepted by the community itself.



  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Sure, i'll try something...

    The Afterpieces

    By pressing CTRL, you can switch between different bottles.

    Each bottle has its own effect.

    When pressing M2, The Clown drinks from the current bottle, gaining a buff for ~15 seconds.

    He has 3 bottles by standard, and there's only 1 charge on each bottle. (Might seem low, but gotta make the Add-ons somewhat useful, right?)

    Bottle #1 grants a Haste buff, bottle #2 grants a reduction to successful- & missed attack animations, bottle #3 grants...a reduced Terror Radius?

    Effects do not stack, so you can't get double-Haste by reloading bottle #1 right after drinking it.

    Instead, the new consumption replaces the old consumption, keeping the effect for ~15 more seconds.

    You can combine the effects of different bottles, but due to the 1-1.5 second drinking animation, you'll have less time in total.

    Add-ons can reduce reload speed, increase effect durations, increase effect effectiveness (such as even faster attack animations), even add new bottles with new effects like Exposed, Undetectable, etc. (The higher-rarity Add-ons, y'know?)

    Why would i switch his Killer Power to him drinking from the bottles?

    Look at his godamn belly, that screams beer belly to me!

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I think the ideal changes and the most realistic changes are two different things.

    The ideal changes aren't going to happen since they've already invested into this direction and they generally want a very simple change.

    That said, working with what we have now:

    Antidote doesn't effect survivors

    Antidote activates 1 second faster

    Return the exhaustion addon

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,048
    edited March 2021

    ehhh that'd be boring. like, far more boring than what it is now.

    the appeal of clown is there. throwing bottles is fun. gas clouds coming out is fun. there's a certain skillcap to it, placing your bottles in the right positions and zoning

    this is kinda just "tap button to get speed" there's 0 skillcap to it, it honestly sounds a little worse, and just plain boring, yknow. there's nothing interesting about it and it removes everything that makes clown currently appealing.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    I like the idea of clown getting jack in the box traps that have addons to change the effects of the traps (plus it would reference the pop goes the weasel icon). Traps could either pop out and hit a survivor, release an effect like his bottles, or just be a temporary barrier) They would greatly help his map pressure and make his chases more interesting. Take away antidote

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I feel like increasing the bottles velocity would help so much. It sometimes feels like you're throwing balloons (which kinda fits)

    Also i would add that when the antidote and tonic are mixed instead of just cancelling out that they have a chemical explosion. Dealing damage to survivors and stunning clown if he's in it.

    More because it sounds cool then that it sounds good

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Suit yourself, Clown's current Killer Power bores me greatly.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I think the best thing to do would be to add a new status effect: Drunkeness. While drunk, survivors are unable to work on generators. They have to SOBER UP. It takes 8 seconds to sober up, or 4 seconds for another survivor to Sober you up. Each afterpiece tonic would cause you to become a little more drunk, until you were totally drunk. Not sure what the balance would be fore how many tonics should make you 'drunk', because I'm not really a Clown player. But that's my idea.