Why do i have a bad feeling about this chapter?

I keep seeing hype on the forum but watching the "teasers" and what ppl says on the forum... things seem disconnected...
PTB should be tomorrow (i hope) but somehow i have a "the twins part 2" feeling...
Call me paranoid... :)
The last time there was a killer that was viable at the highest level it was 2.5 years ago. True story.
Basically don't get your hopes up for anything other than another waste of money if you don't like being a mental chewtoy for a toxic swf gang.
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Oni and Blight?
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Also Pyramid Head, tbf
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I’m also adding Deathslinger as I’m a beast with him. 🤠
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I think the feeling comes from the 'you're gonna love this' vibe the whole thing with the teasers and social media takeover etc is giving.
It's very much the 'how you doing fellow kids' meme, and in context of what's to come (after all it's just another chapter) it's too much...
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Yeah... probably that.... like the twins "this is our best project we wanted to do this for so long etc... etc... etc..."
Too much hype and no one will be satisfied... :(
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I actually think this is going to be one of my favourite chapters thus far. But I guess we’ll see tomorrow when the PTB drops.
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So? So does Elodie, her chapter still sucks and her perks are too situational (it's like they're made for an entirely different gameplay dynamic).
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lmao you guys are dreaming. Winning a few average players in public games does not make those killers viable for the top percentage of players.
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What are you talking about? Go look at competitive games with Blight and the Twins. Those two are atleast top 5 in the competitive scene. Blight is essentially nurse with mobility and the Twins have amazing synergy with gen defense perks since they can pressure two spots on the map. What kind of nonsense are you talking about?
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Son, Blight is a joke at the highest level of play and comparing him to the Nurse is lunacy.
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I wouldn't blame you. Let's hope we don't have another dumpster fire.
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Good thing game decisions aren't based solely on the top percentage of players, since a majority of the player base isn't there to begin with.
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Sounds like someone hasn't ever watched a competitive game with a good Blight. He has the best mobility in the game combined with really strong chase and some crazy addons (alchemist ring, speed addons, iri addons) which makes him absolutely the third best killer in the game. Despite the fact that his attack turns are only 30 degrees it can be increased up to a full 180. As long as the person that's playing him is really good then he's very powerful.
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Are people on this forum 10?
What the heck is with this discussions? Wait for the chapter to come out and then judge.
And people saying these teasers are too much? Every chapter before we got a straight leak or one short video (Not counting the cinematic). And now when they're trying something new, a bit longer hype train, people are complaining about this?
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lmfao ok buddy
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It's just that all the teasers are complete nonsense. At least it seems that way. If that's the killer she looks like a survivor. Weird kpop stuff. A phone conversation. It's like what the hell guys, bunch of nonsense. I'm more just disappointed that it's not licensed. The game needs a new license bad rn.
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Ghostface was/is good fun and pretty strong at times. Deathslinger is decent
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Teasers are there to build hype and create discussions and after looking at this forum and social media I’d say they’ve done their job, so they’re not nonsense at all lol.
Plus the game doesn’t need a licensed chapter, you just want one. There’s a difference.
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😭 why can't I kill survivors without Rin-chan
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Seeing how latest chapters have been nothing but complete blunders except Blight is normal to have a bad feeling for a new one.
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Yes, if viable is 3k 99% of games against swf with 5000 hours and easy 4k against solos
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It's a Korean recording artist. Not much to be excited about, especially not with the rocky release of The Twins, which still have not been fixed.
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easy to play and viable at the highest level are two different things you know that right? I wouldn't call killers like Oni, Slinger (JUST FOR THE AMOUNT OF COMPLAINING), Blight, and Pyramid Head unviable at the highest level. Twins was just a huge disappointment for how they made them sound prior to us knowing who it was (and they were weak).
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Now your making me have bad feelings
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Pretty much. I absolutely love Appraisal with Plunders.
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Nope- not viable against good teams.
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At base, both are m1 killers. They have to just take strong loops and survivors holding forward. Oni especially has to do a ton of work/put in time to get his power. Using time= not viable. The best killers (nurse and spirit) waste no time and can be aggressive immediately.
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Dude survivors have been messing me up bad with that fake I jumped in a locker perk lol
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I just get the feeling you have played blight once or twice and have done poorly so you can't fathom anyone else given the same tools can flourish that many levels above you.
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Because of the meta, the survivors and killers have been using the same handful of perks for years now. So if there is something new released it will be very unlikely that one of the new perks will be implented in build besides an experience factor.
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Can't say the teasers have thrilled me much.
Purple butterfly, rewinding tapedeck and some neon colourised silouhette.
I'd like to stay warily optimistic, but in truth am more not overly intrigued.
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It's gonna be filled with bugs, just like the whole entire game is.
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Well all updates have been exceptionally bad for 3 months straight, so that's probably why.
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I'm not expecting anything great, BHVR handles licences better as they have a far bigger company to please, imagine if they released Pyramid Head with the amount of bugs The Twins did. I'm sure the company that owns him would be pleased.