New idea for Generator Speed


Sorry for long post already

Well when I first see the game at videos from the professional players and others , I decided to bought it. I played like 290 h+ ( I gave some break during some time but dont remember when). I am usually rank 8-10 killer and 8-10 survivor which are green mostly. While I play killer most of the time I faced with red ranks. The problem is even with the pressure and the tactics that I saw there are some matches that the generators pop so fast. I played a match where even though I put pressure with the toolboxes,perks and etc... 4 gens pop less than 2 min. Dont get me wrong I know that there will be matches that "I will lose" which is fair and there are situations that I did not play well. But when 4 gens pop less than 2 min and there is no one hanged or one person be hanged it is quite pointless for the killer. I play the both side and I know that there are problems at both parts. Some maps are not balanced, there are swf(I am not talking about normal swf, I am talking about the ones that abuse all the resources and use any kinds of device for any means necessary).

For the survivor part I understand why they need to gen rush. Cause it's our job as survivor to escape as soon as possible. There are many bad killers that will tunnell,slug and camp you which are legit but not a good experience for the player. If you dont do gens and make dominance before some time, the killer will hang most of the team and you will probably lose or it will be a find the hatch game if you are lucky. I am not the greatest survivor but even though I play suck sometimes there are many matches that I escaped due to gen speed.

My point overall (I also talked with other players as both surv and killer main) is that due to gen speeds the killers have to tunnell,camps and etc... and for the survivors that do not want to experience it have to be gen rush which hurts the game as killer side. But if it is not in that way it will hurt the survivor side.

What to do for this problem?

Here is my idea for the solution. Normally one person can do the gens at 80 seconds without any device,perks and great skill results. I think that this time is quiet less especially when there is 7-9 generators which is easier to pop due to fact that killer has bigger area to patrol. So I was thinking that maybe there should be a system where generators time should decrease each time a generator is completed. What I mean is something like that;

Assume that we are at the match and it is started. The killer start patrolling and survivors are doing gens.

While there are 5 gens that needed to be completed the time of the generator completion can be 120 sec( They are just a number it can be lower-higher. I use them for an example). After 1 generator is completed the time will be 110 sec for example for the 4 gens and it will go so forth.

I think it is in my opinion that it will both be benefical for survivors and killers.

The mathematical part

Here is my idea for the gen speeds. For avg if we assume the 80 secs with 5 generator means that the survivor must spent 400 sec in avg. The new generator speeds can be like these;

5 gen left = 100 sec

4 gen left =90 sec

3 gen left = 80 sec

2 gen left = 70 sec

1 gen left = 60 sec

This time can be reduced or increased but I think that 400 sec is ok if it is divided like that.

Why benefical for killers?

Most of the killer needs pressure during the beginning of the match and with the increased gen time they can patrol easily at the maps. The killer will have more time to chase a survivor which will increase the overall excitement for the killer. Also the killer will have more map pressure.

Why benefical for survivor?

Especially at the late game when there are only 1 generator to finish and if the last remaining generators are close to the killer, it will be problematic for the survivors and the game will take longer times. But for each completed generator if they have reduced time system( For example the last gen will only took 60 sec) they will have more chance to escape by completing the generators. Moreover as the gen time reduced for each completed generator the survivor part will not be bored by the same action in my opinion cause it will be a shorter for the next gens.

I really want your opinion about this idea? Is it good or bad and why? As a community of the DBD I think that we should come up with ideas and support or improve each other's ideas.
