Being out played and dc ing

Dingo88 Member Posts: 219

Why can't people just accept and admit it when they get outplayed.

Was just in game and getting looped by someone who was more than happy to drop pallets on my head until I outplayed them and put them down they instantly dc'd which kinda made me giggle.

If you get outplayed don't dc as this hurts your entire team just accept the fact.

Same as these so called big ego pros that die on first hook abviousley you ain't that good if you don't relize that you dieing or dcing is gonna hit your team hard at least try and play rather than give up.

A killer can't chase four players and kick gens at the same time even if your chases only last a few seconds that's the killers attention away from gens it might not be a great amount of time but it's still progress.

The min you die or dc it makes it easier for killer as he now only has 3 people that can do gens.
