Hatch Re-work ideas

As a survivor main, there is nothing more infuriating than carrying the team, only to die on first hook because someone is hiding by hatch. I cannot imagine the frustration of the killer, when people escape via hatch with a generator left.
Could a hatch progress bar work? You need to contribute x amount of work inorder for the hatch to spawn. Say 80% of work load (gens and totems) have to be done or hatch won't spawn. The exception would be last survivor... the hunt for hatch can be fun.
Just an idea, which kinda nerfs keys.
I agree as both killer and survivor that the hatch is a horrible endgame system.
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If hatch doesn't spawn then the game could last far longer than it should.
In fact this is somewhat the way it used to be. The hatch wouldn't appear if one or no gens were completed with one survivor remaining. The game would become a boring find the last survivor hiding in a random corner simulator.
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I feel that if you were to change hatch you would have to also change the doors in some way since the doors aren't the most reliable option a lot of the time.
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Yes and no. If there was a visible progress bar you would realize you needed to get some work done or hatch wouldn't spawn.
As it stands now, games go on far too long because 2 people are waiting for the other to die so they can get hatch.
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See there are just games where you can't do that depending on how your team did as well as your interaction with the killer. Like i have had games where i did every save as no one else went for them, got chased right after, and then had to escape by hatch as the killer just got back to back downs. I think i literally only repaired a gen to half way my team in that game just sucked. Also i feel that it should always be an option, having a requirement means you might not be able to fulfill it for one reason or the other and if it doesn't spawn it would just extend the game even more.
the only thing that needs to be changed about the hatch is how it is opened with keys.
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I should have maybe used the term "hatch pre-spawn".
Or maybe each survivor has their own hatch progress bar? Keep the criteria as it is now, but if you're not pulling your weight hatch won't pre-spawn for you.
It would encourage more interaction with the killer, and encourage the killer not to camp hook.
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But that wouldn't fully fix your issue. You would still die if the other person has done 80% and find the hatch and you would still die on first hook. The only difference would be that you would know that that person did something...
I'll be honest, if I've been playing decently all game, unhooking, doing gens, totems and chases and I get hooked for the first time when there is only one more left and I see them crouching and getting up asking me to die so they get hatch, I try to make it as long as I can. That bastard is not coming to me on my first hook just because they found the hatch?
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my point was there really isn't a need for it
example 80% of a gen in nearly all games you can do that and still barely do anything. Then you can get games like mine where you just didn't have an opportunity to work on gens.
A progress bar would either be too easy to complete or too much, from experience 80% in a normal game even for those blendette players would be extremely easy.
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This is not theory but history. Putting a progress bar on it doesn't change that it didn't spawn. Now you are back to the way it was.
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I think hatch is important for end game, but I personally think it needs to be earned. Running the killer is earning an escape. Nothing sucks more than running the killer, getting caught and dying on first hook because your team mate is t-bagging on hatch.
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Hatch will still spawn, it just won't pre-spawn. If you want a pre-spawn, earn it... is kinda where I am going with this idea.
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Hatch should not automatically open np matter what for last survivor. I liked the old requirement of having at least a few gens done. If that happened it would be way better. I've had a number og games where I'd shut down a team on 5 gens and last survivor got Hatch by abandoning the team
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the condition isn't clear and i don't think it needs to be earned.
This a common argument and we both have a point as i think the last survivor should always have a chance to escape since the killer already won and you believe that the survivor needs to earn it which depending on how the game could have gone might not have been an option.
There are also people how thing hatch should just be removed, those people to me are just wrong and want to remove a good mechanic instead of being creative and offering a good solution since it would make getting the last kill easier.
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I did state the last survivor will have hatch spawn, that is vital. Hatch pre-spawn handicaps a player who still works towards the escape.
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I stopped playing survivor last moth because of a match where me and I got found immediately, ran the killer for a good minute while my friend popped a gen got downed had my friend loop him for another minute both of us got hooked and the two randoms were just sitting in two different corners of the map doin litterally nothing. Needless to say we both killed ourselves and I haven’t played survivor sience