Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

The Thing About Blight's Perks

If you got bored and somehow searched up my exact username and found a post I made a long ass time ago, you'll notice that I did this for the demo. I liked the feedback everyone gave so after a long time, I have finally decided to do it for all the killers. Current and future. Disclaimer these are my opinions and mostly just for fun and comedic value. If you have other ideas for balance or changes, comment them. Preferably nicely, but nonetheless, comment. Also a change I made from last time I did this is I changed it from "The problem with blah blah blah's perks" to, "the thing about so and so's perks" because not all killers are in demos situation, and desperately need perk buffs. Anyway, on with the opinion no one asked for.

If it wasn't obvious by my profile icon, I love the blight. Back when I started playing dbd, I looked into the shop to see these weird cosmetics called blight cosmetics. as an avid horror fan, I LOVE gore and as a nerd, I love lore. The blight events provided both of those, as the mutations from the blight serum tend to have some pretty gruesome effects unless your name is hillbilly or huntress. After the second blight event, releasing some awesome skins, there was also the little clip that all but confirmed a new killer centered around this fantastic event. few chapters later, we get the blight. What could his power be? perhaps slowly corrupting survivors with the serum? giving him immense buffs at a cost with his syringes? Nope. Pinball machine. Nevertheless I was hyped, and determined to learn to play this killer at any cost. but that's probably not why you're here. You're here to listen to my trash opinions and tell me why I'm wrong so let's do that.

Our "Average" height killer comes with his three unique perks, Dragons Grip, Hex: Undying, and Hex: Blood Favor. We'll start with Dragons Grip, which I see as a decent perk. DG activates when kicking a generator, and for 30 seconds, the next gen rusher to plant their ass on that gen gets startled by the killer leveling up the blight enough to get this perk teachable and screams, revealing to you that they left their rock they were hiding under and touched the gen, now being exposed for 60 seconds. This is probably his best perk, as good survivors are going to have to make a decision. do they tap that gen and get exposed possibly getting downed, or just let their precious gen regress for 30 seconds. I'll tell you now, the latter almost never happens. usually the way this perk goes down is touch, ah spooky generator now I can get bopped, and then, where tf u go. Other times everyone is injured and this perk gets no usage. I do believe it goes in good combo with pop, and doesn't need any real changes to it.

Next we actually get into the ranting with Hex: Undying. This perk used to be over powered, but now they should name it Hex: Fodder. Undying used to take your recently cleansed hex and stuff it down a dull totems throat if there were any. This however was too much for the deadharding, decisive striking, Object of attention seeking survivors, who couldn't handle having to cleanse ruin more than twice, so they changed it. Now, whenever a totem is cleansed, it's guaranteed to be undying first regardless, as now, the broken hex pops a cap in undying, and takes his spot on the map, or the survivors just break undying. This kinda sucks cause let's be honest is having to cleanse a hex perk an extra 3 times maximum really that bad? I mean survivors usually find your totems within the first 2 gens so I liked essentially being able to reroll your hex spots until someone finally wised up and smelled that the rock was cookin undying, or you got a good totem spot. I can see why they nerfed it, as it added a lot of Rng to a game. Only problem with that is if you're bringing hex perks you already suffer to rng, so what be the point. I think reverting the changes except for the dull totem reveal would be ok. Oh yeah, it also reveals auras of people by dull totems but it barely works.

Finally shorty over here has Hex: Blood Favor. This perk is stupid. Basically, we took cruel limits, lowered the radius, gave it a cooldown, made it dependent on your location, made it only affect pallets's a hex. Stir all those ingredients in with the fact cruel limits sucks and BOOM! Dog water. I'll admit blood favor can make for some pretty funny moments of survivors trying to slam a pallet in your skull and not realizing that the entity is saving that scrap of wood for his tree house until they're on the floor, but GOD if it isn't situational. Did I mention it activates when someone's injured? Cause it also activates when someone's injured. blocking a pallet that you don't need blocked, and giving you a nice taste of CoolDown™ The only drink for devs who need to make a perk less annoying. The fix for this is simple, change the name. Hex: Blood Favor doesn't roll of the tongue too well. I'm thinking something like....Blood Favor. Yeahhhh that's it. There is no reason for this perk to be a hex, other than to give new blights a reason to run the previous per, which in order to get usage, needs another hex to hold it's hand and walk down the beach with. I even think everything about the perk is balanced except for the hex perk. screw it, if that's too scary up the cool down a bit. At least then I can down Steve before the blendette clocks in to her job as chief totem finder and ruins my plans to exhale through my nose joyously as the survivors try to break my back with their precious slab of wood only to realize I brought Blood Favor.

That's about it for this one. What do you guys think though? Am I spot on with these changes as I was with demos, or am I an idiot who doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Tell me below which one, and you're suggested buffs or nerfs. If you enjoyed my rant, leave a comment on who's perks I should bury next. See you guys in the fog!
