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[PTB] Huge fps lag related to killer

Rullisi Member Posts: 392
edited September 2022 in Bug Reporting

It seems that whenever the killer stands still / isn't close by, the game is very smooth, just like before but when you're in a chase and the killer is running around, the game turns into like 20 fps. Haven't faced other killers yet to know if it's only this new killer causing it.

Post edited by Mandy on
1 votes

Answered · Last Updated

We have a specific section for PTB Bug Reports and this issue has already been acknowledged there, thank you.


  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    I also tried low settings, I normally play on ultra. A friend told me it also happened to them on low settings but it also doesn't seem to happen in the beginning of the match, only towards the end. I'll add to the report here if I find more evidence to what causes it.

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    The first game I had, we were on Léry's. I thought it was some other bug related to the map LoD or render distances being messed up as my game was really smooth when by exit gate and looking away but later in another match on older map coldwind farm we noticed the low fps again. I had 3rd game on Hawkins where I tried to really pay attention to it and I tried both low and ultra settings. It was all smooth but it got worse as game went on, whenever the killer was running.

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