The Thing About SWF


Sigh. third post of the day. I need to get a job. This isn't my usual ha ha funny guy makes fun of perks. No this is about me refreshing my forums constantly to see if anyone actually reads my comedic articles, only to see complaints about SWF, so now I'm gonna poke fun at that.

Let's get this out of the way now, saying that swf is overpowered and needs to give killers buffs or survivors nerfs is just plain annoying. Your basically ragging on some poor Dwight who just wanted to play with his friends. I saw a post that suggested that killers get a 10% movement speed buff to killers in a swf lobby. Why? Most killers have a movement speed for a reason and giving Trapper an energy drink isn't going to fix the fact that they can still talk through coms which is the main problem according to the whiny little killer mains. Dbd doesn't control discord or my phone bill, so coms are just going to be a thing. One of the large draws of dbd imo is the ability to play with friends, and for the first three matches I ever played, getting scared with them. It's a fun thing to be able to play with friends and expecting the devs to no longer allow that is gonna kill this game. Now don't peg me as a survivor main. I play both sides equally and have had my fair share of run ins with toxic swf. Problem is, they're probobly toxic in solo que too. Bottom line there's really nothing the devs can do about people having friends, so can we PLEASE stop the constant boo hoo I got brutal killer instead of merciless and just enjoy our new chapter?


  • Nosferatu3145
    Nosferatu3145 Member Posts: 542

    No one cares if people play with their friends, what people care is the advantage that playing with them give.

    And yes, Devs can do something about that, is called "balance the game"

  • IWFreak
    IWFreak Member Posts: 252

    This sounds about right.

    I personally always thought it would be good to buff Solo Queue, so it is a little more in line with SWF. This mostly in the form of info about the survs. Maybe make Kindred base kit for surv, without the killer aura. And then keep the killer aura as a perk. Just so the info survivors get is a little more in line with the info you could get with comms, like where everyone is and what they are doing.

    After that, it is also easier to balance killer, since the disparity between SWF and Solo is smaller.

    This is my take, at least.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 200

    I agree with you, seeing as I'm someone who pretty much only plays survivor with friends.

    We're (what I assume is) the most common type of 4-man SWF: a rainbow of ranks from 3 to 17.

    This results in some pretty awful matchmaking, where we're normally destroyed because the average of our ranks means two of the four are outmatched and die early, leaving the other two to struggle mightily. (Sure, sometimes we up against a rank 19 killer, or whatever, but more often we're matched with a red rank killer, despite only one of us being under rank 9.)

    But I disagree with the way you dismiss the value of communication for survivors.

    Comms are several free perks. I don't need Kindred because we can coordinate on unhooks. We don't need Bond, Empathy, Alert, etc, because we can tell each other everything. We never leave a gen to run across the map only to have someone hop off the hook with Deliverance. And who needs Open Handed when you don't need aura reading perks?

    A big part of the game is built on limiting information, and perks are meant to help with that, at the cost of a perk slot.

    And then there's the benefits of knowing things no perk could ever tell you: I know that my teammate is going to lead the killer towards shack, or whatever, so I can get out of there, work a different gen, etc. I get to know who the killer is and what perks and add-ons they have, before I ever see the killer. I know immediately if the killer has BBQ because the guy who is downed tells us if the killer looks around right after hooking him. Stealth killers are hugely nerfed because now he's not hiding from just one survivor, he has to hide from all four of us.

    Are those things that my mediocre team can put to full use? No, because we're not good enough; even with perfect information we're simply not good enough at the game to beat a good killer. But it's definitely useful. It helps us win, for sure.

  • SamuraiDragon27
    SamuraiDragon27 Member Posts: 105

    Fair enough. I'm not exactly saying that Comms aren't overpowered, It's more saying that the dev's can do nothing about survivors talking, so there's no use in constantly complaining about it. One of the reasons we're considered a toxic community by others is how much we whine. I'm 100% on swf being annoying. just 0% on complaining about something unlikely to get fixed y'know? But I'm just haha funny man. Don't take much of what I say to heart I suppose