Our new Survivor is a Killer and I love that

Yun-Jin is the only "Survivor" that has a blatant disregard for others. All of her perks are completely selfish and benefit her for letting her teammates suffer.
She's a bad ######### here for revenge and her self-interest. That's it. Yun-Jin even knew about The Tricksters murder sprees and simply didn't care enough to save lives.
"The fire. The murders on tour. It was him. It had always been him. And she had known from the start."
"No, she would not let him. He would pay. He would know her suffering."
"She smiled and welcomed the darkness within."
I think it's such a cool idea that a Survivor is in the Entity's realm with the ultimate goal of getting revenge on a Killer. She wasn't taken. She isn't trying to escape. She wants to be here. And she'll step on anyone who gets in her way regardless of which "side" they're on
We stan
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I hope we get more Survivors that are just utter scumbags.
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This is the reason I love her so much.
I honestly think she's the survivor with the most depth so far and she's defo becoming one of my mains.
This whole chapter in general was a win in my books
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I'm honestly really shocked it took this long. The whole "screw everybody else" type character is a super common thing in survival and horror movies, it is honestly baffling it took until the game's 25th Survivor to finally get one.
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Feng Min was probably the most selfish one before her introduction?
yeah but her lore is pretty cool and unique. I just hope she will get cool cosmetics on release, or at least recolors, because I am not a fan of the hair and That jacket or whatever you call it.
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And people say the devs don't pay any attention to the forums.
Most realistic Survivor yet.
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It is nice for them to not make perfect people, before the worst person was david cause he got in fights sometimes. This icon literally don’t give one.
I feel like it shows more about the entity and how it selects people. In a way, she kinda deserves it. Even if it is eternal damnation.
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I mean she definitely is more ruthless than the kind of Survivors we have so far, but that quote there is missing the context. She said "she knew" but it was more like she didn't want to believe it and was too horrified to admit the truth as opposed to just not caring one way or the other.
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That may be true but she was also very much okay with not taking any chance of damaging her career instead of sharing the info or suspicion she had with the police or anyone else. She could have even made that anonymously.
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Please see every Meg and Nea ever
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I guess they meant only lore.
because there are already way more scumbags playing survivor and it’s not only Megs and Neas either
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So leave every Yun-Jin on the hook. Got it.
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Big true don't forget about the claudette's too. :)