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Being forcibly removed from games because of an error

Kignus Member Posts: 1

This has happened to me multiple times now and it's making the game practically unplayable -

Validated my files plenty of times, seems to only be happening when switching from different game versions, I.E after patches and when switching from the PTB back to Live.

Platform is, obviously, PC. - Not sure if the region makes that big of a difference but it's EU West

Unable to launch the game until I validate my files and then it prompts me to validate my files again after about 3-4 games / 1 hour of playtime.

I lose the bloodpoints that I would've gained from that match, I lose a pip, I lose everything I brought into the trial (add-ons / offerings) and I get a DC penalty. Didn't realise it gave me a DC penalty until like the third or fourth time when it stacked up to about half an hour or so.

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