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I think ppl are missing why other ppl don't think the trickster belongs in dbd

Terro Member Posts: 1,171
edited March 2021 in General Discussions

There's clearly something that bugs ppl about the trickster and he's very different from the other killers. Some ppl might point at the tricksters clothes, hair, attitude or whatever. Others have rightfully pointed out reasons why that doesn't make sense.

Personally, I think the "problem" with the trickster is that he feels like just a normal villain. Not a horror killer. There's a reason why ppl memed hey look pagan min is in this game or said he reminds me of the Joker. Don't get me wrong , they're good characters. They're scary if you met them irl, have horrifying lore and brutally kill people but you should understand why ppl think they don't belong in dbd. It also opens the door to having other villains in the game.


  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171
    edited March 2021

    None of this has much to do with what I'm talking about. I'm saying the trickster feels like a typical villain. I'm not saying that horror movies can't have normal looking or flashy people.

    You can make a horror movie with a guy running around beating someone to death with a spoon for all I care. He'd still feel more like a horror movie character than the trickster.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927
    edited March 2021

    I mean...have you seen Deathslinger? He's just a guy with a gun. He doesn't even feel like he'd fit into a horror film. More like a villain from a western. At least this guy fits into east Asian horror tropes. Aside from ghost stories, of course.

  • Rescultir
    Rescultir Member Posts: 185
    edited March 2021

    You won't convince me that a K-Pop character is more terrifying than an FNAF Animatronic. I'd take the Animatronic.

    I would have even preferred the Joker over this K-Pop weeb. There are other killers they could have tried to add a long time ago but they wanted to stick to a "theme" with this killer being released they might as well throw their "theme" dream out the window. I will not buy this killer nor will I accept him into the DBD universe because I STRONGLY disagree with the way the devs went on this.

    Post edited by Rescultir on
  • DrStone
    DrStone Member Posts: 132

    You're not even making sense. You started this discussion by saying the Trickster doesn't belong in DbD and then can't even tell us why you feel like that. You just hide behind the questions: is it his clothes? His hair? His attitude? We'll never know I guess?

    And then you say that someone with a freaking spoon would be a better fit than him? What ...

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    When I've seen suggestions about adding a fnaf chapter, I've been thinking this people are massively trolling and it's obvious we never get it in dbd, because it doesn't fit into dbd at all. But dbd going wider and wider in killers admissibility. So it makes fnaf chapter more an more possible after every new killer release. I don't really know how I feel about it.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    It's very simple. There's no single part of the tricksters character that you can point to that says he's a horror killer nor a single part that I can point to that makes him not a horror character. It's just him as a whole that doesn't quite fit with dbd to some ppl. My assumption is that the trickster sticks out as just a villain.

    Ppl trying to play gotcha with different characters isn't really working either when it's not the point cuz I can easily point to thousands of characters that probably don't fit in dbd just cuz they're psychotic. But if you want to add in a character like evil superman, Chara from Undertale, a random sith lord, Nishiki from Yakuza 1, etc.

    Also, I think you're mixing up scary and psychotic to mean horror themed. Those don't necessarily go together.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    I'd say people dislike him because he's flashy, but the real problem is what impression he's cementing

    The game is at a point where the 'new chapter every quarter brings new killer and surv with three perks each' formula isn't oanning out anymore. Yet the devs insist on it, much to the harm of the game and the community. If the meadow's flooded you'll drown your cows, no matter how green it was a year ago, as the saying goes.

    The new killer is a more imbalanced and weaker version of what you could get if you combine huntress, legion and deathslinger. There's a sense of lack of inspiration, something that has already been present with the past events, challenges and cosmetics. it feels he's there because it'll draw attention and 'hopefully' new customers in the form of kpop fans.

    All in all the new chapter feels (not necessarily is ) like proof that the devs are definitely out of ideas and really ought to look into new ways of making money from the game.

  • DrStone
    DrStone Member Posts: 132

    I love his aesthetic and design, makes him really unique.

    But I agree with the power. There's a bit of a disconnect. And I feel like it's been that for a while now. This is why I much more prefer licensed chapters. Because I know that the killer will have a really strong base from which they can build an interesting mechanic.

    Still love the Trickster, simply because he's different and I love his eccentric attitude. I do wish his power was different but oh well. Still gonna try him out.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I wouldn’t consider the deathslinger a horror villain but seemingly no one has a problem with him?

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    Well to me he does. Something about his look reminds me of those creepy superstitious and religious old West stories. Plus, I've played red dead redemption: undead nightmare.

  • amoran19
    amoran19 Member Posts: 3

    Honestly this game isn’t that scary aside from the sneak killers. Sure you can classify this as a horror game, but frankly it’s survivor vs killer. who cares if this killer isn’t “scary”.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    The Trickster feels like he belongs in an Action FPS, not a horror game.

    While each of the mentioned Killers are basically normal people with a twisted background, they also represent common phobias and horror themes that are well known. The Trickster doesn't really fit that. He's got a nasty back story, and solid lore, but he doesn't fit into anything recognizable as a horror theme, other than his story.

    If they wanted more Asian cultural influences, they could've done a whole lot better, imo at least. There's 1000s of years of folklore and culture they could've drawn from, instead they went with something that will pull in more money and more consumers. Makes good sense from a money standpoint, but I'd rather have seen some of the more interesting cultural nasties from Asian countries come to life in the game.