How does colourblind mode work?

I was officially diagnosed as colourblind as a child, I’ve done some tests online recently to find out exactly what type I had and it’s moderate-strong Deuteranopia.

If I turn the Deut mode on low I see the colors in the bar look different but in game not much. If I whack it up to full then scratch marks are actually easier to see on Ormond ground textures. (I’ve been running around with Fixated to test) They light up pretty bright. I never had an issue seeing auras or status bars before but everything “pops” now, like it’s glow in the dark.

I guess my question is how bright should scratchmarks actually be? Is this brighter than they are meant to be? Or was I seeing them a bit dimmer than everyone else for years?

The colours are off at full Deut, red bars now look light orange. Its strange but maybe I could get used to this. I’m just experimenting and trying to find the best balance and settings for myself.

I really appreciate this new mode though it’s legit one of my favourite things about the new ptb. I haven’t got to test it as killer much due to the queue times but I’m looking forward to seeing if this makes blood stains easier to spot, right now in the live version its only easy to see on light concrete floors like what meat plant had or maybe shack textures but again I have no idea how easy/hard blood is meant to be to see in the game. I don’t want to crank up settings just to have an advantage ya know? That’s why I’m curious.

I have no idea why this wasn’t added years ago it’s great. It’s just a shame that Blendettes still remain chameleons.



  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,579

    If you have deuteranopia, yes you were mostly likely not seeing the scratchmarks they way they should have been seen before, for example people with that type of colour blindness will really struggle to see red on dark backgrounds in particular - it can all look like a muddy brown, so with that particular filter turned on it should be viewable the way it's designed to be seen.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    Thanks for that. I've been experimenting with blood too, not sure if that has been touched but it looks easier to spot? I didn't have any swamp offerings sadly to see how the scratchmarks look on muddy textures but they are far clearer on autohaven and ormond. This is definitely the best feature of the PTB in my opinion.