Adam Francis

Should I grind Adam Francis for Deliverance? Or is it not worth it?
It IS a good perk but if you run deliverance the game deliberately spawns you directly next to the killer.
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I would say so yes. It have great synergy with DS and Breakdown and saves your team time. But you got to make sure your not hooked first.
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I don't think deliverance is worth it tbh.
But grind him if you like playing as him.
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It's a great perk but just make sure that someone else runs it so there's a 50/50 chance of them getting the Deliverance Curse and spawning inside the killer.
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Yes. Every time I run deliverance the killer is right next to me. I feel like the game does it deliberately to spite me.
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It depends on what perks you already have. I use Deliverance very rarely but it has actually been the difference between me escaping or dying on hook. I feel like you honestly need DS for it to be worth using consistently, though. If you are somewhat new to the game I would not recommend grinding for Adam yet until you get some more perks. For me perks that can get use every game are the best ones, sometimes you won't be able to get Deliverance to work at all.
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Don’t forget autodidact too. Very niche but fun perk
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I ran an altruistic build with deliverance a lot last week and I kid you not I got a whole three matches where I wasn't found first and chased for the majority of the match.
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I would argue slippery meat is a better perk than deliverance.
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I use slippery meat when I just start grinding out a character
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Im not a new player I have grinded many other characters for their perks. Adam francis is like the only person with good perks who I have not grinded.
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Then feel free to go for it. It's fun enough of a perk to get.
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Why would y’all discuss Deliverance and mention Autodidact but you are missing on one of the best perks in the whole game??
namely Pebble... uh I mean Diversion!