Licensed Killer Ideas

So a lot of people post about licensed killers they really want in DbD so i decided to create a post about the chapter I'd want the most, Cry of Fear.

In terms of who the survivor could be, the most obvious answer is Simon, the protagonist you play as in Cry of Fear. However there is just as much of an argument for him to be the killer rather than a survivor. He murders someone in every single ending of Cry of Fear and has outwardly violent thoughts in 3/4 of the endings. If you ask me, the Real Simon should be made the survivor, with his red jumper and unkempt facial hair design, while the Book Simon should be the killer, with the grey hoodie and blood splatters and contortions we see on him when you fight him in the "good" ending of Cry of Fear.

So we've got the killer and survivor, now we need to figure out what the killers power would be. My main idea is for Simon to have his journal that details the events you play through in Cry of Fear, that can be used to summon some of the main enemies from the game. He could possibly deploy them on interaction points for survivors such as generators, pallets, windows and lockers, and these monsters would make it far more difficult or costly for survivors to use these interaction points. This killer version of Simon could also possibly have a secondary power which allows him to project Sawrunner, the most iconic enemy from Cry of Fear, and use him like a ranged attack. Sawrunner would have to be included in any Cry of Fear chapter, however the issue is that he is a deformed humanoid with a chainsaw that runs fast. Seeing as we already have 2 of those as fully fleshed killers, Sawrunner would have to be an aspect of the killer power rather than his own fully fleshed out killer.

In terms of the killers teachables, they would likely all be direct debuffs to the survivors to reflect Simon's destructive tendencies towards others. Likely ways of hindering repair speeds, looping abilities and most likely a method of inflicting the exposed status effect.

In terms of survivor perks, they would likely be somewhat aggressive and likely a method of directly hindering the killer to reflect Simon's resilience and unwillingness to simply be killed by 'monsters' in his Book world. These would include some method of stunning the killer, a flashlight based perk and potentially even a new exhaustion perk.

When it comes to the map, there's quite a few options. The forest area, the asylum, Simon's hometown, the apartments etc. However I believe the best option would be the city of Stockholm itself. There could be various broken down cars, loops made of brick or metal and possibly even an underground subway section of the map, similar to the one found in Cry of Fear.