Open Handed?

So Open Handed was supposed to get buffed last patch, but it didn't anyway, so I'm confused why the buff didn't come this match? Didn't they have time to do a simple number change between these two patches?
I think it did they just didn’t change the description
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Yeah very disappointing. People pointed out how if more than one survivor brought it then it was wasted, which is a fair criticism. But instead of taking that info and tweaking the perk further apparently they just decided to completely give up and move on.
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Now if only they did that for the ui...
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Ah yeah, that's a valid point I didn't think of.. maybe they've been postponing the buff to find a secondary effect, which would be nice.
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As a player who never takes off Kindred, I'm really looking forward to the Open Handed change and I'd be a bit bummed if they don't go through with it. :/
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Not surprised they forgot about this, I'm guessing they're working on the aura reading of it with Kindred to not make it to powerful.