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which survivor?

I'm kinda new to DBD so can anyone help me choose a survivor? I really like Feng,Jane and Nea but I'm not sure who is more worthy


  • ryankickassrb
    ryankickassrb Member Posts: 46

    It depends on the playstyle you want, looks or perks?

    If you want a survivor based on looks? Go for one of the older ones Dwight -> Kate, those have the best cosmetics and in my opinion the best character design. I would avoid licensed characters if the amount of cosmetics available matters to you as these characters are highly unlikely to get cosmetic drops but the stranger things cast has a good selection.

    For perks, the most meta characters at the moment are Bill and Laurie with the most meta perks. But out of your three, they all rely on different playstyles. Feng (The character I main) are built around being like a Lone Wolf: Alert will show you where the killer is, Technician lets you stay on a generator (especially when you mess up) and Lithe helps you get away if you can jump through a safe window. Alert and Technician paired together help you decide if you should commit to a gen or run away.

    With Jane, Head On and Poised are both really good perks. Solidarity not so much as things like Botany, Desperate Measures and leader are far better. Head On is really good at P-ing off killers so if you want to ambush a killer, especially a locker dependent one (Huntress and Trickster) or even as a desperate escape hop in a locker and wait three seconds and you can stun the killer. Poised can help you set up the ambush or hide your presence if that's the style you want.

    Nea is more of a stealthy character, with a focus on getting ######### done and go. Urban evasion can help you sneak around a rock quick enough (but please don't urban across the map!) and balanced landing is very helpful on those maps with drops like Haddonfield, Midwich, etc. If you're on a high up ledge, repairing a gen, you can finish it and then be gone within seconds or you can also use it as a way to quickly escape the killer thanks to reducing the stagger from falling.

    My recommendation is getting the perks you want to play with first unlocked. So if that means levelling up Meg to get sprint burst, do it. Survivors all look the same and play the same (with a few differences like breathing and injuries) but trust me if you keep the character you want to main at a low prestige/level, once you get the teachable you want it makes it so much easier to get them on your main. Rather than digging through 50+ bloodwebs because the perk isn't showing up cause you learned all the other teachables at the same time.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,403

    Feng is a good start. With Lithe you have an exhaustion perk which helps you in chase, Alert shows you were the killer is and Technician helps with not alerting the killer when you cant hit skill checks.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Jane is a lot of fun but I’d leave her for Kate. Windows is a god send of beginners

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Dwight is a good choice honestly. He has some perks that are pretty good and perks that are team based which will help you a lot in the game starting out.

    Now out of the 3 you mentioned I did Nea but I'd recommend Feng. I really like lithe myself

  • Satelit
    Satelit Member Posts: 1,377
    edited March 2021

    Feng's perks are really starter friendly so I'd suggest you go with her

    Also important tip,DO NOT use Self-care from Claudette,it's a trap many new players fall into.

  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    Theyre all just skins aside from teachable perks. That being said, the female models do have slightly smaller hit boxes so theres also that if youre looking to use every advantage possible. Though its near negligible.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,860

    David King should be your first. He's free and he has a perk called We're Gonna Live Forever. This perk gives you extra bloodpoints for doing altruism plays like unhooking or taking protection hits. As a new player, you'll need a lot bloodpoints.